Quote Originally Posted by jessica129
This reminds me of one of my relationships. My guess is, he's completely oblivious to how "detached" he is and how much stress it's putting on you. My last relationship, I was perfectly content and thought everything was going fine until one day the "you're a cold, unemotional bitch. Leave me alone." speech came along. lol. My ex went on to tell me how much a stress it was for him to constantly have to be the one to keep things going. I was completely shocked to say the least. Frankly, if you let this keep festering and don't come out and say it to him directly, I don't see how you can get upset with him...so many times my ex would keep important issues from me for so long until it built into a huge problem that couldn't be fixed. He was so afraid of conflict. I'd much rather have a fight with someone than sit quietly and pretend things are fine. I ended up hating that part about him. Don't hold things back just because you're afraid of the reaction. For me, unless you come out and say what's wrong, I wont know. If you nip this in the butt soon and just say exactly what you want and put the cards on the table, maybe there's chance he'll change.
Just block out everything a person says during a breakup b/c it's of course everything emphasized *1000000000