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    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    Default Type This Person

    Oh my goodness, I hope he doesn't see this, but anyway, here are some details concerning a person of unknown type.

    He has a page on Deviantart (http://suv --backspace the "suv" and "ok" together). I'll break copyright law and post some its content directly below:

    Q:What do you do to relax?

    I lay on the floor, it is quite humbling.

    Fueled by emotions
    The feeling to satisfy desire
    Does it make sense
    Irrationally it does

    Great things could be done
    Mountains could be moved
    But at what risk
    But at what price

    The question here is
    Is irrational action better than no action at all?
    Only the irrational know
    Boggling the rational

    So what say you?
    To be understood

    the foundation of cooperation
    creates diversity, change and growth
    This on a group scale

    The individual, the intimacy
    How easy is understanding?

    To make sense in another person's eyes
    An epic that meets no other understanding

    How does one find it?
    How does one know it exists?

    Perhaps logic, perhaps love

    You won't know until you are understood
    The Decider

    To rule a kingdom
    Choices to be made
    Are they the right ones

    Now they may be
    But what does the future hold
    Will the people survive
    Will the people suffer

    It is up to the decider
    The one who protects a nation
    The one whor provies for its people

    Making decisions is not easy
    How sweet idleness tastes
    A call to action is the only option
    When one is the decider
    He has a belly somewhat large, and frequently discloses his chest hair. Almost always, even during the scorching days of summer, he wears a plain red sweatshirt, a ballcap-like hat with a scarlet skull upon it, and a pair of brownish almost-dress-pants.

    Here is an old picture of him:

    He is always ready to watch the television program "30 Rock." He also greatly enjoys the Star Trek franchise, so much so that he considers that terrible first contact movie, whatever it's called, to be one of his favorites (I'm sure he will kill me if he reads that). He is also very fond of those superhero movies like Captain America, Thor, and whatever; and he is always faintly outraged by my lack of willingness to prepare myself for them by watching their prequels.

    He says he took a test that called him an ENFp. He agreed with the assessment (and I didn't).

    He is generally very quiet, and expresses little emotion, so much so that he can appear unfriendly and almost intimidating.

    He has divided his personality up into distinct facets, each of which has a name. One of them is called Lucifer.

    An elevated mood on his part will sometimes cause minor electrical outages.

    He values playing video games in only his underwear.

    His Enneagram type is likely 9w8, 8w9, or 5w4.

    He seems to take pride in and to derive special enjoyment from his skill at placing objects on store shelves in an orderly fashion. When he spots an object off its proper shelf, he feels a strong compulsion to pick it up and put it in its correct place. He doesn't understand why people do that, he says, pointing at a package of peanuts abandoned in the bread aisle.
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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    What you say lines up with his numerology... a logical/sensing type but could be intuitive.

    Your Birth Day number is 26
    You have a good sense of money and a talent for business. Your approach to business is original, creative and daring. You possess sound judgment and need to be in charge of whatever you are doing. You are a good manager and organizer. You have a gift for seeing the larger view, but may neglect the details. You are efficient and can handle large projects, enterprises, or businesses.

    You are a realist, self-confident, practical, and highly ambitious. Your challenge is to maintain a balance between your material goals and the fundamental human qualities of understanding, compassion and love. Your business life can cause you to become callous and jaded toward others. Do not let the dog-eat-dog attitude become your only means of looking at life. All people have talents and karmic burdens - maintain gratitude for all that you have been given, and share it with others to the extent that you are able. You can be very diplomatic and tactful. You prefer to get things done by persuasion rather than force.

    You are dependable and have high expectations of yourself. You have a need for status and may show off the fruits of your labor with an impressive car or house. You can easily overdo such ostentatiousness, and may appear showy in the eyes of others.

    You are proud of all you possess. You like to be complemented. You have strong character, but may be domineering and bossy. You have little patience with weakness, be it your own or someone else's. You have to be careful not to be discouraged too easily. Life will test your resolve and your willingness to get up off the floor after being knocked down. But you possess the strength and courage to succeed over any difficulty. You do not express your feelings much. It is hard for you to give up the past. You are generous and willing to help in a crisis. You can be philanthropic and a pillar of your community.

    [after reading this i am more resolved to limiting how much i expose my friends and family on public forums]

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  3. #3
    Reficulris's Avatar
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    He has divided his personality up into distinct facets, each of which has a name. One of them is called Lucifer.
    That's stupid, i'm here, i can't possibly be a baby-giraffe and part of his personality at once....

  4. #4
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Man, I knew I saw the guys pic before. It took me two seconds to find some of his personal info.

    [my beta values have me feeling so uncomfortable right now but curiosity wins every time]

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  5. #5
    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    The numerology profile has some commonalities with his personality, but some parts of it stand out as being totally different from him:

    You have a need for status and may show off the fruits of your labor with an impressive car or house. You can easily overdo such ostentatiousness, and may appear showy in the eyes of others. [...] may be domineering and bossy. You have little patience with weakness, be it your own or someone else's.
    He has a quiet strength about him, and seems to think of himself as being something of a leader, but I wouldn't call him domineering, much less bossy. And he doesn't really care about material possessions other than PCs and video game disks.

    Interestingly enough, he did once own a business, but it fell through.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen
    Man, I knew I saw the guys pic before. It took me two seconds to find some of his personal info.
    Yikes, are you saying you know him from somewhere else? If so, that's a pretty crazy coincidence that's going to be shaking my already unsteady conception of reality. (The strangest things have been happening to me for such a long time now.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen
    [my beta values have me feeling so uncomfortable right now but curiosity wins every time]
    Yes it does. Privacy is, after all, in its last death throes, these days.

    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris
    That's stupid, i'm here, i can't possibly be a baby-giraffe and part of his personality at once....
    Maybe one of his split personalities has split personalities.

  6. #6
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    I don't know him personally. I saw his pic before, locally. That is probably what made me feel so weird.

    If he was born in 1986 he is

    Life Path Master Number 22

    22 is considered the most powerful of all the numbers. Those with a Life Path number 22 have great spiritual understanding, and ability to apply knowledge in a practical way and achieve enormous success.

    This is the number of the Master Builder and those with a 22 in their chart are able to turn your dreams into a reality. You are a great visionary and have the intuitive insights of the 11, combined with the practical nature of the 4, . If not practical, someone with this number can waste their potential. This individuals' goals are outside of their personal self as this person strives to serve the greater good of humanity.

    The downside of those with a Life Path number 22 would stem from the Challenges for someone with this number in being overwhelmed by their own potential, and fear of failure, and although they can be determined, they may at times seem dictatorial, insensitive, and overbearing.

    It can take someone with this number well into their adulthood before they manifest their dreams because they have to go through trials, and learning experiences before they mature enough to incorporate their true calling in their life.

    Those following Life Path of 22 are called master teachers, and as mentioned they are the most powerful of the life path numbers, endowed with many powers, and a unique talent for manifesting ideas into the realm of reality. Below are some key points you might want to take into consideration to help you on your path …

    Your thoughts have incredible power, so be careful what you focus on, because it will more than likely appear in your life, whether you like it or not. You are a classic case of "be careful what you wish for."

    Don't let yourself become obsessed with the ease of acquiring "stuff." Part of your lesson is to put your effort into the things that matter. You may also have to learn how to let go of the things that don't matter.

    Keep yourself organized. You will make yourself crazy if you don't. Have a place for everything. That goes for your bookkeeping, as well.

    It's not easy to go through life thinking of yourself as a teacher. You are one, whether you like it or not. You will influence people just by being around them. You are not teaching behavior or something concrete. Teach peace of mind and contentment in the present. Teach by example...


    If ever there was a moment of total transformation, it was the moment of your
    birth. In that instant, you stepped through a door in time into a new reality -- the
    reality of human life. The most important number in your numerology chart is
    based on the date of your birth, the moment when the curtain goes up in your life.
    Even at that moment, you were a person with your own unique character, as
    unique as your DNA. Everything that is you existed in potential, much like a play
    that is about to begin. Your entire life exists as a potential that has been prepared
    for. Ryan, you have ultimate freedom to do with your life as you like: To fulfill its
    potential completely, or to make some smaller version of yourself. It all depends
    upon your effort and commitment. You make the decisions to fulfill, to whatever
    extent, the potential life that exists within you. That is your choice. In this sense,
    the possible you is implicit during the moment of your birth.
    The Life Path number gives us a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges,
    and lessons we will encounter in this lifetime. Your Life path is the road you are
    traveling. It reveals the opportunities and challenges you will face in life. Your Life
    Path number is the single most important information available in your Personality

    , you were born under the most powerful and potentially the most
    successful of all Life Path numbers. It offers you the extremes of life's
    possibilities: on one hand, you have the potential to be the Master Builder, the
    person capable of perceiving something great in the archetypal world and
    manifesting it in the relative world; on the other hand, you can slip into the depths
    of obscurity, achieving little more than personal support.
    Your power is delicate. It exists by virtue of your ideals and vision, which you
    must use to inspire others to join you in your dream. Only by marshaling
    collective forces are you able to bring together the necessary elements -- people,
    ideas, resources -- that will enable you to realize your goals.
    Consequently, your Life Path is one requiring dramatic evolution. By being able
    to integrate seemingly conflicting characteristics within yourself -- your inspiring
    vision and your natural tendency toward practicality, for example -- you develop
    the talent to deal effectively with a great variety of people. This allows you to
    understand and unite many differing people toward a single goal, melding them
    into a concerted whole. Your task in life is to unite the dream with the bottom line.
    In short, you are the visionary with your feet on the ground.
    You are good at business and politics. You naturally understand large
    institutions, and have the ability to think and act on an international scale.
    You are gifted with uncommonly sound common sense. You are able to see
    the beauty and potential in a given idea, but also the practical methods that will
    bring it to fruition. Somehow, you understand the limitations of ideas -- what will
    work and what will not. This is an intuitive gift that can evaluate possibilities on the
    basis of their practicality.
    While in many aspects the 22 is the most promising number, it is also the
    most difficult to live up to. , you have a great ambition, which can be a most
    difficult master, driving you to accomplish all that you are capable of.
    You are a steady partner in any relationship. You offer sound advice and
    consistent emotional support. You do not suffer from flights of fancy, and naturally
    resist the emotional heights. You are unconventional in thought and action, but
    tend to be traditional in appearance. You avoid airs and pretension.
    , your challenge is to share your vision and allow others to make their
    personal contributions. That requires flexibility on your part, perhaps your weakest
    characteristic. You often lack faith in the ability of others. Therefore, you tend to
    control people and situations, sometimes tempted to manipulate.
    In the end, you must learn to surrender to the larger cause that you serve. The
    final result may be quite different from your original vision, but with faith and
    commitment you will make an enduring impact on the world.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  7. #7
    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen
    I don't know him personally. I saw his pic before, locally. That is probably what made me feel so weird.
    Oh my goodness, that is truly bizarre, both in itself and in light of some other things. . . . You see, ever since I met the subject of this thread, there have been some strange occurrences in my life. I can't be too specific about them, because it would probably be dangerous, but I will say that my sense of reality has repeatedly been challenged over the course of the past year. So severe were these challenges, in fact, that I was twice hospitalized. With visions, terrible, terrible visions. Ever since then, I've known what lies behind the veil of reality.

    Oh poop, my life path is 7, as it turns out. I don't like being called scientific, and I'm too fond of other people to appreciate being thrown down the road of a loner. I guess that's why I can't find a lover--fate has decided my nose ought to be stuck in a textbook all the time or pressed up against a Wikipedia article.

    I can believe that his life path is 22. I wish it weren't, because I want to be the one who has all of the power over reality. Well, that explains why he wants to build and govern his own country, I think it was. Yes, he wants to be a king, although I think he would find that word too high-and-mighty in its implications. He also wants to be programmer, to judge by a book I saw in his possession. It was called 4-D Programming, a title that gave me a real start for reasons I can't elaborate on.

    He says that he would like to be the captain of a star ship--I suppose one of those strong and silent captains who never flinch when an alien appears. He also wants to be an astronomer, which I always thought was a terribly superficial field of expertise, until recent insights into the nature of reality changed my mind. It really could be that our fates are tangled up with the stars and planets.

    Let's see, what else can I say, at the moment? Well, I'd guess he might be an LII--he seems to value Ne and Si, and I don't see a trace of Ni in him. He's very concerned about scheduling things in a way that seems highly logical to me, not at all intuitive.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    Oh my goodness, that is truly bizarre, both in itself and in light of some other things. . . . You see, ever since I met the subject of this thread, there have been some strange occurrences in my life. I can't be too specific about them, because it would probably be dangerous, but I will say that my sense of reality has repeatedly been challenged over the course of the past year. So severe were these challenges, in fact, that I was twice hospitalized. With visions, terrible, terrible visions. Ever since then, I've known what lies behind the veil of reality.

    Oh poop, my life path is 7, as it turns out. I don't like being called scientific, and I'm too fond of other people to appreciate being thrown down the road of a loner. I guess that's why I can't find a lover--fate has decided my nose ought to be stuck in a textbook all the time or pressed up against a Wikipedia article.

    I can believe that his life path is 22. I wish it weren't, because I want to be the one who has all of the power over reality. Well, that explains why he wants to build and govern his own country, I think it was. Yes, he wants to be a king, although I think he would find that word too high-and-mighty in its implications. He also wants to be programmer, to judge by a book I saw in his possession. It was called 4-D Programming, a title that gave me a real start for reasons I can't elaborate on.

    He says that he would like to be the captain of a star ship--I suppose one of those strong and silent captains who never flinch when an alien appears. He also wants to be an astronomer, which I always thought was a terribly superficial field of expertise, until recent insights into the nature of reality changed my mind. It really could be that our fates are tangled up with the stars and planets.

    Let's see, what else can I say, at the moment? Well, I'd guess he might be an LII--he seems to value Ne and Si, and I don't see a trace of Ni in him. He's very concerned about scheduling things in a way that seems highly logical to me, not at all intuitive.
    My life path is also 7. I just read your own typing thread and I kept thinking man this person is IEI, I can understand every word they say. I may have more to say about the rest later....

    No one understands the psyche of a 7 nearly as well as another 7. This is an excellent combination of two people who take life's mysteries seriously. With the right attitude, you will happily explore the world, or spend quiet days in solitude together. This is a beautiful pairing with potential for spiritual growth for both partners, and one where the term "soul mates" often applies.
    Hah well you get the point, I'm sure.. the compatibility of numbers in numerology, unfortunately, seem as romanticized as duals in socionics.

    Also "scientific" is not the first thing that comes to mind when I think of 7 life path.

    Edit: People have no power over you unless you allow it.
    Last edited by Aylen; 05-10-2014 at 05:26 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  9. #9
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    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  11. #11
    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen
    My life path is also 7. I just read your own typing thread and I kept thinking man this person is IEI, I can understand every word they say.
    The coincidences just keep piling on. My, my . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen
    Also "scientific" is not the first thing that comes to mind when I think of 7 life path.
    That's a slight relief, as there are very few things that could possibly insult me more than being compared with the average scientist. I'm still terribly depressed by my life path, though. I should have been an 11. That would have been glorious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen
    People have no power over you unless you allow it.
    That's true. On the other hand, being alive is like being strapped into a malfunctioning roller coaster. Sometimes the maintenance crew comes to the rescue, but sooner or later they decide to stand back and watch you splatter your brains all over the place.

    Quote Originally Posted by darya
    : P

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa
    I'll go over the SEE profile on Wikisocion and italicize what doesn't match and underline what does.


    SEEs have a high awareness of their social surroundings and of the social influence or "weight" of different people. They are naturals at concentrating social attention on themselves or on anyone else they bring into the limelight. They rarely hesitate to take action in social situations.

    SEE has a very sharp understanding of people's attitude towards his suggestions, as well as their mood in general. The primary method of implementation for the SEE's goals is changing people's attitudes to be more in line with his own towards a certain objective.

    The SEE is always present in the here and now. An SEE knows exactly which relations he has influence over at the moment, and exactly how much influence he has (i.e. how far can he "push"). If an SEE wants someone that he does not "have", he can spend lots of time thinking about how to get it. The SEE finds it hard to be content with what he has.

    SEEs are quick to notice confrontational behavior. It is very obvious to an SEE when someone is displaying aggression, even in the most subtle passive-aggressive fashion. Confrontational behavior does not phase the SEE, whether his reaction is to respond with confrontation or hostility himself, creating an outwards appearance of indifference and unimpressiveness, or trying to calm down the offender/make them feel guilty. The various means available to the SEE to achieve the above goals are not nearly as important to the SEE as the end.

    The SEE is motivated on some level in all of his affairs towards his goal of exclusiveness. He prefers to be in as high of a position of demand and respect as possible. It fills the SEE with joy to be have many different people competing for his attention and affection. Such a scenario reassures the SEE with the fact that he has been doing things right and that his hard work has paid off. Thus the SEE is often found surrounded by a large circle of friends and romantic interests.

    An SEE views material objects as well as people in terms of how they can be used to achieve his goals. Upon losing a superficial friendship or a materialistic object, the SEE is sentimental only in terms of how it affects what he is currently striving for. For example, SEE would not see much point in being in the middle of the nowhere by himself with lots of gold and other showy yet useless objects. These things might only be important to him in regards to how they make other people think about him, or how it would indicate his status.

    With extroverted sensing as his base, the SEE would much prefers to be a "go getter," out doing things as opposed to thinking about what he could be doing.

    An SEE usually knows exactly how to make other people feel a certain way. This ability increases its power dramatically the more time he spends with a person. He can offer genuine, believable praise to an individual he wants to reward, and likewise can make a person very upset and/or ashamed in themselves. However, if an offender changes their ways in favor of the SEEs point of view, the SEE will be quick to reward the offender with praise, and appreciation, treating them like a good friend. Moral ground to an SEE completely depends on the situation and is anything but set in stone (hence the creative function).

    "Fake niceness" rarely fools an SEE. The SEE can easily tell whether a person is being genuine or just selfishly trying to fulfill their own needs.

    The SEE can easily create sentiments of closeness and kinship, only to completely change these sentiments down the road. An SEE could be hanging out with a person (A) and act like the person's best friend, yet talk with another friend (B) and show sentiments of extreme distaste towards person 'A' in order to gain acceptance with 'B'. Sometimes if person 'A' and 'B' are together at a social function, the SEE will either have to pick sides or can treat both relations with acceptance and feelings of kinship. This can cause quite a bit of confusion in regards to the SEE's "true loyalties." The SEE prefers to maintain the respect and appreciation of his relations if at all possible. He knows that if he has an ally in many different groups, it will be harder for his enemies in said groups to act against him for fear of retribution from his other allies.

    An SEE has the ability show up in a group of strangers and act like a long lost friend, gaining acceptance and trust of the group very quickly. He can quickly charm this group with his well-bred manners, genuine displays of like/dislike, and sometimes risky humor. When the SEE leaves, he can find out through his inside sources that he was the "talk of the town" after he left, much to the delight of the SEE.

    SEE much prefers physical, tangible goals as opposed to abstract ideas. He appreciates those who are good at thinking about things to do, new ways to do things, and especially a unique activities to draw people together. However, the SEE does not hold these abilities in high regard in and of themselves, but only to the degree to which these ideas and strategies can be implemented to serve his ego block.

    Distress associated with this function accounts for the SEE's preference to have his pursuits be visible, close, available, and within the reach of his influence. An SEE prefers to get the things he wants immediately and without compromose using his talents of willpower and interpersonal influence. An SEE finds it difficult to give up on a goal unless clear victory or defeat is at hand. He usually will not give up on a friendship, goal, or romantic relationship until he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt (preferably through "in person" experience) that there is no way possible to resurrect the situation in face of his losses.

    Not much value is placed on simply "getting your feet wet," starting new projects, or trying new things just "for the sake of it." He much more prefers to think in terms of the long term gains of his actions.

    When it comes to achieving a goal, the SEE prefers to be equipped for to deal with any problems that might arise and handle them as they come. This is much more natural to him than planning for and expecting specific possible difficulties or outcomes. This is based in the SEE's "try it out, do your best, and hope for the best" outlook on things.

    SEEs are generally cautious and mistrustful of new ideas and behavior styles that they have not seen, heard of, or experienced before. When people act in strange, unseen ways, they often don't know what the person's true intentions are and may suspect that the other person is trying to trick them or play a joke on them. SEEs need to see how other people react to the person and his new information, views, or behavior in order to make a proper assessment.

    SEE can become very upset when people are late for unclear reasons and behave in other independent and unpredictable ways. This gives them the feeling of hanging in the air and general uncertainty about the future. Being action oriented people, this is difficult to bear.

    The SEE hates when other people infer or remind him that he's not doing what he "should be doing." This is in complete opposite to his preference of following his whims and doing what he wants when he wants it, with as little structure as possible.

    They have trouble focusing on systematic decision making, sometimes leading to occasional large mistakes (e.g. an unnecessary, expensive purchase) that was not thought through. Such mistakes lead to shame, guilt, and disappointment within the SEE, although he does not broadcast these sentiments to many. SEE doesn't like having to weight out pros and cons or make the "right" or "proper" decision.

    In regards to unsubstantiated, theoretical knowledge, the SEE can either accept the unproven parts in good faith, or he'll completely reject it as foolish, unnecessary, and unimportant.

    The SEE can be afraid to make discussion about fields heavy in systematic knowledge, doubting his ability to convey such thoughts in a clear, composed, and valued manner.

    Being as the SEE is more of a day-to-day, moment to moment type of person, they can suffer great difficulty regarding the long term consequences of their actions. People who they respect as having a firm grasp of the unfolding of events are considered very helpful to the SEE. When the SEE brings such a person into their fold, much trouble and wasted time and energy can be avoided due to such foresight, as opposed to the SEEs usual "try everything and see what works" method of solving problems.

    The SEE likes to constantly be doing things, but not if they don't apply to the long term perspective. If it is suggested that something needs to be done to make a situation better, the SEE can implement such suggestion with boundless faith, energy, and enthusiasm if the suggestion comes from a trusted source. Their dual, the ILI, provides much-needed nourishment in this area of knowledge as the ILI strives to make practical, logical understanding of an unfolding situation. SEE gladly considers suggestions or modifications to the methods he proposes to for achieving his goals, especially if such advice comes from a trusted source.

    SEEs place little emphasis on this function despite having a strong sense of it. They prefer finding a state that is powerful or influential to one that is understated or nuanced. This often leads to an over-the-top attitude that can cause mutual disharmony because of their direct approach. They perceive this function but are unable to do much with regard to it and ignore it.

    Knows exactly what is needed for an attractive, comforatable environment and is very good at evaluating this in present environments. If the SEE is "stuck" in a social environment he does not prefer, he can appear to enjoy it and get along with others well for a while, but he will soon become bored and feel a constant nagging in the back of his head to "get the f*** out of here!" In such a situation, he will look for the first excuse possible to exit the situation elegantly and preserve the good will of others towards him.

    When amongst those he holds a superficial relationship with, the SEE is very adept at livening up the mood, energizing others, and getting people excited about something. It usually bores him to do so though, and he would not seek out the company of such people who require this kind of involvement on a regular basis.

    There is a tendency for this type not to be phased by intense emotional situations. When others discuss "the horrible tragedy" of things, or lose control of their emotions, crying intensely and feeling sorry for themselves, the SEE realizes that these feelings are just temporary and inconsequential. During these brief periods where a friend is emotionally unstable and unable to take care of themselves, the SEE will tend to the real life aspect of things, keeping their feet on the ground and helping them with basic survival until this period passes.

    The player who is always busy conquering people of the opposite sex and bragging of his or her social and sexual prowess.
    The aggressive trainer who likes to whip people into shape physically or socially and make them be more effective in society.


    All in all, this profile doesn't sound very much like him. I wasn't even able to underline anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    Long post
    I would suggest you look at this description instead:
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post

    He has a page on Deviantart (http://suv --backspace the "suv" and "ok" together).
    Deviantart is one of the biggest NF hives on the internet. Just saying.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    He is always ready to watch the television program "30 Rock." He also greatly enjoys the Star Trek franchise, so much so that he considers that terrible first contact movie, whatever it's called, to be one of his favorites (I'm sure he will kill me if he reads that). He is also very fond of those superhero movies like Captain America, Thor, and whatever; and he is always faintly outraged by my lack of willingness to prepare myself for them by watching their prequels.
    30 Rock and Star Trek are some pretty Ne-valuing entertainment. Plus, a strong advocating for special interests points towards Fi.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    He says he took a test that called him an ENFp. He agreed with the assessment (and I didn't).
    Seeing as that is written in socionics and not MBTI script, I wouldn't doubt it too much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    expresses little emotion

    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    He has divided his personality up into distinct facets, each of which has a name. One of them is called Lucifer.
    Actually, I take that back, this person might be insane, and he might be without type as a result.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    An elevated mood on his part will sometimes cause minor electrical outages.
    ...or perhaps you are insane (or trolling).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa
    I would suggest you look at this description instead:
    This really doesn't sound like him. He finds it exceptionally easy to focus on impersonal subjects, and in general, has very little interest in human interaction. For example, one time I persuaded him to go to my friend's birthday party with me, and he spent the entire time sitting there as still and silent as a statue. Afterwards, someone I met there told me that he thought R. (the thread's subject) was angry. Next year, I asked him to go again, with the explanation that I thought he would enjoy the opportunity to socialize, and he responded by saying that he gets enough socialization from walking around the supermarket and roleplaying every few weeks or so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whoobie77
    Deviantart is one of the biggest NF hives on the internet. Just saying.
    If you were to look at his Deviantart page and nothing else, you might think he's an NF. But in real life, the F force isn't strong in him, or it doesn't seem to me that it is. Mostly he comes off as logical; he says that he has a very systematic, catalog-like mind, and that he has difficulty feeling comfortable expressing himself. His Fe is limited to being distinctly polite, making quirky little comments that are intended to be humorous, and sometimes responding warmly to other people's displays of Fe. At times he can seem rather dense when it comes to Fe. There can be an enthusiastic conversation underway, and he'll suddenly suggest that we move on and get down to business.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whoobie77
    30 Rock and Star Trek are some pretty Ne-valuing entertainment.
    Yes, but at the same time, he's into House of Cards and Gundam Wing, which both seem pretty Gamma-ish to me.

    Whatever function is involved in knowing that you're not going to make a living off of recording yourself playing video games seems to be weak in him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whoobie77
    Actually, I take that back, this person might be insane, and he might be without type as a result.
    No way, that's just a cop out. Of course, he could be insane. If he is, it might explain how Star Trek: First Contact got to be one of his favorite movies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whoobie77
    ...or perhaps you are insane (or trolling).
    Just repeating what he told me. He also said that one night a dark hooded figure suddenly appeared before him and then, a split second later, vanished (which seems like a rather pointless thing for a mysterious figure to do).

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    I wouldn't call the guy insane. He's strange and strange can be cool. I laughed about the, elevated mood and electrical outages because sometimes I am full of electrical static or something and for days I walk around shocking myself and when I turn on lights the bulbs will pop. I don't know why it happens but I assume there is a scientific explanation as to why I can blow light bulbs for a few days in a row and then it stops. During these times the electrical shocks I get are intense and sometimes painful.


    Are you interested in this person, um, "romantically"?

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen
    I wouldn't call the guy insane. He's strange and strange can be cool. I laughed about the, elevated mood and electrical outages because sometimes I am full of electrical static or something and for days I walk around shocking myself and when I turn on lights the bulbs will pop. I don't know why it happens but I assume there is a scientific explanation as to why I can blow light bulbs for a few days in a row and then it stops. During these times the electrical shocks I get are intense and sometimes painful.
    I experience this every time I go to Walmart. When I reach out to grab something off the shelf, I always make a little prayer that I won't end up in the hospital with severe electric burns. I think it's some kind of security system.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen
    Are you interested in this person, um, "romantically"?
    Heavens no, he's very far from being my type. Which kind of makes me feel bad for him. It brings me back to the night when he declared, without much visible feeling, that he loved me. Meanwhile, I was sitting there with my head hanging limply to the side as hallucinations danced before my eyes. I sat there like that for 3 hours, not moving or making a sound, and never once did it occur to him to ask me if I was all right. I don't blame him for it; I really don't care. It just seems remarkable.

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    Re: 11 life path being "glorious"

    My ex had an 11 life path and was an ILI. He didn't find it glorious. No life path is better than any other. Potential is just potential and it doesn't mean you will live up to it and it doesn't mean you are bound by another's idea of it. It also doesn't mean you can't increase your own potential. I can't stand it when someone tells me I did not live up to their idea of my potential. My teachers used to...meh, not important.

    Do you think the guy could be an LSE?

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Re: 11 life path being "glorious"

    My ex had an 11 life path and was an ILI. He didn't find it glorious. No life path is better than any other. Potential is just potential and it doesn't mean you will live up to it and it doesn't mean you are bound by another's idea of it. It also doesn't mean you can't increase your own potential. I can't stand it when someone tells me I did not live up to their idea of my potential. My teachers used to...meh, not important.

    Do you think the guy could be an LSE?
    I did the life path number, and I got 11!! It sounded amazing and I related to it. I always felt like I was different, and I related especially to the feeling of knowing I have a mission to fulfill. Also, the part about how all the energy can seep into the psyche and one can develop phobias and suffering...
    I wonder where if this is real and where it comes from??

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    @Aylen, does this life path thing really work...?...Because I just got "5" and that is soooo not me. I must have been born on the wrong day or something.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Martrix View Post
    @Aylen, does this life path thing really work...?...Because I just got "5" and that is soooo not me. I must have been born on the wrong day or something.
    I dunno for sure but I have seen it be more accurate than other typing systems. pm me your birthdate if you want and I will do your chart. I bought the same software some of the better numerology sites use.

    I feel like I can't even form a proper sentence today. That won't effect the software though.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I dunno for sure but I have seen it be more accurate than other typing systems. pm me your birthdate if you want and I will do your chart. I bought the same software some of the better numerology sites use.

    I feel like I can't even form a proper sentence today. That won't effect the software though.
    I'll do just that. Thanks.
    Don't worry. I haven't been able to say anything today in real speech without getting it all jumbled up!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen
    My ex had an 11 life path and was an ILI. He didn't find it glorious. No life path is better than any other. Potential is just potential and it doesn't mean you will live up to it and it doesn't mean you are bound by another's idea of it. It also doesn't mean you can't increase your own potential. I can't stand it when someone tells me I did not live up to their idea of my potential. My teachers used to...meh, not important.
    That makes me feel slightly better. I'll make it my life's work to become the best 7 there ever was. I only have about 3 trillion light years to go. . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen
    Do you think the guy could be an LSE?
    Maybe. It's certainly more likely than SEE.

    I get the feeling, though, that he might be an Infantile type. One time I was making myself a tuna salad, and he got rather excited about it as if I was putting on a good show, and started commenting about how mayonnaise was gross, etc. Another time he had a sore throat and asked me to buy him two bottles of orange juice, a big thing of ginger ale, and a few other drinks, which struck me as a bizarre reaction to his illness. He also seems to be rather sensitive to the texture of food and has asked me to describe the taste of frozen meals on a number of occasions.

    He certainly isn't a Victim. If he's an Aggressor, he's a pretty subdued one, and if he's a Caregiver, I'm not seeing it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post

    I get the feeling, though, that he might be an Infantile type. One time I was making myself a tuna salad, and he got rather excited about it as if I was putting on a good show, and started commenting about how mayonnaise was gross, etc. Another time he had a sore throat and asked me to buy him two bottles of orange juice, a big thing of ginger ale, and a few other drinks, which struck me as a bizarre reaction to his illness. He also seems to be rather sensitive to the texture of food and has asked me to describe the taste of frozen meals on a number of occasions.

    He certainly isn't a Victim. If he's an Aggressor, he's a pretty subdued one, and if he's a Caregiver, I'm not seeing it.
    He could still be a caregiver from what you described. My father is an ESTj and he always asks me to buy things for him and do things for him...He could be rather picky on the products he needs, too. Another LSE I know is also like this.
    Why should wanting to know the tastes of things be exclusive for infantile types?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Becca
    He could still be a caregiver from what you described.
    He could be, but it seems fairly unlikely. For the most part he comes across as hands-off; he's rather detached and not what I would call a supportive presence. Every now and then, there will be an exception to that, like when he was constantly going to the hospital to visit a boy whose lungs had collapsed, or the time he said something to the effect that one of his main goals in life is to help people grow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Becca
    Why should wanting to know the tastes of things be exclusive for infantile types?
    I'm sure it isn't exclusive to Infantile types, but it's still a small point in favor of someone being one, since it shows that the person is looking for some assistance with Si.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    He could be, but it seems fairly unlikely. For the most part he comes across as hands-off; he's rather detached and not what I would call a supportive presence. Every now and then, there will be an exception to that, like when he was constantly going to the hospital to visit a boy whose lungs had collapsed, or the time he said something to the effect that one of his main goals in life is to help people grow.
    I hear that, I can be detached from people and in my own world. And I always say that that is one of my main help people realize their potential.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    I'm sure it isn't exclusive to Infantile types, but it's still a small point in favor of someone being one, since it shows that the person is looking for some assistance with Si.
    Definitely. Despite having Si as mobilizing for me, I find that I am quite good at preparing foods and baking. I am very efficient at following recipes most of the time

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    Quote Originally Posted by Becca
    I hear that, I can be detached from people and in my own world. And I always say that that is one of my main help people realize their potential.
    That is fantastic of you. As for me, I often have my hands full just trying not to chew people out. Not really, but I'm far from being as loving and supportive as I should be. It's unfortunate, because one day, I'll be lying on my death bed with nothing to comfort me but whatever good record I have. (I would like to think I was born late enough in history to enjoy biological immortality, but I don't think luck is on my side with that one.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Becca
    Definitely. Despite having Si as mobilizing for me, I find that I am quite good at preparing foods and baking. I am very efficient at following recipes most of the time
    Honestly, I don't understand people who can't make food for themselves. If everything were as simple as following a recipe, we would be living in paradise.

    Anyway, the temperament of the thread's subject is either IP or IJ, with the latter being slightly more likely, I think.

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