These articles are ridiculous. I was looking for sources to link on the effects of various herbs (herbs are pretty useful, and wackos like Dr. Mercola should stop tarnishing legitimate and often powerful uses of herbs by trying to make every herb cure everything and just being Dr. Mercola in general) and instead I got the weird mix of laughter and crying you often get from these sort of categorically anti-modern-medicine people.

Garlic – The Most Amazing Herb On The Planet

Garlic Breath

If you stink when taking garlic, this is only your body getting rid of toxins: garlic + toxin = stink.
When the toxins are all gone, so is the stink.

It is very beneficial when your eyes water while cooking with garlic or onions. The properties that make your eyes water actually cleanse and kill eye infections. Garlic is great for just about every condition.
Personally, I take a different approach to receive the same results. To maximize the effectiveness of garlic, try chewing it for at least one minute, while breathing in and out of your mouth. Chew for as long as you can, continuing to let the air in as you go.
The Garlic Game

When everybody in the house is sniffling, coughing and blowing their noses constantly, its time to play the garlic game. First you get the game materials together. Every player needs: one large glass of water and a handful of peeled garlic cloves. Spin a clove to see who goes first. The first player puts one clove of garlic in their mouth and chews as fast as he or she can, then swallows it down with a sip of water. Player 2 does the same. The first one to refuse garlic loses and has to eat 3 cloves or stay sick as a penalty.

Who ever eats the most garlic wins. Anyone who eats an entire bulb is the ultimate winner. However, I do recommend you have some food in your stomach before playing this game, as raw garlic on an empty stomach can cause nausea and vomiting.

You may think that chewing raw garlic is intense and hard to do, but try it. It’s not as bad as you think, and it’s nowhere near as intense as our chili pepper contest.
Cayenne and Capsaicin, Natures Miracle Medicine

Shillington’s Herbal Snuff

For sinus infections, toothaches, gum disease, and migraines, this recipe works wonders. All ingredients should be ground and dried. Mix seven parts goldenseal root powder with seven parts bayberry bark powder, one part cayenne pepper powder, and one part garlic powder. Apply directly to infected tooth, gum infection, or sniff hard for sinus infections, deep infections within the jaw, or migraines. Now hold on for dear life.

Most of the crying is from other articles that these link to. Modern medicine is good, and herbs/proven traditional medicine is good, but the promoters of both tend to be pretty corrupt and sketchy people. Probably because medicine is sort of the ultimate business model under capitalism, and brand loyalty is more effective for generating revenue than having the product actually be effective, but that's another topic.