Quote Originally Posted by kalimera View Post
could it be that IEIs keep themselves shapeless/under the radar in order to come up with a form only after events take place? is this partial gaslighting or merely human quantum mechanics ??


tadaaaaa ESTps in the ballgame too
I do what she suggests. hahah

I remember my sister was really upset with me for not playing a game with her once. It was Christmas and she got a new game but no one would play with her. I said I would but life happens and never did. She was holding a grudge about this years later. I made fun of it at first since we were adults but then I started thinking that it was very important to her. It wasn't about the game it was way deeper than that so I read somewhere about changing the past by visualizing a new one.

I used my imagination to travel back in time and I played the game with her. I imagined every move during the game and all the conversation that took place between us while we played, even our laughter. I imagined it all in great detail. The next time she brought it up I told her all about it. I told her I went back in time and we had played the game and we had fun. She seem satisfied after that and let go of the grudge. We never spoke of it again. Did I change the past? I don't know but something changed and it freed up a lot of trapped energy.