Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
Does it ever get tiring to come up with definition-twisting text full of weasel talk so that you can try to counter-argue in your own forum where most people happen to consider you as an idiot?

Foreign powers have been long able to incite riots, rig elections and so on. Physical distance is not a problem.
"Of course political struggle can be accomplished from afar, but it generally occurs in a destructive fashion, it's very hard to build something without investing oneself locally but if you want to destroy things, you can always send saboteurs and the nasty folks."

Yea, what I said. But that's a foreign power messing stuff up for you, not a former citizen trying to build something positive for your country from another land. People that leave generally have little or no interest left in creating value and benefit for people from the place they left. The might want to milk it for $$$ or whatever they can but their investment in the culture is gone. You can have a vacation home and such which is what people do sometimes, but long term disengagement has a cost.

Political struggle is not merely for destruction, political struggle is often to build something, to reform something, to improve something. Also what I said about you was not you were a sociopath, but that you have no skin in the game and you are mostly just parroting propaganda without a real point of view. You're not American, you have no tangible interest in America's success and it's likely you dislike America for various reasons. You fall under the whole foreign power thing. It's funny you have to talk about forum perception of me because you can't really talk about what I've said about debt, what I've said about the nature of political struggle and the various things that you would be able to talk about if you actually read more than political propaganda. No matter what happens you don't have to face the consequences of what you say. It's easy for you to support policies that would create a economic and social collapse, it's easy for you to be a paper revolutionary, since you'll be in Finland. Nobody really like the institutions which have existed long before we were born, but how to reform them without total collapse is entirely different than some sort of anarchist fantasy.

You started the ad hominems way early saying that I am in support oligarchs and etc. So do not even go there. I also address your BS before I start calling you a ignorant little kid(which you are), so my viewpoint you're a ignorant little kid with no skin in the game is irrelevant to the arguing points. I.E not ad hominems. When you stop being a parrot with the standard propaganda, maybe you'll figure out how much you're really thinking for yourself.