Quote Originally Posted by Nevero View Post
i've overhead the following statement from someone who presumably has Ni as a base function: "i hate driving. whose bright idea it was to put something as fallible as a human being behind a 2 ton construction and allow them to accelerate it up to 70 mph? [local highway speed limit]".

would this be an example of apprehension and anxiety caused by weak Se? at first i thought that they are so nervous about driving due to Se-PoLR, but i've also noticed them spacing out and going into some kind of haze and later attempting to make up for it, which seemed to be strong Ni.

do any of the ILIs or IEIs share this sentiment (also LIIs and EIIs, is this kind of anxiety familiar to you)? does driving at high(er) speeds unsettle you? do/did you feel apprehensive about learning how to drive, owning and operating a car?
Sounds like me. I don't own a car or drive. If people drive too fast or tailgate another vehicle while I am in the car I get concerned and may quietly ask if they could slow down.

When I was young and attempting to drive I almost drove into my stepdad's garage door and another time nearly ran over a horse all of which I found most off putting let alone being responsible for the safety of others when I space out often and struggle to stay with it. Just too many things to try and take notice of!