By way of your type... Your video, when you talked about hierarchy and stereotypes, brought to mind a consensus reached by some of this forum's betas about five years ago (myself included.)

I might've told you differently back then, but during these intervening years, various obstacles made clear that beta values don't necessarily equal the (indiscriminate) embrace of hierarchies or championing of stereotypes.

Beta values confer an implicit awareness of power hierarchies, and attentiveness to them, (whether that morphs into love, loathing, or disregard for a particular hierarchy fluctuates from person-to-person.) In other words, it's that the Ti + Se was in the front of your mind, on the tip of your tongue - and not deep in the recesses - that reveals you to be (in all likelihood) Beta.

Also, stereotyping -- for betas, this process serves a purpose similar to the shorthand used by the secretaries of our grandparents' generation -- to take quick, incisive notes -- as opposed to the current definition that connotes shallow, sloppy thinking. In other words, you might relate more to beta values when they're written by a beta - most often they're not.

From what you've communicated, your Sociotype: a variant of Ni-INFp. (Even within the subtypes of each type, there are several variants that come up again and again.)