Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
The way you speak, roll your eyes when thinking, your sense of humor and your answers are so similar to mine that I cannot be objective. I have tested INFJ on all the MBTI tests for years. I want to stamp you IEI but I will leave this to others. EII and IEI are very similar to me but I was able to see what made me more different than EII than similar and was able to settle on my type, which is no longer up for analysis as far as I am concerned.

I don't know why but I want to post what I just read elsewhere. http://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-...problem-3.html

More specifically, INFJs’ inner child can get very excited about the arts and culture. Their Ni, Fe, and Se functions love relishing and experiencing fine meals, music, productions, and art. There is something very magical for INFJs about seeing the marriage of S and N through these media, which can confer a deep sense of fullness, wholeness, and joy. What makes these experiences even better for INFJs is having someone to share and celebrate them with. And since their Feeling function is extraverted, they look for their partner to join them in their excitement, making such experiences all the richer.

Since INTPs are neither N dominants nor Feelers, their interest in arts and culture cannot match the INFJs’, especially if not raised in an artsy family. Rather, INTPs’ interests tend to be more conceptual and utility-focused. And while Fe is a part of INTPs’ functional stack, its inferior position makes INTPs far less outwardly celebrative and expressive. Moreover, INTPs often get excited about different things than INFJs. While INFJs may find pure joy in a fine meal or performance, INTPs are most excited by new ideas, possibilities, or challenges. (This Personality Junkie Post is continued on the next page.)

Others report feelings of disembodiment. The fact is that many INFJs (and INTJs) seem to experience the world and their bodies differently than other types do. It is therefore not uncommon for INFJs or others to occasionally question their sanity.

While INFJS are deeply theoretical, they don’t build their theories by consciously assembling facts in the way that Thinking or Sensing types might. Rather, INFJs see general connections and patterns by way of their Intuition; they experience everything as interconnected. For INFJs, discovering truth involves getting a better handle on the nature of this connectedness by discerning universal laws and patterns

I want to adopt your, "THE PASSION IS REAL!" as my new motto. I could feel that it was from your video even though you weren't so outwardly passionate. My passion is outwardly restrained mostly but I feel it very deeply, for sure. I think you already know your type on a deeper level. Just gotta dig for it and maybe reevaluate some preconceived ideas. I am always discovering things to be passionate about. Maybe what I am saying will make no sense at all or maybe it will spark something. I wish you a speedy typing but only if you wish it for yourself. The thrill for me was discovering how each function manifested in my life and how this leads to certainty. I appreciated all the feedback I received along the way but in the end I made the choice for myself.

That's really cool! I rarely meet any people similar to myself.
I do relate to several of the points in the post you linked to as well. But I must admit, I don't need question my sanity. I have accepted that I am insane a long time ago. But to my defense, I believe that everyone else is as well, they are just doing a much better job of hiding it from themselves.

Haha, thanks in regard to the motto! That would be awesome. I don't remember why I even made that disclaimer in the first place. I think it was when I watched the video in playback, and was kinda suprised/amused by my own enthusiasm on the subject. But it is a pretty good slogan, isn't it? I can usually come off as being quite disspassionate about things (I was origanlly typed LII in socionics), even if it isn't the case, so it's nice to see that I am able to communicate some of my ideas with that conviction.
I hope for a speedy typing though. Not because I want typology to be done with, but I hate the process of not knowing something, and being unable to do anything about it. I am quite impatient in those kind of matters. I introspect a lot, but always overanalyse things. It took me over a year to find my MBTI type, and even then I only accept it because others have convinced me that it makes the most sense.