Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
Sorry I got distracted and didn't see video yet but I will watch it tonight.
Ahh sure, no problem at all. Very curious to hear what you think based on it!

Quote Originally Posted by Park View Post
Watched first half of the video, not sure. You seem quite mellow and some things you say might suggest Ti > Te valuing. And you're not alpha.

Have you taken some tests?

I think that the video really captures how I come off in a natural and comfortable setting. It is a pretty good example of how I interact. Interesting that you say that you are sure that I am not an Alpha, since I have been video typed that before (Based on other videos though).

I honestly think I have tried every test there is, several times in fact. And I have gotten many different results.
I am very unreliable when it comes to personality tests, as I will subconsciously answer what I want to be or relate most to in the current moment, rather than what I generally am. I think it's because I understand myself through contexts rather than just having a fixed perspective on how I am and what I value. I will often be able to answer the questions without much difficulty, but I will think of a situation where I displayed the given behaviour, and I am thereby automatically able to justify most answers, since I can easily interepret the questions to fit a currently valued behaviour (Could perhaps point towards a "dynamic" personality?).