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Thread: Please help me nail down my right type! (Video and Questionnaire included for your typing pleasure)

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    Post Please help me nail down my right type! (Video and Questionnaire included for your typing pleasure)

    Hi socionists! I have broken my lurker status and finally decided to make an account. I am a 21-year-old man who has been trying to determine his socionics type for several months now, and I decided to do this questionnaire to get some perspectives. I have also included a video in which I answer some completely unrelated questions so you can get an idea of how I appear in general . I would greatly appreciate and value your feedback.
    I am a MBTI INFJ 5w4 with the 529 tritype. I am half Danish & half Ghanaian, but have lived in Denmark my entire life. I currently study psychology at Copenhagen University.

    1. What is beauty? What is love?

    Beauty is subjective. Something that exists beyond objective criteria and often cannot be clearly rationalised or explained. It is not magical though, simply a value that varies between individuals.
    Love for me is the feeling of a deep connection and understanding. In the sense that someone can accept you for who you are under any circumstances. While they may not be similar, they can understand where you are coming from and accept your point of view. This resulting in a great mutual admiration and respect. I am against the gender norms and biases for how to approach love. I don’t think there should be any kind of norms for what roles the different individuals should play, and it should be left up to the individual and their dynamics how it should be expressed.
    In terms of what love consists of though, it’s simply a chemical reaction. While I don’t know/care about the details of what chemicals interact with each other, I see nothing spiritual or magical in love. It is simply a deep feeling.

    2. What are your most important values?
    Individuality, intelligence, wisdom, compassion, understanding, critical thinking, depth, acceptance.

    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I am an atheist, and have been so since I was 17. I was raised Christian by my mother, who is a very accepting and tolerant priest that has always allowed me to shape my own beliefs and find my own place in the world.
    I was going through a bad period in my life, and didn’t feel any comfort from religious thoughts any more. I likewise also questioned how a benevolent deity can allow a world as entropic as ours, thinking primarily about starving children being “born to die” and he like. This backed up with scientific/philosophical research made me question and afterwards dismiss my beliefs.

    While I am not spiritual either, I have a very psychological approach to life, which some would classify as a belief system of sorts

    4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    War to me seems like an outdated construct. Something that should be avoided at all cost, and really has little place in our modern society. The same goes for the military.
    However I do see the necessity of defensive military actions, and know that it is sometimes the only rational solution. I am against most kinds of proactive military actions though, which is strongly related to my beliefs of cultural relativism (Which I wont get more in depth with here, since I don’t want to make it very political).

    I currently view power very much like Foucault. A necessary dynamic of any society, yet at the same time something that requires active regulation to avoid being oppressive. And something that is also VERY dangerous of implicit.
    In my ideal society, I would advocate a specialised form of power to individuals. Basically, an individual who held a great deal of knowledge about a field (ie. economics) should have more power inside that field is he/she would have a better and more nuanced background from which the person could make decisions about that given field. However I would generally be against any sort of power monopole (Power should not extend beyond the field of their specialisation) and those in power should be questioned and expected to be able to deliver a good explanation of their practices and be held responsible for them. Each individual has equal worth, but that doesn’t mean that they have an equal skillset.

    5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Philosophy, Psychology, problems of the world and our society, how the world should be, who I am/who my friends are (In terms of how they work). Other peoples personal problems and my advice on how they should be solved.

    Interests are:
    · PSYCHOLOGY (main one): I am very interested in understanding how people work and why they do as they do. I have a natural talent for this as well. I tend to gravitate towards existential psychology and social constructionism. Cognitive psychogy and neuropsychology doesn’t interest me that much.
    · Philosophy: I also want to understand the world, it’s dynamics and what lies beneath the surface and discuss this. I am strongly inspired by Sartre and Foucault in my views and believes.
    · Music: I simply love music. I am a singer in a symphonic death metal band. I also play the bass.
    · History/antopology: Cultures and cultural dynamics (Apparently dynamic is my word of the day...) interest me a lot. So does ancient civilisations.
    · Religion: I am very interested in the old mythologies. The greek mythology seems like a dream world to me. I also like to study modern religions and they effects on society though.
    · Weight lifting/training: I like working out and improving myself.

    6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Nope. I do try to stay healthy though, but am in no ways obsessed with it. I do work out and eat well, but only because I rationally know I have to.
    I don’t really feel my bodily needs that much and could probably go a whole day or two without eating. I also suffer from VERY severe insomnia.

    7. What do you think of daily chores?
    They bore me beyond belief. Have a very hard time getting them done.

    8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    Books (Currently don’t read that much in my spare time, since I spend all my time reading when studying):
    A song of fire and ice (The whole series)
    Lord of the Rings
    Existentialism is a humanism

    Lord of the rings trilogy
    District 9
    Fight Club
    Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl

    Tv series:
    Game of Thrones (Favourite media EVER!)
    First season of Spartacus (HATE the rest of the seasons with a passion, especially the last)

    9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I never really cry, I feel like I am being very unconstructive when doing so, and that I am simply feel bad for myself instead of trying to solve the actual issue at hand. In this year and the last, I can only think of 2 times where I have cried. The first was out of joy because I had met the African part of my family for the first time, and had manged to develop a good relationship with my father. The second is quite personal, but related to my dreams potentially being in danger of crashing.

    What makes me smile is positive interactions with my friends, getting really excited about some theory that fit my views, achieving my goals, suddenly remembering/imagining a funny episode or idea, compliments, Absurd/morbid/dry humour, songs that I like […].

    10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    Usually in my room. I have a quite private home sphere, and need a room that is mine alone. A room where I feel that I am in control of everything and can do what I want.

    11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    My unpracticalness definitely has to be my weakness. Cleaning my room requires the same strength for me as running a marathon does for others. I am often late. I also work very much in accordance to my own motivation, and am very bad at motivating myself to do stuff I don’t see any value in, even though it may be necessary. While I love discussions and debates, I really have a hard time emotionally hurting people, even when it is needed. I do sometimes also feel like I have a very flexible personality, and while It feels stable to me, I can have a hard time pointing out a difference between what I am, and what I currently value and want to be.

    12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    My insight into people and intuitive understanding of how they work. My philosophical depth and abstract comprehension of concepts. My intelligence, critical mind and ability to see cases beyond what their surface appearance implies. My openness to different people and personalities. My ability to pursue my dreams and achieve them. My ability to socially adapt to a situation and get along with a huge variety of people and mindsets.

    13. In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Please save me from the meaningless practical day-to-day chores!

    14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    I fear being that very much as I naturally crave for progression. I have been so during a depression, but I cannot completely outline the causes for it. But it is usually something I will try to prevent.

    15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    This is very hard for me to answer, since I enjoy a wide degree of qualities. Reflection, intelligence and depth are among the highest though. A critical and honest perspective and expression of self.
    So I basically dislike shallowness, conformism, generalisations, and superficiality. But even so I can get along with people who display these traits if I wish to.

    16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I don’t believe in love at first sights, soulmates or anything similar to that. I think love and sex should be freely defined by individuals how they want to, and am (as previously mentioned) very much against any norms or regulations on this area (With some obvious exceptions though, such as pedophilia for instance), as it’s both personal and subjective. I am personally all for free casual sex detached from love if people are mature enough to understand what they are doing. So yeah, I’m advocating for A LOT of individual freedom on this area. Sex and love is what you make it out to be. Nothing more, and nothing less.

    17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    Teach the child to think and reflect critically about everything, and developed nuanced personal perspectives on different issues. Give the child a lot of freedom and trust from a fairly early age, so that it’ll learn to think for itself and be responsible for it’s own life and actions. All while having me as a dependable support to fall back on if needed.

    18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Inward belief. “Hah! That’s wrong for the following x reasons. Wonder why they would think that?” (Emphasis on the latter sentence).

    Outward reaction: “Hm…. Why would you say that?”, “Really, I actually think that […]”, “I kinda disagree with that since […]”. –Hopefully inspiring a constructive friendly discussion that both of us can learn from. Very often, I will just ask to gather information and understand his or her mind process though, without actually brining my own beliefs and opinions into it.

    19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I am very critical of society, and don’t think it works like it should be working. I see the norms that indirectly dictate our behaviour as huge problems, since we tend to blindly accept and follow them without asking questions about them because they “seem natural”.
    I see people as individuals. I think they should all be understood subjectively in their context. I am a philosophical idealist, and don’t believe in any grand positivistic theories that classify and generalise “Human nature”. We are all a production of our culture and our context, and we construct our society and reality interpersonally.

    20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I am not that critical among my friends, and tend to choose people I simply naturally get along with. My behaviour tends to vary and adjust depending on what friend I am talking to, and I will implicitly look for similarities between the person and myself I am talking to match his or her disposition and behaviour.

    21. How do you behave around strangers?
    A bit more shy and reserved than among friends. Usually stretching myself more to find similarities and points of relation. It depends a ot on their personality though, and among some I will instinctively and naturally feel comfortable and talk a lot, whereas I can be somewhat awkward among others.
    Last edited by SSAJacobsen; 03-28-2014 at 02:29 PM.

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