From the first mbti test when i knew absolutely nothing of MBTI or Socionics and was just given a link by a random passer by on myspace (remember those days!) straight to the first page of the test... I tested ENFP and hugely identified with the descriptions of that type. I forgot about after a brief flirtation and was reintroduced several years later (approx 4-5 years ago) quite by chance. I then looked further into it, joined a couple of sites and confirmed my ENFP-ness with further tests, research and interaction. Other types I have considered have always been due to others observations and myself looking into them because I like to absorb the information and if for no other reason I try to find what it is others identify in me that I do not see myself.

In more depressive states I most certainly identify more with introversion and because I have been pretty reclusive and internally focussed I more recently test as INFp but I already know enough to understand that I am ENFp.