However you wish to qualify the question..I will answer myself so can you see what I mean. This turned out partly into a biography...maybe that in itself could be useful

In the dark days:
ILE, EII this time, seemed a poor relation of that I knew I either couldn't relate to, or that it was poorly defined as generally described. I knew I had a somewhat paradoxical personality in that I was naturally a very introverted person, and yet there was a part of me that could run completely contrary to the external observer, this would be for short periods if at all (depending on the person\audience and also a seemingly random mood factor), or it would be for days or weeks at a time when I was filled with buoyancy). In actuality, except for periods of grave depression, the sense of engaging with others, whether living in the 19th century or joyfully telling a 'friend's girlfriend that she doesn't solely occupy his affections, rarely leaves me. And yet, as I say, I'm pathologically reserved and most of the time I'm far more interested in writing than arrangements like the beast of two backs.

later as I considered ILE and witnessed IEEs on this forum, it was naturally for to me also consider IEE.

...and IEI, which seemed the wrong sort of values and puzzling in comparison to SEI, which itself I knew to be unlikely despite those who thought this...because they simply did not understand the extent to which I'm one of the least earthly people you haven't met! It is possible around this time that someone or one or two people suggested ESE...I don't think I quite said 'bullshit' but I did say in the strongest words possible something to the effect of "I really do not think this is likely". In my defence, the historic use of 'really' was the same as that as 'actually'.

I currently consider myself EII.

So in summary, my answer to the question is that I've considered six types as somewhat feasible.