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Thread: POLR & ignoring it

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    Default POLR & ignoring it

    I think with the POLR, people don't care if they win or loose a battle in that realm, and by not accepting a win or using its status, it implies the non existance of that realm. If I am stronger than someone or look better, and I hide my strengths or deny my abilities, others will be upset with this because it demeans their membership in that competition/ranking system. If they took pride in having a high rank in that realm, and I am saying that realm isn't real they won't be too happy. On the other hand, what does it mean, if you ignore the POLR's existance but then desire its benefits or protection?

    What a great replacement for a nany

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    Isn't it a typical PoRL matter to try to ignore a function's realm?

    Incidentally, people tend to regard you as weak if you hide your strength, in my experience.
    ex-nameless ixtp
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  3. #3
    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Default Re: POLR & ignoring it

    Quote Originally Posted by Slava
    I think with the POLR, people don't care if they win or loose a battle in that realm, and by not accepting a win or using its status, it implies the non existance of that realm. If I am stronger than someone or look better, and I hide my strengths or deny my abilities, others will be upset with this because it demeans their membership in that competition/ranking system. If they took pride in having a high rank in that realm, and I am saying that realm isn't real they won't be too happy. On the other hand, what does it mean, if you ignore the POLR's existance but then desire its benefits or protection?
    Dead on! I've never been able to explain why I wasn't good at card and strategy games. I never even learned how to play chess. I always said that I'm not inclined to think 6 moves ahead to try and beat someone at chess, what would be the good in that? If someone wants me to learn chess and win a game, they need to put a gun against my head in order to give me an incentive and get "motivated".

    The reality is, that Ti is my PoLR :wink:
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  4. #4
    Kristiina's Avatar
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    You might have a point there. In hindsight, it might explain why I never liked sports-day at school. People competing in sports and all the results were hanged on the school walls. It was the kind of experience I wished was over before it had even begun.

    And it might be a part of why I never want to play group sports games. I could handle losing in sports to a friend, so I'm up for friendly competition, but I would never want to be in a situation where I'm responsible for my TEAM losing to some other team. (Mhh... making mistakes in team sports is a and hit at the same time).
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  5. #5
    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    You might have a point there. In hindsight, it might explain why I never liked sports-day at school. People competing in sports and all the results were hanged on the school walls. It was the kind of experience I wished was over before it had even begun.

    And it might be a part of why I never want to play group sports games. I could handle losing in sports to a friend, so I'm up for friendly competition, but I would never want to be in a situation where I'm responsible for my TEAM losing to some other team. (Mhh... making mistakes in team sports is a and hit at the same time).
    Now I'm starting to doubt, because I had this too, and this hardly has to do with Ti. Can be just call all functions after the 2nd "bad functions"??
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

  6. #6
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    You might have a point there. In hindsight, it might explain why I never liked sports-day at school. People competing in sports and all the results were hanged on the school walls. It was the kind of experience I wished was over before it had even begun.

    And it might be a part of why I never want to play group sports games. I could handle losing in sports to a friend, so I'm up for friendly competition, but I would never want to be in a situation where I'm responsible for my TEAM losing to some other team. (Mhh... making mistakes in team sports is a and hit at the same time).
    I think that your dislike for group sports is just a sign that you didn't like the group you should have been into. I know lots of people that have the same problem, but that don't have any -related deficiency. Me, I was neutral towards group sports: gave my best as usual, and that's it. I looked forward to compete in individual leagues though, where I could do my best depending on no one.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Default Re: POLR & ignoring it


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    You know what stupid thing I did?

    I asked an ESTP if he was lonely. HAHA.

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    oyburger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreamer
    You know what stupid thing I did?

    I asked an ESTP is he was lonely. HAHA.
    All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    And it might be a part of why I never want to play group sports games. I could handle losing in sports to a friend, so I'm up for friendly competition, but I would never want to be in a situation where I'm responsible for my TEAM losing to some other team. (Mhh... making mistakes in team sports is a and hit at the same time).
    hahahaha, i was soooooo the opposite of this. When a game came down to the end and it was up to one person to either win or lose I always wanted to be that like in baseball when i got up to bat with 2 outs down by a run and a man on third...I struck out, but i got over it and pretty much made everyone else do the same, because before that I had been the one that bailed the team out a few other times during the season.
    In one soccer game I played in we were down by a goal with about 4 minutes left and I scored a goal from about 30 yards out. this was of course, the best feeling in the world, like EVER! but then a guy got fouled on my team as he was dribbling it in to the box and we got a penalty kick. I told the guy who got fouled to take it and win for us but he yelled at me to do it along with the rest of my team. So, i score and we win against our arch rival team and it was absolutely the best feeling in the world. situations like that or in anything else in life, I tend to not think about losing as much as winning...the feeling is sooooooo much better, worry about losing if you make it there...haha

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