Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
If that is the only thing that bothers you about it I wouldn't worry about it not being 100%. hahah I would probably challenge anyone making a serious claim that an entire description fit them perfectly, if I were in the right mood. I would probably think that they were trying to portray themselves as the ideal image of said type.
My problem is that I'm never sure. I'm often a new person every day. I have this nagging idea that I'm not approaching type "deeply" enough. I am still interested in getting other people's guesses though. Subteigh saying I'm hard to read is bad, and part of the reason I'm trying to find my type is to identify facets about myself I can leverage to help me come off better in diplomatic situations, like job interviews and schmoozing for work purposes and all that. I am morally against these things, but they do not seem to be an option.