Quote Originally Posted by kadda1212 View Post
I just recently had a discussion with someone about premarital sex on the internet. I tried to explain to him that it doesn't exist, because through sex you consumate a marriage. So, in a biblical sense there is only post-marital sex, which is considered adultery if it happens with a different partner than the first one. I think, the one I had the discussion with didn't understand me.
I realize the problem inherent with using a translation of the original Hebrew and Aramaic/Greek, but if this was the case, surely there would be no need to refer to "adultery" and "fornication" separately. I see marriage as depending on the society involved. For some, it can involve just sleeping together. In others, it requires legal documentation. Either way, there is deliberate intent to make a life together under those conditions and a commitment to remain together. (I'm trying to distinguish between marriage and cohabitation here. Hopefully I succeeded.)

So, you say, that moralizing is not particular a part of Fi, and that Fe-moralizers exist, too?
I'm saying that having a moral system and pushing those morals on others is not exclusive to types. That may be what you're trying to say here, but I was not certain.