Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
is not morality, and morality is not the sole province of quadras. users simply have a very strong idea of what is or is not OK with them personally, and they may or may not push this onto others. Whether they push can depend on the value being violated.
But I think, we have the same definition of Fi, I just used different words. I just recently heard a definition of Fi, that you have that inner "moral code" or lets say set of rules, what is ok and what's not ok for you personally, and that this applies in any given situation, so it's very radical, whereas others tend to make exceptions and bend their morals and rules according to the situation (which is what I do very much). But say, e.g. your inner rule would be not to use swear words, it wouldn't matter whether you are at the opera or in a five star restaurant or at home or in a biker bar, you would still not use swear words and probably feel uncomfortable whenever you hear one. Though I can understand that you probably wouldn't push your feelings on some bearded, tattooed biker in that moment. But maybe on your children at home or maybe on your friends. But I guess, you would still always feel uncomfortable when you see someone else do something that is not ok in your eyes. Is that correct?