@Geminatronix, I am totally with your OP.

About 5 or so years ago, I started consuming only free range grass-fed cow's milk (we have a couple of health-food stores that do have that). If the compassion for the cows doesn't mean much to people, they should also keep in mind that a badly treated cow is a stressed out cow who will be making a lot of cortisol (a stress hormone). The cortisol will get into the milk, and then people drink that, consuming a lot of cortisol themselves. Too much cortisol leads to Cushing's syndrome:

Despite drinking free range grass fed milk, however, about 1.5 years ago, i started breaking out with these awful cystic-acne like boils, one or two at a time, and I started itching all over, and having hives in different places. In my quest to figure this scourge out, I finally decided to try going dairy free (I was going through a gallon of skim milk a week, just chugging it, in addition to other dairy products), especially after I read that the way dairy cows keep producing milk is by being kept pregnant at all times, which makes the milk very hormonal, which can lead to acne. After a couple of weeks off dairy the itching got better, the skin got a bit better; then i went out of town on a business trip, and not being used to being dairy free, I relented and ate some dairy things. Well, whaddaya know... that night, i felt hot all over, felt itchy, my nose clogged up, I took an antihistamine and everything subsided. Despite the zyrtec, a couple days later i broke out all over my face (worse than before). After that happened I swore i would be dairy free, but every so often, i'll accidentally eat something with dairy in it, and wont realize it until i start itching really bad; then i'll go look at the wrapper or at the ingredients listing, or call up the restaurant, and SURE ENOUGH.

So, now I am stricter than ever... unfortunately i can't do what @applejacks does and be "polite" or conformist about drinking milk at a guest's house, because I am actually allergic to milk. I rely mostly on soy milk, as i dislike almond milk, except in baked goods or ice cream. And @Ainfigur I have also found that dairy is in freaking EVERYTHING!!!! I can't understand why prepared pot roast needs to have milk in it??? Or salt & vinegar-flavored almonds????

over months and months, my skin has gotten so much better. No more breakouts! The itching still happens from time to time, but is a lot better than it used to be (it may be that i am allergic to something else too that i haven't figured out yet).