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Thread: LII-SLE Supervision Relations (INTj and ESTp)

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    Olduvai's Avatar
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    Default LII-SLE Supervision Relations (INTj and ESTp)

    Incident #1
    Sure it should be open to women, but the standards are already low enough. Don't lower them just so extra women will die. This is how female combat infantry reduces readiness: NOT because they're female, but because of what brass does to make certain there ARE female combat troops.
    You determined the standards were low enough?
    Read a report yesterday on the subject. According to it these female marines aren't required to do a single pull-up, etc. This report reads like a North Korean state media "GREAT SUCCESS" broadcast.
    That's because as of now (until jan 1) female Marines have a "flexed arm hang" in lieu of pull-ups to assess their upper body strength ... Hardly constitutes a relaxation of standards, considering its what the Corps has been doing for many years
    While there's no way in hell my asthmatic, junior-sized frame would cut it in the military, I'd say the requirements are still low within the scope of history. A 6 mile run and 12 miles carrying 85 lbs are, dare I say, effeminate compared to the Roman Legion's minimum training requirements. Try a daily 32 mile run in full armor, round shield, two gladii, and sometimes a spear of varying length. A different, harder stock than we.
    Physical tests are products of physical requirements... Not many engagements today require 32 mile runs with shields
    Indeed not many do, but unconventional events are the definition of war. A soldier expediently trained only for the conventional is a dead soldier, don't you agree? Perhaps especially so when the battle isn't one of our choosing...
    Yeah, so confirm for me that you think we should all be running about in loin cloths and spears for 30 some odd miles?
    (no response)

    Incident #2
    Female Army captain claims she was "forced" to perform oral sex. Trained to kill a man...but can't bite one?
    He was a general.... Abused his rank and the power that comes with it ... You won't understand it, don't try
    (no response)

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    am I really the only one who finds this fascinating?

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    haha, i can see how the LII is looking at purely logic while the SLE wants to know how it applies directly right now. I can see both sides, the LII just wants to discuss how these external events don't fit into his logical worldview and SLE just puts pressure on the LII to make them shut up about their imaginary hypotheticals.

    i think its interesting, but i've noticed i've fallen into the LII category where I expect people to respect logic first and foremost and follow my train of thought but they just don't care because my logic doesn't match their realistic worldview of how things are being done right now.

    Where'd you get the conversations from?

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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    haha, i can see how the LII is looking at purely logic while the SLE wants to know how it applies directly right now. I can see both sides, the LII just wants to discuss how these external events don't fit into his logical worldview and SLE just puts pressure on the LII to make them shut up about their imaginary hypotheticals.

    i think its interesting, but i've noticed i've fallen into the LII category where I expect people to respect logic first and foremost and follow my train of thought but they just don't care because my logic doesn't match their realistic worldview of how things are being done right now.

    Where'd you get the conversations from?
    I'm friends with the LII on FB, and one day I happened to notice this little exchange on my newsfeed. Your breakdown of the "exchange of logic" between the two is very interesting; thanks for commenting!

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    Local Hero Saberstorm's Avatar
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    The SLE needs to be shot and soon. They are not cut out for the military. They are weak minded. They do not form policy. They have no utility. 19 years ago I joined the Marines. I was infantry. 0341 Infantry mortars. As a comparison, the Marine infantry of today does a 20 km march in a time limit of 5 hours with 40kg of gear at week 21 of training. This was implemented only a year ago... to accommodate women in the infantry. When I was in, the 20 km march was week 8 of training. At week 17, we did 60 km march in 8 hours. Why did they not adjust the training until we withdrew from Iraq and Afghanistan?

    In any case - in each war you build more of the weapon you use the most. Wars are fought with special forces - therefore all infantry should be pushed to the standards of the SEALS/Rangers/Green Berets. Formerly (until a year ago) the Army Airborne infantry and Marine infantry did the same training of the Rangers - the only difference being that the Rangers were hand selected - but their training was the same. (By analogy, the Rangers were like a Division 1 team, and the Airborne and Marines like a division II, and Army regulars like a Division III but all played the same sport.)

    In two years, they will be calling for transforming warfare - they will say "Army needs 20,000 Airborne Rangers" and the Navy will say "We need 20,000 Navy SEALS." And thus they will rebuild their infantry without women after a two year digression into the "women are breaking stereotypes bullshit world" they are in now.

    In two years infantry will mean "military police" and "Ranger" or 'Commando" will mean what is now called infantry. They will use language to fight the lies of the Obama administration. We will be called commandos then, rather than riflemen.

    Ask yourself - do we need 20,000 Navy SEALs? The answer is yes, we could use them. How far do they march? Why do they march that far? Did they do it in Afghanistan? Yes, it was a lot of hiking...

    Drone warfare consists primarily of running around for 30 miles with a pack, directing air strikes. The Marines were developing an entire system around that. The Marines were forbidden to talk about the doctrine they are were developing - and now cannot develop - called Operational Maneuver Warfare from the Sea / Ship to Objective Maneuver / and Distributed Operations which would transform the Marines into a vast commando force. The examples of "present requirements" were restricted to infantry units performing military police missions. Nothing about regular infantry performing special operations. Nothing about the future role of the Marines was allowed. It is total Obama nonsense. We need vast commando forces. We are making large military police forces - which we also need. The ground forces should be about half MP and about half commando. That is future war.

    Anyway, I consider myself to be a slightly atypical LII. My logic is sound. All hypotheticals are real. SLEs seem to be very image conscious. Sometimes their supervision is valid, but not always.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth Chesney View Post
    I'm friends with the LII on FB, and one day I happened to notice this little exchange on my newsfeed. Your breakdown of the "exchange of logic" between the two is very interesting; thanks for commenting!
    Wow i want in on your newsfeed, haha thats some pretty interesting back-fourth.

    Edit: have you confirmed your friends types or just suspicion? jw

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    Quote Originally Posted by Saberstorm View Post
    Anyway, I consider myself to be a slightly atypical LII. My logic is sound. All hypotheticals are real. SLEs seem to be very image conscious. Sometimes their supervision is valid, but not always.
    pretty interesting analysis.

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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    Wow i want in on your newsfeed, haha thats some pretty interesting back-fourth.
    I'll keep an eye out for more interesting exchanges; he's always posting about politics (but he can actually get away with it).

    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    Edit: have you confirmed your friends types or just suspicion? jw
    He's the first LII I met; he supervised the hell outta me.

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    LII seems like an ass.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth Chesney View Post
    I'll keep an eye out for more interesting exchanges; he's always posting about politics (but he can actually get away with it).

    He's the first LII I met; he supervised the hell outta me.

    (you master of Socionics you)

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    Quote Originally Posted by lifer View Post

    (you master of Socionics you)
    lol I remember it like it happened yesterday

    in the first few weeks of class I sat toward the front of the room, and whenever we had a class discussion I'd hear this highly articulate person in the back of the room deliver some very interesting arguments; it was obvious to me that he was "a cut above the rest". so I started sitting in the back of the room, and one day before class started, I said, "I hate Michelle Bachmann"; I'd not talked to him yet at this point, but he immediately responded by saying, "you know, that's not rational". I immediately started to argue with him, and every day after we got out of class I continued arguing with him; his thinking was so clear, precise, and quick, I had never encountered anyone like him before. this went on for about three weeks, and eventually I got tired of these embarrassing exchanges, so one day after class when he looked at me as if to say, "so are we gonna do this again or what?", I declined, and I never talked to him again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth Chesney View Post
    lol I remember it like it happened yesterday

    in the first few weeks of class I sat toward the front of the room, and whenever we had a class discussion I'd hear this highly articulate person in the back of the room deliver some very interesting arguments; it was obvious to me that he was "a cut above the rest". so I started sitting in the back of the room, and one day before class started, I said, "I hate Michelle Bachmann"; I'd not talked to him yet at this point, but he immediately responded by saying, "you know, that's not rational". I immediately started to argue with him, and every day after we got out of class I continued arguing with him; his thinking was so clear, precise, and quick, I had never encountered anyone like him before. this went on for about three weeks, and eventually I got tired of these embarrassing exchanges, so one day after class when he looked at me as if to say, "so are we gonna do this again or what?", I declined, and I never talked to him again.
    Yep! It seems so...

    INTj's can seem better than thou due to having a "strong analytical mind". I just try to be nice to them but it may be harder for you to use Fe in order to offset their "strong analytical mind" and be able to play nice. Maybe smile at them?

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    Quote Originally Posted by lifer View Post
    Yep! It seems so...

    INTj's can seem better than thou due to having a "strong analytical mind". I just try to be nice to them but it may be harder for you to use Fe in order to offset their "strong analytical mind" and be able to play nice. Maybe smile at them?
    haha, I've taken to glaring at them; I have no desire to earn their favor

    the problem is I think my mind is just as analytical, but it's looking at different things than LII's; unfortunately, our "objects of analysis" sometimes overlap, and that's when it gets painful for me

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth Chesney View Post
    lol I remember it like it happened yesterday

    in the first few weeks of class I sat toward the front of the room, and whenever we had a class discussion I'd hear this highly articulate person in the back of the room deliver some very interesting arguments; it was obvious to me that he was "a cut above the rest". so I started sitting in the back of the room, and one day before class started, I said, "I hate Michelle Bachmann"; I'd not talked to him yet at this point, but he immediately responded by saying, "you know, that's not rational". I immediately started to argue with him, and every day after we got out of class I continued arguing with him; his thinking was so clear, precise, and quick, I had never encountered anyone like him before. this went on for about three weeks, and eventually I got tired of these embarrassing exchanges, so one day after class when he looked at me as if to say, "so are we gonna do this again or what?", I declined, and I never talked to him again.
    haha that was hillarious, you sure he wasn't ENTp? I think a lot of INTj's are more quiet until you cross their line of philosophy then they will argue until the other side quits, but i don't see them as vocal as ENTp's are. either way, that was entertaining. i imagined like a "tough guy" nerd session going on... esp. after the "we gonna do this again? *menacing LII stare" hahaha

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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    haha that was hillarious, you sure he wasn't ENTp? I think a lot of INTj's are more quiet until you cross their line of philosophy then they will argue until the other side quits, but i don't see them as vocal as ENTp's are. either way, that was entertaining. i imagined like a "tough guy" nerd session going on... esp. after the "we gonna do this again? *menacing LII stare" hahaha
    Yes, but ENTp's want "to be loved", so they're a little more resistant to getting into fights with people than maybe a 'provoked' LII. Maybe he's noticing his conflict intertype instead of supervisor intertype if he's ENFp - so is this person actually an ISTj? Or do we even know who Kenneth is?

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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    haha that was hillarious, you sure he wasn't ENTp?
    I'm positive

    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    i imagined like a "tough guy" nerd session going on... esp. after the "we gonna do this again? *menacing LII stare" hahaha
    haha ikr, he pwnt me like a nub

    this is the shithead in question:

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    wow, he looks so cute-like and not intimidating at all... until you see how serious he is (1:05) about his shit. you can tell he would argue something to DEATH if you were being illogical. better start saving for a casket ^^

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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    wow, he looks so cute-like and not intimidating at all... until you see how serious he is (1:05) about his shit. you can tell he would argue something to DEATH if you were being illogical. better start saving for a casket ^^
    hahaha seriously. I felt bad for my professor that term because the kid would argue with him during class discussions, then continue the argument via email. He had built himself a nice reputation; kids used to whisper about him, like "I heard he does this all the time" or "I had a class with him once, he was the same way".

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    haha dang, poor professor. I would've told him if he wanted to teach he can get his degrees first so shut the fuck up

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    I've been trying to find out more about this supervision pair, but haven't come across anything. Does anyone have real life experience of SLE-LII interactions in a romantic scenario?

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    Quote Originally Posted by bolong View Post
    I've been trying to find out more about this supervision pair, but haven't come across anything. Does anyone have real life experience of SLE-LII interactions in a romantic scenario?
    I'm not sure if romance is possible with relations of supervision, at least in the long-term:
    Generally speaking, the closer the relationship, the more dangerous the situation is. This is especially true for family relationships, where communication takes place at very close distances. The process of communication in such situations involves all functions, so that the audit can be quite severe. When it is impossible to avoid such communication the audited may even suffer mental illness.

    Supervisor can monitor every step the Supervisee takes, while Supervisee is powerless to resist this influence: all of his strong features "drown" in the appropriate function of the Supervisor. Supervisee tries to resist and even to fight back: puts on a show of deliberate crudeness, orders the Supervisor around, gives him assignments. Things may even progress to use of physical force. In this manner, Supervisee can create a lot of problems for the Supervisor, but the effect in the opposite direction is much more devastating. Close and prolonged contact with one's Supervisor, for example, in a family situation, can have dire consequences for the Supervisee, even the development of mental illness.

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    Some pretty heavy SLE-LII supervision going on in this video. Him being SLE and her being LII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    Some pretty heavy SLE-LII supervision going on in this video. Him being SLE and her being LII.
    Interesting. The way she says UGHH reminds me of an LII I know. But an LII scuba diving instructor?? I'm also not convinced that he's SLE, though he totally has an EP body type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    Some pretty heavy SLE-LII supervision going on in this video. Him being SLE and her being LII.
    My take on that is: They share the same judgement function, introverted thinking, but use different perception functions. They clash because each indivdual formed a conclusion based on a other perception and therefore can't find a common ground.

    My theory on this is: People can clash because of differnt perception or different judgement, or both.
    There will always be conflict between people because every person has a introverted function, a subjective function, in the ego.

  25. #25
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olduvai View Post
    I'm positive

    haha ikr, he pwnt me like a nub

    this is the shithead in question:
    Haha, these types of guys supervise you? Not me at all.

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