Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult
Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult
I "know" I'm ENFp, but sometimes exhibit strong introvert behaviors. I think this has to do with the kind of people I surround myself with. I've been surrounded a lot in my life by S-type with a 100- IQ (no offense intended), which caused me to withdraw.
MORON, 100 is the average, so if S averages 100, then N must also average 100. If you had anything above a room tempurature IQ, you'd know that already.
You SOAB! Where does it say that I claim that there is a relationship between S types and IQ? (actually, there is a correlation, but that's not what I'm talking about here). The thing I'm saying, is that I was surrounded by some S-types that also happened not to be that smart as well IQ wise. There are a lot of high IQ S-people, and a lot of retarded N-people as well. But being both high IQ and N surrounded by totally non-intellectual S types is an added risk! :wink: Yours is a typical SP anti-intellectual response!
You must be retarded, if not, then you're just delusional. Putting "S-type" next to "low IQ" instantly makes a connection. That would be like me saying "I was surrounded by a bunch of stupid black people who couldn't read... oh, no! I didn't mean that black people can't read, because there are white people who can't read as well... I was just saying! **waiting** But there actually is a correlation even though I just pretended like I thought there wasn't."

If you're even going to pretend for a second that your IQ is above 20, at least don't contradict yourself so much. No wonder people made you withdrawn. They realized that no word out of your mouth made any sense which subconsciouly made you realize that you were in fact, retarded.
You're so cute!