Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult
I "know" I'm ENFp, but sometimes exhibit strong introvert behaviors. I think this has to do with the kind of people I surround myself with. I've been surrounded a lot in my life by S-type with a 100- IQ (no offense intended), which caused me to withdraw.
MORON, 100 is the average, so if S averages 100, then N must also average 100. If you had anything above a room tempurature IQ, you'd know that already.
You SOAB! Where does it say that I claim that there is a relationship between S types and IQ? (actually, there is a correlation, but that's not what I'm talking about here). The thing I'm saying, is that I was surrounded by some S-types that also happened not to be that smart as well IQ wise. There are a lot of high IQ S-people, and a lot of retarded N-people as well. But being both high IQ and N surrounded by totally non-intellectual S types is an added risk! :wink: Yours is a typical SP anti-intellectual response!