Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
People in Socionics love to bash MBTI. But whatever weaknesses it may have, it's just not as bad as people say in Socionics forums and sites.

MBTI doesn't define J types as tidy and P types as messy.

Nor does it say that "introvert" types don't show extravert-seeming behaviors, and visa versa.

Many of the things that people say MBTI says just aren't so.
This is true to some extent, because there is a difference between 'official MBTI' and many derivatives, such as The Tiegers. And I agree MBTI deserves credit for making Psychological Type accessible to the larger public. I'm even going to present a workshop on PT, and focus on MBTI, because that is what most people are capable of understanding, and it suffices enough to suit most people's interest and purposes.

All these niceties about MBTI being said, still there are a lot of issues with MBTI, which MBTI itself does not want to correct. Why do so many introverts have a hard time deciding upon their type in MBTI? So many authority figures in the MBTI scene claim what you claim: that E/I isn't about being being social/withdrawn, only to contradict themselves in their questionnaires and their type descriptions (again, perhaps not official MBTI, but most of the derivates do). Same thing for J/P. MBTI has become static.