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Thread: this is how I feel about myself (and about IEEs in general)

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    Olduvai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    I know without a doubt. The IEE Filatova description is me to a tee, down to the way I act, carry myself, and dress.
    Yes, but does it accurately capture "the way you are"?

    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    I had my husband read the description, and he said it was uncanny how accurate it was of me.
    I honestly think this reasoning is Ti/Fe in nature. It's "I am this because others say I'm this"; with me, it's "I am this because I myself know I'm this". I don't need external validation; hell, I never mention typology to the people I know IRL. I feel like they'd find it creepy.

    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    Ok, just trying to understand...
    If you really were IEE, I don't think understanding would be an issue. It's the vagueness, isn't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    you're basically saying the IEE is not "best" at anything valuable?
    What I'm saying is they're not well-equipped to deal with the current set of conditions.

    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    For example, "ideas" and "innovation" are done better through EIE, so therefore IEE isn't needed because they're not the best at logic, nor the best at creativity?
    I honestly don't know what I was saying there, lol. It was a Ti-PoLR-barf.

    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    I still think IEE has grace in the way we carry out our duties.
    You say "duties" like you owe something to society or to other people; I've never felt like I owed anyone shit. "Social obligation" is another "quality" I associate with Fe/Ti.

    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    We get along with everyone (or at least many of us do) and that "buy-in" from others allows us to build bridges, give council, and "champion" ideas in a way that other types may not be able to do.
    lol, just today my EIE friend commented on my "antagonistic" nature.

    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    Have you been isolated for awhile? IEEs tend to wilt and get sulky when isolated.
    I've not been "isolated" necessarily, although my number of social contacts has definitely diminished over the past few years. Ultimately I am lonely; I am single and, despite having plenty of prospects, what I want is "true love". Unfortunately I've only met one female SLI in my life, and she wasn't "up to par" physically. I've been seeing lots of sexy female SLE (just the other day I had one tell me about her past sexual escapades, and it made me reconsider the whole "duality" thing; however, there is too much of a communication gap between us for a relationship to work), but they're way too socially demanding and emotionally needy for me. "Quiet", "independent", "kind", "understanding", "sensual", and "low-maintenance" are words I would use to describe my ideal mate. The female SLEs I've met have been "overbearing", "interpersonally demanding", "fundamentally unkind", "intolerant", "roughnecked", and "emotionally needy".

    Quote Originally Posted by applejacks View Post
    EDIT: This next question may come across as snarky, but I truly mean it in a comical way: If all you're saying is true, and you're also claiming to be IEE, wouldn't that mean that your logic is not sound, and therefore your argument is invalid because it's inferior? *eyebrow wiggle*
    lol I'm glad you said this: your clever (and logical) argument here kinda proves my point about your "essence".
    Last edited by Olduvai; 03-17-2014 at 02:50 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth Chesney View Post
    I've not been "isolated" necessarily, although my number of social contacts has definitely diminished over the past few years. Ultimately I am lonely; I am single and, despite having plenty of prospects, what I want is "true love". Unfortunately I've only met one female SLI in my life, and she wasn't "up to par" physically. I've been seeing lots of sexy female SLE (just the other day I had one tell me about her past sexual escapades, and it made me reconsider the whole "duality" thing; however, there is too much of a communication gap between us for a relationship to work), but they're way too socially demanding and emotionally needy for me. "Quiet", "independent", "kind", "understanding", "sensual", and "low-maintenance" are words I would use to describe my ideal mate. The female SLEs I've met have been "overbearing", "interpersonally demanding", "fundamentally unkind", "intolerant", "roughnecked", and "emotionally needy".
    This is how I "understand" SLI/IEE... or how the "he", who was mentioned in this thread I'll assume, has filtered down the dynamics of SLI/IEE through lyrical analysis. Afterall, I'm only an IEI, so it's not very easy for me to give "proof" with overly logical methods. Exactly how does a girl scout succeed in life anyway? However she ****ing can! LOL


    Let's just say that Amy Winehouse is SLI (SiTeFiNe).

    In her song "Amy Amy Amy", she talks about a coworker who "distracts" her, which stops her from doing the work that she hates (which is intentionally written in the present tense, being an ever-changing dynamic, I believe).

    Let me give you a few lines to digest and see if you agree:
    "Attract me till it hurts to concentrate" - Ne is valued here by Si
    "Distract me, stops me doin' work I hate" - Ne is valued here by Si
    "Although I've been here before" - Te ("to know")
    "I think you'd wear me well" - Te
    "Where's my moral parallel?" - Fi in relation to being a sexual, sensual Si
    "It takes me half an hour to write a verse" - Te (not very practical for such a practical person, right?)
    "He makes me imagine it from bad to worse" - Si as a form of "intellectual" sexuality
    "My weakness for the other sex" - Si
    "My train of thought spins right off track" - Te
    "He's just too hard to ignore" - weak Ne --------------> weak Se for me = too hard to ignore the sweets!
    "I'll let you know when you should stop" - Te
    "Now from the picture my mind drew" - Si
    "Creative energy abused" - Si taken over by Ne
    "And all my lyrics go unused" - Te
    "I drift off, I fantasize" - Si

    As an extroverted, feeling intuitive type or an essence thereof, NeFiTeSi, you are the master of distraction to an SLI.

    Now go find your own Amy before she overdoses on sensual distractions...! (I believe from personal experience within my family, that Blake Fielder, Amy Winehouse's object of affection, was ESFp and gave her drugs to break her down "piece by piece", but that's probably for another discussion.)

    Unfortunately, I agree with you about SLE's. Maybe there's a healthy SLE that can prove otherwise?!

    Communication via duality is theoretically much, much easier. You are right about communication gaps! I'm just too independent and sensitive (perhaps even afflicted by personality typology) to compete with SLE's who play "sadistic-like" games...
    Last edited by IBTL; 03-17-2014 at 06:24 PM.

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