Quote Originally Posted by HandiAce View Post
So for the sake of personal development and confronting my own comfort zones, fears, and self-sabtotaging tendencies, I have switched to IEI as my type.

Quote Originally Posted by HandiAce View Post
I really need help distinguishing positivism and negativism as well evolutionary and involutionary. If I am IEE as hkkmr concludes, what makes me NOT a positivist and NOT evolutionary?
this is all ye need to know:
Figuratively speaking, if Positivists are shown the front side then they will be looking at the front side, while Negativists will try to look at its inverse. If this inverse is not readily apparent, they will start searching for it. Thus Negativists do not seek to present a "negative" or "pessimistic" view of things, but simply the inverse or the alternative one.

Positivist types will critically analyze the information that they have received, but the manner in which they relay their criticisms differs from Negativist types. Positivist types are more inclined to voice affirmative statements designed to point out contradictions, or depict the topics in an ironic or absurdist light in order to demonstrate their disbelief or critique something that they've found to be untrue; while criticisms delivered by Negativist types contains a higher proportion of negating, eliminating, or invalidating statements and propositions.

Quote Originally Posted by HandiAce View Post
It's NOT that I like being told what I am not, quite the opposite. It's in order to understand an important concept, you have to highlight what is most important and what is not. The comparisons between the dichotomies are great. The problem is the validity of the source as some people like hkkmr and Phthalate don't fully embrace the ideas...
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