Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
However, wrt Te/Ni don't u find things r generally smoother sailing with LIEs? I have been set back on my plans to make Ne changes several times by ILIs, tho never (that im aware of) by LIE. I was also wondering, how do you think ILI benefits EIIs? Thanks Maritsa!
Hi De - light -ful
play on words haha

ILI benefits from EII in that we are forgiving, providers, and caring. I will work hard to put a room over my mother's head, I will tolerate abuse just for the big picture (so that she can always be secure -financially), I will be the one to take her to doctor's offices if I feel that someone is misusing her and not giving her the care she needs; I will grocery shop, clean the house, I will do all of it. Bring it on. They benefit from my love, relationship steadfastness, from my quiet, nonjudgemental, yet highly ethical way of existing.