We talk a lot about Fi-Te stuff, like people's personalities and human psychology. From the outside, it seems like we are close. But we aren't really that close. Oftentimes, we don't catch up for months at the time because both of us lack initiative in those sorts of things. When we do spend time together, we don't talk about our goals or dreams, but rather, we talk about the people in our lives. We delve into their mental state. It's a fun exercise for me, for she has great insight in that field. But sometimes I find myself imposing myself on her. For example, she wouldn't have told me she was dating a guy until I asked her how her day was. Because I know she wouldn't indulge in personal information, I would have to go all Sherlock Holmes on her. If I was her dual, then we wouldn't have the conversations like "you gotta tell me this stuff!" and she would laugh nervously and not apologize. Otherwise, we are polite and encouraging with each other's endeavors, keeping the other at a distance. Talking to her feels nice, but also tiring because I got to initiate everything. If I don't, nothing gets done. So, sometimes I don't initiate anything, which leads to disappointment. So, it's a nice, polite, boring, and slightly disappointing friendship.