Quote Originally Posted by Kpz View Post
You mix the behavior and a type's structure. Fi-function product (love, adoration, sympathy, contempt, slight, hate for example) does not depend on intertypes interactions.
You said yourself that those types were better in creating and maintaining relationships, which is action already, not feelings or attitudes like love, adoration or hate that you describe now. As the matter of fact, establishing and maintaining them succesfully is somewhat different from knowing what should be done to establish and maintain them.

@ Agni, that's a good description. However, there are still many Fi-egos who buy intertype relationships part of socionics more or less even though it is supposed to be created by Fi-PoLR.

@ Elina: isn't it more or less the same with socionics type theory too? it can be a useful frame but particular people and 'type representants' are not necessarily as clear cut as the theory says.