Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
And i was wondering how much of his response was an act, and thinking he seemed a bit drunk or something when they met him. Also how they treated him as if he was mentally slow or as if he was a child. Patronizing rather than as an equal down on his luck. And if he would sell/return the items once the cameras left. I'd like to see a shot of him a couple of days later to see what, if anything, changed.

Really, they did little to help him. It looked like they were advertising some items, which makes sense if those businesses donated food/clothing towards this project (in exchange for free advertising, heh).

But other than a brief moment of comfort in his life, nothing changed. And these tv people get to pat themselves on the back over how they helped a man feel good for a day.
Yeah, I sensed a little bit of that throughout...I certainly would've shown a bit more 'tact' and subtlety than they did. I wouldn't even want to make a spectacle out of it.