Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth Chesney View Post
So what? I'm still detecting an "implicit" and "static" property of an "object".

The point is that I perceived how the cat felt.

Cat = object
Feeling of like = static property
Indirect means of knowing = implicit

"Objects" and "fields" are two separate things.
Wrong, cat is an object, yes, but the object wasn't what you were looking at, it was the object's relationship to another object that you were looking at.

The thing with implicit fields is that you cannot directly perceive the field. You know that there is a relationship betwen the two+ objects going on, but it cannot be explicitely seen. So you have to grab clues elsewise. Such as the cat's reactions to what is happening to it.

As I said...an object does not need another object to be an object. But a field requires two or more objects to exist.
The cat exists as is. But it's feelings of like/dislike, attraction/repulsion, etc towards you and/or towards your actions did not exist until you created the field.