Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
What does it have to do with anything I have wrote so far? Nothing?
You said that I said that feelers only feel and never think (which isn't even what I said), and somehow that was supposed to invalidate something else I said. I thought the appropriate response would be to ask for clarification as to the meaning of "to feel" and "to think".

Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
(Problem is, you're giving me attention now and you get me oh so confused now, that is, I am starting to think I am supervising you now. Help out a brother here, who doesn't read Morning Start and can't stand being called a brother).

Maybe I just like attention?

Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
It is the act of producing thoughts, which in your case means you have a problem and I am here to profit from your problems.
But what is a "thought" as opposed to a "feeling"? Aren't they both "thoughts" insofar as they are both "products of cognition"?

Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
The act of assumption again, eh?
It was purely for hypothetical purposes.

Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
Come on, Charlie Sheen, it is time you castaway your hypotheses, you're starting to sound liek a hypothetical person already.
Hypotheses about what? Your type?

Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
Let me summarise: first EII, then EIE, now ESI. God damn, Sheen, I mean Charlie, purchase yourself a nice lightning conductor and whenever you have a thought, let it strike it. As for conflicting woofl, hell yes I will do, after I am finished with you. Rhyming with Absurd made easy, you just need to pull the trigger and squeezy.
Don't fuck with K. Chesney; you're just a gay lesbi