Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
It's "Charlie", not "Chase". Sheesh.

Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
seriously, this is some fine construct you constructed here/are still constructing.
Thanks, I thought so too. After all, I define "Ne" as "Explicit Field/Condition/Construct Statics".

Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
I don't know whether this is my morbid curiosity that tells me to focus on you more closely or the fact that I've seen it somewhere before.
Auditor seems like a significant person; how he acts deserves attention.


Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
Either way feeling is and has always been an subjective experience of emotion, at least psychology wise.
So "to feel" would mean "to subjectively experience emotion"? What would "to think" mean?

Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
(And why can't I supervise woof instead of Jim? Am I inferior in your eyes?)

Assuming I'm right (which I'm probably not), you can do me one better: you can conflict with him. I'm starting to wonder if you're ESI; if so, I urge you to antagonize woof as much as possible.