Quote Originally Posted by HereticWacey View Post
Come on home bud. There is no need to stand outside in the cold and the snow. We got the fire going, you can dry your clothes off. Some people are playing cards over there, some people are watching TV, some people are making dinner, some people are wrestling with the kids, one person is having a shower, and another is just vegging out on the couch. You can fit in where ever you want to. If you can't cook, then just help set the table. If you don't like kids, then stay out of the living room. If TV isn't your thing don't walk into the living room and start groaning about it cause others arn't interested. If you don't want to play cards, you can just hang out at the kitchen table and listen to some delta ST lament about there failed relationship and offer some insights or two. Cause that's where you are wanted.
Am I welcome too?