Analytical. They use logical reasoning in all matters. They try to make information as simple and clear as possible, by cutting out things they consider of lesser importance. The problem with this is that they neglect secondary information, which although is of lesser importance, is still nevertheless important. They think about “What is the main thing?”. They are fair in their approach with people. They seek to have an ideal systemic order in place on a “big picture” scale, which can be over the top and unrealistic. If they notice that something is unclear they ask questions to seek clarification, even on subtle details.

They are absent-minded daydreamers. They come up with ways of improving things. They are global thinkers, looking at the big picture. Good researchers.

They inappropriately use logical reasoning in matters concerning personal relationships. They do not think about how their words and actions affect people’s feelings. Rather than think about these things, to be safe, they are very polite and friendly and are unassertive. They giggle nervously and inappropriately with people they do not know well. They daydream when someone speaks to them, and so they ask questions to keeps up with the conversation. They can be over technical in their ethics, which can lead to problems in relationships. They are over conscious of people looking at them, because when people look at them they feel people are monitoring their behaviour. They bring up topics of conversation that are inappropriate for the moment.

They are lazy.

They are emotionally sensitive. This can lead them to be tearful on the one hand or happy on the other hand. Emotion is their driving force. They express their love, in words or actions, to people that matter to them.

They are impatient when it comes to eating tasty food - they dislike waiting. They worry about their health deteriorating because they neglect it. They may put effort into maintaining their health, and go over the top in this regard, but this lasts only for a short time, and then they go back to how they were doing things before. They do not give as much attention to their physical appearance as they would like to - they seek long term solutions to their physical appearance. They try to find and apply a logical formula to having a good physical appearance. They do not dress appropriately, for the moment.

They are unproductive. However, when they are under time pressure they become very efficient. They are very tight in spending money. When they spend money, they think of the items long term benefit. They may also spontaneously spend money on something that reflects their mood, but not without thinking how much money they can afford to dispose of. They do not follow a fixed periodic routine because it would dampen their motivation.

They are aware of time frames. With this knowledge, they tend to do things at the last minute, but within time. The quality of their work is poor because they do things rushed at the last minute. They are impatient and impulsive. They makes predictions of the distant future. They refrain from taking actions that they foresee as having disastrous long term consequences - this foresight of disaster is of the worst case scenario if they take a certain course of action, which is highly unlikely to occur, but nevertheless a possibility. They foresee certain actions as having the consequence of a very bright future, which again is highly unlikely to occur, but nevertheless a possibilities - this foresight makes them spring into action. When those bright hopes do not materialize, they feel sadness, but that does not make then lose heart and give up on their dreams. They will think of other ways of achieving their dreams. They don’t value symbolism.