Okay I'm ready now

Some time ago a certain SLE physical trainer became very interested in me trough online dating. He lived in the east coast but was considering moving to California. He was well off because he sold his house and purchased another in the Foothill mountains area, which is a very expensive area. I want to recall our interaction while we were dating. First off he seemed very ethical person and very accommodating. He loved food and all sorts of sensory experience and he was quite adventurous. He loved the idea of being the strong person so he really love sort of delicate, shy, quiet women (I am all these things). Because of his strong ethics he often spoke about being a devoted husband and what he would do to be a provider, the man of the house. I mistook all these things for my dual of course, mostly because I was young to socionics and all the values seemed to point to ST but more towards extraversion but back then I didn't know how to discern J from P. Such a small difference but so huge in the outcome.

So yes, SLE are family men. They want to be the man with strong will to their wife but they are not controlling of the plan or things to do as LSE are. SLE take quick and direct action to be with someone. He moved within weeks and took up a job here within weeks and was so well established in almost no time. That was just so quick. My duals would not be so quick, they have to take action only when they think about everything and they don't let their emotions control their logic. I feel like SLE, though a logical type, do let that happen.

"-"On the hook", what the ****, would an ESTp female really put up with being "on the hook"?!?"
I don't know what you're trying to ask here

"-Why and how do the ESTp female become more ethically dependent on the IEI male? Does the ESTp female look at the IEI male for ethical guidances and right or wrong?"

All ethical types make moral and some kind of judgement on actions and values. ESTp wants to align their own values to someone to have a solid framework of the sameness feeling. They care about ethics yes.