Well, for one thing, types like ESE focus less on reading others in a How to sense than in their own emotional interpretive sense. LSE would say "you need to know how others are do things, say things, as to know how to be around those kinds of people" and this allows them to manipulate the scene better obviously, whereas sure the same even could be taken place by and ESE but that the ESE concentrates on the person's emotions, emotional cues and doesn't put emotion aside to look at the actions that will get them the success. It's frustrating to see an ESE struggle when getting upset at what they can't get done while an LSE would find ways to do that without getting upset; an LSE would find solace in emotional venting about relationships and not work related actions. ESE would throw out a whole bunch of sarcasm or look intelligent through their intellectual prowess as a constructivist type while an LSE sits back and watches other's actions.