Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
Bjork is definitely SEI, in my opinion, as is Mozart; I would give Beethoven, an IEI, as an appropriate contrast to Mozart in terms of using Ni vs. Si, respectively, in conjunciton with Fe: Beethoven is typically more somber, heavier, and his pieces tend to consistently develop one emotional "thesis," whereas Mozart is generally more lighthearted (even his more intense pieces like Requiem aren't nearly as emotionally "heavy" as, say, Moonlight Sonata or No. 9) and expresses more interplay of the instruments for purely aesthetic purposes, deviating from his theme to explore different sounds and changing the emotional tenor of a piece throughout its course.
I know Gilly isn't here anymore, but it seems pointless to compare the music of Mozart with that of Beethoven for typing purposes, unless you want to argue that the entire ushering in of the (Early) Romantic era was a Beta thing or something, and whatever came before was an Alpha thing . . . which imo would be very silly.

Anyhow, I've always thought of Bjork as an SEI-Si prototype. And if you listen to, say, Vespertine, her work gets pretty damned heavy and grand.