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Thread: ESTp's method of conquest: question for IEIs and SLEs

  1. #41
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    gimme gist, aisa

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackburry View Post

    (I really did try to find a funny... couldn't.)
    Dawwwww If it was a man it'd be a perfect picture of me while i'm on this site, wrapped up shivering from hunger and cold trying to catch some SEI radience before I go out in the big bad world!

    Picture made my day

    ps Wasn't trying to dish the gamma's (this time), I think they're cool, just like big brothers and sisters in a way. And like with big brothers and sisters I kinda am the little brother that keeps running into their rooms while they're stealing kisses from their first lovers... errr anyway...

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    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    (...) I haven't read aisa for too long (...), but energywise she doesn't strike me as Beta.
    and someone liking to be chased not necessarily = "Challenger/Prize" erotic attitude. It may be close to human nature actually. Only socionics makes a fuss of such a thing.
    couldn't agree more.

    Quote Originally Posted by blackburry View Post
    not a sei simliar to bg or lemontrees or joe. 2w1 sounds likely..and might be the difference? but back to the issue at hand: dunno. I think this is a simple scenario which doesn't really need to be complicated..if you see him again, tell him to back off and that you really are not interested. Don't smile at him. I would even say, "Dude you are really creeping me out and making me uncomfortable." Squirrel's suggestion works quite nicely as well.
    yeah, this sounds reasonable, that's similar to what I was originally meaning to do, should I meet him again, but then I kind of lost the guts and figured I'd ask here, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    I still think she's SEI as stated. As for the sharp energy, I guess it's in contrast with lemontrees. It also is very much my subjective feeling and wasn't meant to say "you're not SEI" just to assert that I do see a difference with other SEI's i've met (mostly here, as I don't recognise them IRL) and that she doesn't seem to fit the "stereotype" that much.
    yeah, I'm not a stereotypical SEI, but not in the way that I don't do the things assigned to the stereotype.
    I think with time I got more and more efficient in hiding away my Fe and showing it only to people who I find to be pure of intention - so to say.
    So my ILE sees this side daily, my friends and family do too and that's about it. I'm pleasant to strangers and all that stereotypical SEI stuff but I don't wear my heart on my sleeve, not anymore.
    (I was even told by my ILE that I toughened up and that it was a shame I went through some crap that made me lose this lemontree-like outside quality (he's known me for a long time and remembers me from that time). Then later on thanks to him I softened back again in close relations, but kept up my new sharper front for the outsiders. That's pretty much it.)

    Some gamma's have a much sharper engergy than she so, compared to that she's still sweet like. Gamma's sometimes scare me, making me think they're mad at me or something, Aisa doesn't project that. But neither does she project the "my talking is akin to wrapping you up in blankets" that @lemontrees has. She's a bit more cool and collected and...deliberate I think.
    Hey, my parents are gammas, you have no idea... The polr strikes from my ILI mum... ouch.
    But they can be warm, they just usually don't always fully realise how their behaviour influences alphas (and probably it works both ways, I'm sure there were some polr strikes from me over the years too).
    I'd take angry ESI over an angry ILI any day. Angry ESI is a short storm, then it passes and sun's shining again and everything's fine. Angry ILI is brewing and brewing and then bam a hurricane strikes and then later comes the cold age era and the sun doesn't come out for a much longer time (at least from my experience).

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    couldn't agree more.

    yeah, this sounds reasonable, that's similar to what I was originally meaning to do, should I meet him again, but then I kind of lost the guts and figured I'd ask here, lol.

    yeah, I'm not a stereotypical SEI, but not in the way that I don't do the things assigned to the stereotype.
    I think with time I got more and more efficient in hiding away my Fe and showing it only to people who I find to be pure of intention - so to say.
    So my ILE sees this side daily, my friends and family do too and that's about it. I'm pleasant to strangers and all that stereotypical SEI stuff but I don't wear my heart on my sleeve, not anymore.
    (I was even told by my ILE that I toughened up and that it was a shame I went through some crap that made me lose this lemontree-like outside quality (he's known me for a long time and remembers me from that time). Then later on thanks to him I softened back again in close relations, but kept up my new sharper front for the outsiders. That's pretty much it.)

    Hey, my parents are gammas, you have no idea... The polr strikes from my ILI mum... ouch.
    But they can be warm, they just usually don't always fully realise how their behaviour influences alphas (and probably it works both ways, I'm sure there were some polr strikes from me over the years too).
    I'd take angry ESI over an angry ILI any day. Angry ESI is a short storm, then it passes and sun's shining again and everything's fine. Angry ILI is brewing and brewing and then bam a hurricane strikes and then later comes the cold age era and the sun doesn't come out for a much longer time (at least from my experience).
    I believe you completely about toughening up due to experiences. Also, I'm kinda hoping I'll meet a SEI who is not too sweet cuz i'm kinda afraid i'd break them :S I'm not made to be diplomatic....kinda bluntly stating things that seem to hurt others sometimes, and while I get better with time in adjusting to others sensibilities i'd hate to break such innocence...

    ESI storm can shatter our poor fragile ILE ego's completely while the logically contained ILI will be brooding while we'll be dancing around him taunting him to extrovert his emotions by being goofy oddballs.... ESI's can "dislike" with a passion....I don't want to be disliked so intensely :'(

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    Now, given this overly detailed almost 'photographic' recollection of events screams Si and it's obvious I'm not IEI - could an IEI or SLE explain to me what happened that evening?
    TL;DR - If a SEI gets mistaken for IEI by SLE, how to get out of the situation without being rude but letting SLE know the 'no' is final? (It seems the way a SEI says 'no' is reminiscent to the way an IEI says 'no, but if you pursue me, it might be a yes'...)
    The way you turned him down with a one-liner and walked away could be viewed as a challenge and/or you playing coy. In other words this could have been taken as a double-signal especially by an SLE who with 1-dimensional intuition sometimes envisions potential where none exists and then is likely to interpret it in his favor. There are married women who go out to clubs to seek adventures on the side. From his point of view you didn't make it fully clear to him that you aren't one of them. A potential opportunity was spotted, your reply was reminiscent of an IEI trying to evade, and for the rest of the evening he tried to "shake you up" to see if it leads anywhere further, which is a typical beta ST (and gamma SF) response to obtain more information on intuitive aspect about the potential that they only vaguely perceive but can't resolve it without "confronting" the object further.

    Notice how in your story he has disengaged once you friend has explained to him you're not joking, that you are indeed happily married and not looking for a hook-up. The way you could have cut his chase short was to do exactly that – being honest and upfront with him, tell him that you're there on a girl's night out and not looking for hookups, and that "he's better using his time pursuing someone else". One-liner responses leave enough room for him to start wondering. Then his (potentially sexually deprived) male mind is going to come up with all kinds of "leeways" to reinterpret things.

    Being bitchy and curt is the last thing you'd want to do in this situation because it will be viewed as a challenge and can lead him to intensify the chase or try to take revenge on you for perceived rudeness. You want to condense all the possibilities for him into one and instill it into him that you're being sincere and there is no opportunity for him open with you (if needed, you can even take him to one of your friends and ask them to confirm your story next time).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    gimme gist, aisa
    hmm, ok.
    So the main question was - whether this was a SLE-type-related sort of conqueror behaviour or just some creepy behaviour regardless whether SLE or non-SLE:
    A party, guy approaches a girl (I'm the girl) that seems to be alone, dances with her, notices she's married, wants to keep on dancing, she leaves him after one dance. He keeps trying to catch her attention (approaches etc.). She tells him he's great but she's married. He answers he doesn't care. She says that she cares and goes on ignoring him for the rest of the night. While he spends the rest of the night trying to win her over using a sorts of psychological pressure (that many people here described as creepy) and doesn't listen to her friends who also say she's married and not interested in him (he keeps saying 'I don't care' and keeps on pursuing, dancing at close distance, grabbing a girl to dance with her 'crowding' in front of me and then leaving her and coming back to me on and on and on... trying to touch my back, hold my hair... despite me moving away and continuously ignoring him)
    So that's as 'gisty' a description of a situation I can come up with.
    The question was whether this guy was SLE and the girl's behaviour (I'm the girl) was in his eyes an invitation to pursue her? (as in aggressor-victim Gulenko's description or sth)

    (it wasn't an invitation in my eyes and wasn't meant to be, either.)

  7. #47
    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    Stare him down and flatly and loudly say "FUCK. OFF." and nothing else. If you want, take a drink nearby and splash it in his face, and aim the bulk of the liquid towards his eyes. If you end up in the middle of a dance, knee him in the balls really hard at the first given opportunity, and stomp the spike of your hi-heel into his instep as hard as possible. This should cause a sufficient amount of pain and damage without actively causing a scene.
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
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  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    hmm, ok.
    So the main question was - whether this was a SLE-type-related sort of conqueror behaviour or just some creepy behaviour regardless whether SLE or non-SLE:
    A party, guy approaches a girl that seems to be alone, dances with her, notices she's married, wants to keep on dancing, she leaves him after one dance. He keeps trying to catch her attention (approaches etc.). She tells him he's great but she's married. He answers he doesn't care. She says that she cares and goes on ignoring him for the rest of the night. While he spends the rest of the night trying to win her over using a sorts of psychological pressure (that many people here described as creepy) and doesn't listen to her friends who also say she's married and not interested in him.
    So that's as 'gisty' a description of a situation I can come up with.
    The question was whether this guy was SLE and the girl's behaviour (I'm the girl) was in his eyes an invitation to pursue her? (as in aggressor-victim Gulenko's description or sth)

    (it wasn't an invitation in my eyes and wasn't meant to be, either.)
    ohhh okay, no, that was just some desperate ENFj

  9. #49
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    also this comes into play fairly often in such situations: Clueless Guys Can't Read Women

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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    hmm, ok.
    So the main question was - whether this was a SLE-type-related sort of conqueror behaviour or just some creepy behaviour regardless whether SLE or non-SLE:
    A party, guy approaches a girl (I'm the girl) that seems to be alone, dances with her, notices she's married, wants to keep on dancing, she leaves him after one dance. He keeps trying to catch her attention (approaches etc.). She tells him he's great but she's married. He answers he doesn't care. She says that she cares and goes on ignoring him for the rest of the night. While he spends the rest of the night trying to win her over using a sorts of psychological pressure (that many people here described as creepy) and doesn't listen to her friends who also say she's married and not interested in him (he keeps saying 'I don't care' and keeps on pursuing, dancing at close distance, grabbing a girl to dance with her 'crowding' in front of me and then leaving her and coming back to me on and on and on... trying to touch my back, hold my hair... despite me moving away and continuously ignoring him)
    So that's as 'gisty' a description of a situation I can come up with.
    The question was whether this guy was SLE and the girl's behaviour (I'm the girl) was in his eyes an invitation to pursue her? (as in aggressor-victim Gulenko's description or sth)

    (it wasn't an invitation in my eyes and wasn't meant to be, either.)
    It sounds Se (prototypically Se at least) and remember SLE has Fi polr, never mind you're married, you don't want to flirt, maybe you don't actually like them as a person. If they're really good-looking and confident, their Se is likely to take any kind of "barriers" and maybe even bitchiness as a challenge, but so is a polite or covert rejection and complete ignoring. I suppose only literally avoiding them works. I think it's mostly the Se compulsion to reach out after what cannot be easily got, the thrill, the sensation of "bending an object of desire" into behaving as they'd like to. SLE in particular due to weak Fi cannot sense "emotional content" as well , so shaking up and pushing for reactions is their main way of getting to know what can be done with a person, so to speak. Moreover, their weak Fi makes them less likely to stick to "crystallized" personal, subjective preferences and go after what they see in the here and now and immediately feel attracted to.

  11. #51
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    tell him that you're there on a girl's night out and not looking for hookups, and that "he's better using his time pursuing someone else"
    this is pretty much exactly what i said last time i was in a similar situation and it worked. this was after ignoring him for awhile didn't work. maybe it could be due to similar typological reasons as you described but he didn't seem Se ego. the way you talked about the aggressor mindset was good anyway.

    you make a point about a one-liner seeming like a challenge but ime giving thoughtful explanations sometimes just gives them an opportunity to grab onto some piece of what you said and keep the whole thing going. basically like not feeding a troll.

    i agree with what pookie said about being meaner until it works. i guess it sounds a little brutal but you don't really know how much will hurt their feelings and how much they'll just laugh off and plow thru until you throw it out. some shitty ppl will count on you not being willing to cross a line of rudeness or whatever because its more convenient for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    also this comes into play fairly often in such situations: Clueless Guys Can't Read Women
    Women are clueless too, they always read emotions like Sadness, friendlyness, stubbornness in our bodylanguage where all we're really experiencing is LUST!!! ;-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    I believe you completely about toughening up due to experiences. Also, I'm kinda hoping I'll meet a SEI who is not too sweet cuz i'm kinda afraid i'd break them :S I'm not made to be diplomatic....kinda bluntly stating things that seem to hurt others sometimes, and while I get better with time in adjusting to others sensibilities i'd hate to break such innocence...
    I know my ILE felt a similar way towards my younger self. But tbh i wouldn't be too afraid of an ILE 'breaking' a SEI. It's not that easy. We tend to see what is just being blunt and it doesn't sink deep enough to actually break someone. The person that broke my heart an faith in people for quite a while was an IEI. (I went through a lot of other unrelated crap too, but that was the start.) And tbh I don't hold it against the socionics type cause that would just be unfair and illogical. This particular person was a very wounded and unhealthy one and I guess any kind of an introverted feeling type who was unhealthy is at a much greater chance of actually scarring a SEI. Cause introverted feeling types, especially 'hurt' ones are perceived as harmless so SEI's defences go down in order to help out the person and if the person is really unhealthy then the rollercoaster starts. (To cut it really short.)

    ESI storm can shatter our poor fragile ILE ego's completely while the logically contained ILI will be brooding while we'll be dancing around him taunting him to extrovert his emotions by being goofy oddballs.... ESI's can "dislike" with a passion....I don't want to be disliked so intensely :'(
    Yeah, ESI is to ILE what LIE is to SEI so I get what you mean. But ESI isn't as harmful to SEI. And yeah I can see my ILE diffusing my ILI mum's bad brewing moods in exactly the way you described, that's exactly how it usually unfolds, lolll.
    It's easier for me to communicate with ESI than ILI and for my ILE it's easier to communicate with ILI than with ESI.
    That is not to say that I dislike ILIs, they're great. I just don't want them to get angry anywhere around me, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    The way you turned him down with a one-liner and walked away could be viewed as a challenge and/or you playing coy. In other words this could have been taken as a double-signal especially by an SLE who with 1-dimensional intuition sometimes envisions potential where none exists and then is likely to interpret it in his favor. There are married women who go out to clubs to seek adventures on the side. From his point of view you didn't make it fully clear to him that you aren't one of them. A potential opportunity was spotted, your reply was reminiscent of an IEI trying to evade, and for the rest of the evening he tried to "shake you up" to see if it leads anywhere further, which is a typical beta ST (and gamma SF) response to obtain more information on intuitive aspect about the potential that they only vaguely perceive but can't resolve it without "confronting" the object further.

    Notice how in your story he has disengaged once you friend has explained to him you're not joking, that you are indeed happily married and not looking for a hook-up. The way you could have cut his chase short was to do exactly that – being honest and upfront with him, tell him that you're there on a girl's night out and not looking for hookups, and that "he's better using his time pursuing someone else". One-liner responses leave enough room for him to start wondering. Then his (potentially sexually deprived) male mind is going to come up with all kinds of "leeways" to reinterpret things.

    Being bitchy and curt is the last thing you'd want to do in this situation because it will be viewed as a challenge and can lead him to intensify the chase or try to take revenge on you for perceived rudeness. You want to condense all the possibilities for him into one and instill it into him that you're being sincere and there is no opportunity for him open with you (if needed, you can even take him to one of your friends and ask them to confirm your story next time).
    Wow, yeah, I actually think you're totally right with everything you wrote here.

    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    Stare him down and flatly and loudly say "FUCK. OFF." and nothing else. If you want, take a drink nearby and splash it in his face, and aim the bulk of the liquid towards his eyes. If you end up in the middle of a dance, knee him in the balls really hard at the first given opportunity, and stomp the spike of your hi-heel into his instep as hard as possible. This should cause a sufficient amount of pain and damage without actively causing a scene.
    That's not sth that'd ever happen. Not in a situation where someone's just psychologically being creepy.
    Not unless someone really physically tried to hurt me. And even then I'd be more likely to call the security than act out like that.
    (I'm kinda hoping this was supposed to be some kind of a joke. That's just harsh.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    ohhh okay, no, that was just some desperate ENFj
    oh, could be actually. Don't know any male EIEs so have no comparison. Thanks for your answer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    Don't know any male EIEs so have no comparison.
    try this one:

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    try this one:

    Awesome, Trolling DJA and EIE's alike You sir, win the internet!

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    I want a SEI who sings me this:

    yeah yeah, its creepy..

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    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    It sounds Se (prototypically Se at least) and remember SLE has Fi polr, never mind you're married, you don't want to flirt, maybe you don't actually like them as a person. If they're really good-looking and confident, their Se is likely to take any kind of "barriers" and maybe even bitchiness as a challenge, but so is a polite or covert rejection and complete ignoring. I suppose only literally avoiding them works. I think it's mostly the Se compulsion to reach out after what cannot be easily got, the thrill, the sensation of "bending an object of desire" into behaving as they'd like to. SLE in particular due to weak Fi cannot sense "emotional content" as well , so shaking up and pushing for reactions is their main way of getting to know what can be done with a person, so to speak. Moreover, their weak Fi makes them less likely to stick to "crystallized" personal, subjective preferences and go after what they see in the here and now and immediately feel attracted to.
    Yeah, I'm not too sure of his type, but what you're describing is almost exactly how I think it all could have played out in his head. It sure felt as if it was this sort of a 'game' that he was trying to 'play'.

    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    Women are clueless too, they always read emotions like Sadness, friendlyness, stubbornness in our bodylanguage where all we're really experiencing is LUST!!! ;-)
    yeah, the longer I read this thread the more I come to this conclusion, that what I perceived as sadness at the beginning and even felt sorry for him being sad was actually his ego being 'sad' that his lust is not about to be fulfilled.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    try this one:

    ahahaha, if that's supposed to be a desperate EIE then I've met some before, lmao, but that definitely wasn't one.
    I'd never say a guy acting like this had a 'strong presence' or was visually 'hottest in the club' (I wrote it in the longer description)
    He looked like a cross between Christopher Walken, Vincent Gallo and Will Dailey (don't know if they VI like one type, probably not. Dailey seems 'softer', so I'd say a mix of young Walken and Gallo)
    Think of some of the Walken's dance scenes, it was more like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    Women are clueless too, they always read emotions like Sadness, friendlyness, stubbornness in our bodylanguage where all we're really experiencing is LUST!!! ;-)
    that misconception is easily cleared by taking everything and anything a guy says as a plea for sex, for example "could you pass on the glass?" should be really read as "could you have sex with me?", or "have you watched the olympics?" is in its actuality "oh yeah baby unf unf unf"

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    try this one:

    That's an LSI phobic 6.

    Now this is an EIE male.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    Yeah, I'm not too sure of his type, but what you're describing is almost exactly how I think it all could have played out in his head. It sure felt as if it was this sort of a 'game' that he was trying to 'play'.

    yeah, the longer I read this thread the more I come to this conclusion, that what I perceived as sadness at the beginning and even felt sorry for him being sad was actually his ego being 'sad' that his lust is not about to be fulfilled.

    ahahaha, if that's supposed to be a desperate EIE then I've met some before, lmao, but that definitely wasn't one.
    I'd never say a guy acting like this had a 'strong presence' or was visually 'hottest in the club' (I wrote it in the longer description)
    He looked like a cross between Christopher Walken, Vincent Gallo and Will Dailey (don't know if they VI like one type, probably not. Dailey seems 'softer', so I'd say a mix of young Walken and Gallo)
    Think of some of the Walken's dance scenes, it was more like that.
    Ofc I was kinda joking...kinda..well no to be sure, just take it serious!

    About DJA (the desperate ENFJ example) he's kinda the laughing stock of the forum. He self types SLE but no-one wants to be the same type as him so we retype him as anything we dislike ^^
    oh, wait, that's what I am doing, i have no clue, maybe someone out there likes him. Anyway... he makes entertaining (but not really informationally sound) youtube movies about socionics and he is one of the let's say three people on this forum that can iritate me.

    The guy you described didn't sound like DJA at all... I doubt DJA talks to women in reall life at all.....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    I want a SEI who sings me this:

    yeah yeah, its creepy..
    and with this in your soul you're afraid of hurting a SEI...? You'll be alright.
    Her voice annoys me at the beginning of the song, but other than that, it almost made me cry.

    What's in my soul looks more like this:

    I actually dedicated this song to my ILE about a month ago and translated it for him as it's exactly how he made me feel... and he loved it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    That's an LSI phobic 6.
    That's SLE CF6

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    that misconception is easily cleared by taking everything and anything a guy says as a plea for sex, for example "could you pass on the glass?" should be really read as "could you have sex with me?", or "have you watched the olympics?" is in its actuality "oh yeah baby unf unf unf"
    haha yeah, if I read it like that with my husband towards me, I wouldn't be too far off, lmao

    Now this is an EIE male.
    that's unwatchable to me, lol.
    Also, if DJ Arendee wasn't impersonating an EIE effectively, then show me another vid with a male EIE that's between 20-40 years old.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    that's unwatchable to me, lol.
    Also, if DJ Arendee wasn't impersonating an EIE effectively, then show me another vid with a male EIE that's between 20-40 years old.
    my internet is being laggy so i can't look up too many vids, see if this one works instead

    an EIE-Ni guy of highschool age

    he's got something of malcom x, another EIE

    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    That's SLE CF6
    Apparently he mentally pre-plans every possible action another person could take - not an SLE.

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    thx @silke
    I think I kinda get the idea. So yeah, that guy from OP was not an EIE.
    However I just realised I know one very young EIE guy who tends to appear in the place I volunteer when I'm there. We have a kind of a younger brother - older sister sort of relation (at least that's the way I see it, he's got a girlfriend that he says he's fond of so I'm 'safe' right? this thread is gonna make me paranoid regarding male intentions, lol) and he tends to tell me tons of stories about his life and problems and everything (for some reason people tend to do that to me even when they don't know me too well, lol. I guess I listen to those poor souls that others just get tired of and swiftly brush them off )

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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    thx @silke
    I think I kinda get the idea. So yeah, that guy from OP was not an EIE.
    However I just realised I know one very young EIE guy who tends to appear in the place I volunteer when I'm there. We have a kind of a younger brother - older sister sort of relation (at least that's the way I see it, he's got a girlfriend that he says he's fond of so I'm 'safe' right? this thread is gonna make me paranoid regarding male intentions, lol) and he tends to tell me tons of stories about his life and problems and everything (for some reason people tend to do that to me even when they don't know me too well, lol. I guess I listen to those poor souls that others just get tired of and swiftly brush them off )
    Is he male? yes -> he's trying to weasle his way into your pants!!


    "My mother died" -> give me pitty sex!
    "I bought a new car"-> give me car sex!
    "I went on a journey"-> I'm adventurous, now give me sex!


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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    my internet is being laggy so i can't look up too many vids, see if this one works instead

    an EIE-Ni guy of highschool age

    he's got something of malcom x, another EIE

    Apparently he mentally pre-plans every possible action another person could take - not an SLE.
    I don't really know the dude well, but my image of LSI is something like Lou Reed, Clint Eastwood, Daniel Day Lewis, Ralph Fiennes at best. From what I've seen online he doesn't fit any organized LSI with a relatively fixed set of personal beliefs.

    Anyway, here's another famous EIE :

    And I think Martin Luther King is likely FeNi. And Che Guevara >> though I've seen him typed LSI, if I recall.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    But tbh i wouldn't be too afraid of an ILE 'breaking' a SEI. It's not that easy. We tend to see what is just being blunt and it doesn't sink deep enough to actually break someone..

    To be honest, I wanted to bring this up before but wasn't sure how to: I've often felt like a "stronger person" than alpha NT men I've known, even if they can be much more "debauch" than me. They feel emotionally weak, and even mentally so after a fashion, b/c of the investment that some of them put into their minds creates an expectation that the mind will be able to solve problems that it cannot actually sustain itself against alone. Of course the flip side is their many strengths and their wisdom (you should see me break into panic attacks and weep like a baby over Te-PoLR stuff.) And I'm sure there are exceptions- age, wisdom, health, etc. The guys I have known have mostly been young, and it's natural that they would be weak in certain areas, particularly ones that don't involve intuition or logic (...) I am friends with one right now who seems so balanced that I wonder why he needs me in his life at all.

    But I would say that in general, at least on emotional turf, I am far more scared of breaking a man than fearing that he will break me. This may be partially related to having gone all the way down the E4 rabbit hole- I know precisely the level of manipulation and damage I am capable of, and, conversely, the sort of shit I'm capable of bouncing back after (both self- and other- inflicted.) I haven't actually known many SEI's, but none of the ones I have known seem easily breakable to me. @hkkmr has mentioned how SEI's are very stubborn, but soft on the surface. I believe even the Strati description mentions it ("when Dumas plays a tyrant, he will play someone who is soft and yielding on the surface, but firm and controlling underneath- in other words, he plays himself.")

    Edit: @aisa I don't know what else you would be, but I can believe that there are SEI's that sound very different on the internet from myself. That being said- Angelina, man. Fe-PoLR as fuck! If I ever muster up the energy, I will try to post a comparison video b/t her and an SEI...

    Edit 2: But you know. Any type is capable of breaking any other type. It comes down to a personal thing.
    Last edited by lemontrees; 02-13-2014 at 12:02 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    Ofc I was kinda joking...kinda..well no to be sure, just take it serious!

    About DJA (the desperate ENFJ example) he's kinda the laughing stock of the forum. He self types SLE but no-one wants to be the same type as him so we retype him as anything we dislike ^^
    oh, wait, that's what I am doing, i have no clue, maybe someone out there likes him. Anyway... he makes entertaining (but not really informationally sound) youtube movies about socionics and he is one of the let's say three people on this forum that can iritate me.

    The guy you described didn't sound like DJA at all... I doubt DJA talks to women in reall life at all.....
    I got DJA as Ti-SLE 368 tritype, largely because it's absolutely impossible for me to see him as something other than Fred Durst's Identical.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    i have no clue, maybe someone out there likes him. ...
    I think socionics is a pretty cool guy, eh fights the Enneagram Counterphobic 6 trolls and doesn't afraid of anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    I got DJA as Ti-SLE 368 tritype, largely because it's absolutely impossible for me to see him as something other than Fred Durst's Identical.
    he's like a lance armstrong 3. yeah, image > head.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    That's an LSI phobic 6.
    too much self-hype/self-promotion for LSI...

    even LSIs get bored talking about themselves. heh

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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoobie77 View Post
    I think socionics is a pretty cool guy, eh fights the Enneagram Counterphobic 6 trolls and doesn't afraid of anything.
    That Dude is supposedly "my dual" and I cannot stand the sight of his babbles. He's entertaining when you watch 2-3 videos at most.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    That Dude is supposedly "my dual" and I cannot stand the sight of his babbles. He's entertaining when you watch 2-3 videos at most.
    I've seen most of 'em, so whoops.

    He's very crude and immediate in his descriptions, which I find helpful in comparison to pages of Alpha NT schizoid jargon and machine translated Russian gibberish.

    Last edited by Whoobie77; 02-13-2014 at 02:00 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    That Dude is supposedly "my dual" and I cannot stand the sight of his babbles. He's entertaining when you watch 2-3 videos at most.
    Sorry for double post.

    Also, these are some pretty solid SLEs:

    And here's a pretty solid IEI:

    And here's a SLE-IEI dual pair:

    If you hate all of the people, possibly you should consider other types. IEI is rarer than most think!

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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    TL;DR - If a SEI gets mistaken for IEI by SLE, how to get out of the situation without being rude but letting SLE know the 'no' is final? (It seems the way a SEI says 'no' is reminiscent to the way an IEI says 'no, but if you pursue me, it might be a yes'...)
    Omg I completely relate to that! Like, sometimes I just want to politely turn people down, and they don't get it that I mean 'no' not 'try harder' :/

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    Is he male? yes -> he's trying to weasle his way into your pants!!


    "My mother died" -> give me pitty sex!
    "I bought a new car"-> give me car sex!
    "I went on a journey"-> I'm adventurous, now give me sex!

    omg, lmao, you're terrible! you're trying to wind me up with your jokes and doubt every male's intention on purpose!
    I refuse to do that.
    hey, there's a chance you're right about part of it, but then I should either stop talking to any males or... just ignore it and choose for it to be their issue, not mine

    so the next time a male asks me
    "could you please give me that sheet of paper"
    while thinking
    "ohhh shit, give it to me, yeah!" - oh, well as long as it stays in his mind, I refuse to get paranoid

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    Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post

    To be honest, I wanted to bring this up before but wasn't sure how to: I've often felt like a "stronger person" than alpha NT men I've known, even if they can be much more "debauch" than me. They feel emotionally weak, and even mentally so after a fashion, b/c of the investment that some of them put into their minds creates an expectation that the mind will be able to solve problems that it cannot actually sustain itself against alone. Of course the flip side is their many strengths and their wisdom (you should see me break into panic attacks and weep like a baby over Te-PoLR stuff.) And I'm sure there are exceptions- age, wisdom, health, etc. The guys I have known have mostly been young, and it's natural that they would be weak in certain areas, particularly ones that don't involve intuition or logic (...) I am friends with one right now who seems so balanced that I wonder why he needs me in his life at all.
    umm, yup.
    Regarding the last sentence - don't question it, obviously you are needed in his life if he wants you in his life.

    (...) I haven't actually known many SEI's, but none of the ones I have known seem easily breakable to me. @hkkmr has mentioned how SEI's are very stubborn, but soft on the surface. I believe even the Strati description mentions it ("when Dumas plays a tyrant, he will play someone who is soft and yielding on the surface, but firm and controlling underneath- in other words, he plays himself.")
    yeah, it takes repeated long term malicious abuse of SEI's trust and emotions to 'break' one so to speak.

    Edit: @aisa I don't know what else you would be, but I can believe that there are SEI's that sound very different on the internet from myself. That being said- Angelina, man. Fe-PoLR as fuck! If I ever muster up the energy, I will try to post a comparison video b/t her and an SEI...
    I'm waiting. Seriously. I can be convinced of her being another type, but I do need some evidence. For now she just fits nicely in my idea of her & Brad being SEI-ILE duals.
    Cause Fe-polr would mean if she does get hit with Fe-polr strikes she's supposed to be ILI or sth? (Correct me if I'm totally mixing it up.)
    I just can't see it at all given I know 2 ILI females very closely (yeah, the abundance, they're rare and I know 2; don't know any male ones though).
    And following the route of Brad being her dual (I just currently can't see them not being duals, but again I can be convinced otherwise ), her being ILI would make him SEE (which I've seen him typed before) and he doesn't strike me as SEE (I know only one male SEE though and 2 ESIs and if anything I'd be more inclined to type him ESI between the two types).
    ...with the sufficient amount of money and power I can picture myself and my ILE living a similar way that Angelina & Brad live and it just doesn't seem plausible that the ILI & SEE couple I know would live like this. Visiting 3rd world countries? nope. (I'm not judging. I'm just stating an observation.)
    An ILI I know once fed a homeless man a meal. She's not bragging about this. But over the course of the years I've heard about it a few times (again, it wasn't anything 'in your face'). I actually thought that she mentioned a few different occassions. Recently we were chatting and it turned out she did this only once and I do similar stuff basically every time smn approaches me with such a request (I still think I do it not often enough tbh). She was actually shocked that I do that (and she knows me very very well, I just never mentioned it in a conversation before, it's not sth I go around telling people [well, unless it's a SEI-type related discussion on a forum, lol]) And I was surprised that this was sth that she'd find unusual. So yeah, ILIs are brilliant intelligent people, but I think they'd be more inclined to write up a check and get it over with than actually go volunteer or buy smn dinner or travel to a 3rd world country. This may be related to their efficiency or just simply the fact that they tend to be more withdrawn than SEIs who are drawn to people despite being introverted, Idk. But I'm sailing too far away from my main thought here...
    Sooo... I'd type Angelina as SEI-Si and I think this does make a really large difference in outward behaviour/body speech compared to SEI-Fe.
    But I can be totally wrong here. Like I said - I need to see sth to convince me otherwise...

    Edit 2: But you know. Any type is capable of breaking any other type. It comes down to a personal thing.
    yeah, provided there is enough malicious intent and a bond close enough for that person to be able to really strike efficiently and repeatedly smn where it hurts - then yeah, any unhealthy type is capable of hurting any other type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoobie77 View Post
    Sorry for double post.

    Also, these are some pretty solid SLEs:

    And here's a pretty solid IEI:

    And here's a SLE-IEI dual pair:

    If you hate all of the people, possibly you should consider other types. IEI is rarer than most think!
    I also dislike the SLE type in itself, yes. I've considered being other types, it was only one of the possibilities tests suggested, I self-typed LSI for a while. But neither do I like Fe, not in the sense of being "Fe dual-seeking". The types I've interacted best with so far have been LSI, EII, ESI and LIE.

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    Just say "If you had a wife, how would you like if a guy pursued her just like this?"

    That should be sufficient and everything but rude. Ime SLEs highly revers such ethical behaviour in relationships, as if they themselves would want to be treated exactly like that in a relationship.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    I also dislike the SLE type in itself, yes. I've considered being other types, it was only one of the possibilities tests suggested, I self-typed LSI for a while. But neither do I like Fe, not in the sense of being "Fe dual-seeking". The types I've interacted best with so far have been LSI, EII, ESI and LIE.
    Umm if SLEs annoy you then maybe they're your conflictors? How do you feel about LSEs? Do you like LSEs >SLEs?
    Out of the 4 types you mentioned that you interact best with you mentioned 3 that use Fi and the one that uses Fe is LSI with Fe being their weakest least visible function (out of the 4 core ones).
    Maybe you're actually an EII but you don't identify with the stereotype in some of the descriptions?
    I'm not trying to convince you to anything. In the end only you'll know the answer. But it does sound quite unusual for IEI to say Fe is sth disliked...

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