Quote Originally Posted by Geminatronix View Post
Bibles have changed, the earliest complete bibles were not only different in many many places but at least one had a whole chapter changed (the resurrection of Jesus). In addition to this scribes had made notes in the margins and had been corrected in the margins. It is ridiculous to take the modern day bible as found in churches, at every word.
As to the changed chapter, I'm a skeptic, as plenty reputable, scholarly theologians and historians have not had this complaint. And plenty attention-seeking historians love to rewrite history, and all the time you can fool some of the people, so, you will get attention doing so! And Bible-bashing gets excellent press these days, guaranteed! So you can count on basking in the spotlight if you make such statements. You have to admit its a real draw.

But many today say, "How can it be the same scripture, after so many years? It must have been tampered with!" But I say, how can it not be. Look at how accurately the Jews preserved scripture and tradition for many more years. No printing presses, either! Just scribes, who, if they mis-copied one word at the end of tens of thousands of careful writing, were required to throw the whole thing out and start all over from the beginning. At least, so I have heard.