Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post
Yes Delta Kin, but also a Christian Kin. I'm a true Christian here to help.
It's time you learnt something about your Bible.
Read the following:

In 1000AD the Kingdom of Germany was the largest, most central Kingdom of the Roman empire. The Romans were Pagans, and it was here in 1000AD Constantine declared Christianity the dominant religion of Rome. All Romans were to convert from Paganism to Christianity.

THe original hebrew word we know as hell - gehenna - was here translated by the Romans into 'hell'. Hell was a Pagan concept, and when the two belief systems merged, hell had to integrate with Christianity.
"English "Gehenna" represents the Greek Ge'enna (γέεννα) found in the New Testament, a phonetic transcription of Aramaic Gēhannā (ܓܗܢܐ), equivalent to the Hebrew Ge Hinnom, literally "Valley of Hinnom"." - wiki

The original hebrew word, Gehenna, is an actual physical place outside Jerusalem where dead bodies were thrown. People who'd died of all sorts of disease, for crimes, for worshipping Baal, and so on. They were thrown into this massive pit... This real, physical place. Every reference to hell within the new testament was actually referring to this pit, this real place outside of Jerusalem.

Here is just one reference from the original Hebrew New Testmanent where this word is used by Jesus. This is from Youngs Literal Translation - that's the original hebrew translated as best as possible into english.
Mathew 5:29 `But, if thy right eye doth cause thee to stumble, pluck it out and cast from thee, for it is good to thee that one of thy members may perish, and not thy whole body be cast to gehenna.

There was also 'Sheol' used in the original hebrew, which was just a concept of neutral darkness ... death encompassing. Totally neutral, no concept of righteousness or judgment attached to it, no punishment or pain. Just blackness. Then that was also translated into hell by the romans.

There was never any idea of hell in the original bible. This is why Jews today still don't believe in hell. It's only the Roman Catholic church and its offshoots that believe in hell.

You are not going to hell. No one is. It never existed.
Lordwilling I am not going to hell, but yes, it certainly does exist. Your argument is weak. You must have not studied Greek. Or the Bible, or Christianity, for that matter. We can discuss Christianity, the Bible, or Heaven and Hell and Purgatory, or Greek if you want, (My SLI-love will help me with the latter; he is schooled in it) but perhaps @hkkmr or @Kim or @silke could maybe move your post to the Religion section of the forum. Oh, there is no Religion section. Whats up with that? Well Philosophy, at least, would be closer to the topic than Delta Lounge. Hell is not a very lounge-y subject..