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Thread: Hell discussion (split from Delta Lounge)

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleJim View Post
    the bolder and the redder the wall of text the more my eyes bleed.
    Out of consideration, for people with your particular eye affliction, I put the text that I copied, (as is) from that website, into spoiler tags. Red is a lovely color but I do not want to see it coming out of anyone's eyes.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I am not a Catholic, but I am sorry to see Eliza's faith taking a beating. First, because it is obviously a very meaningful part of her life. Second, because I see so much good being done in my community by an organization called Catholic Charities. Some of the programs they provide include refugee resettlement, AIDS services, infant formula distribution, disaster relief, among others. Nationally, Catholic Charities helped over 9 million people last year. I hope this conversation about human corruption will not overshadow the help that so many receive from just this one faith-based institution..

    When I see corruption in institutions, it makes me mad, and I can't condone it. But I can't ignore my own corruption. I become more aware of my own selfish actions with each day that passes. So I am grateful for mercy, and for faith that transforms lives and lifts people to greater things.
    You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek.
    But first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril.
    You shall see things, wonderful to tell. You shall see a... cow... on the roof of a cotton house. And, oh, so many startlements.
    I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the ob-stacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward.
    Though the road may wind, yea, your hearts grow weary, still shall ye follow them, even unto your salvation

  3. #83
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kadda1212 View Post
    I already commented on the mystery cults. There are similiarities, I don't deny that. But the question is, if two things are similiar to each other, is the consequence that they are related to one another? Scientists are always so eager to believe that things can happen by chance, why not here? The miracle of Cana is a somewhat weird story only found in John, the youngest of the gospels. It's debatable yes.

    But things like this:

    • He dies at Easter time as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.
    • After his death he descends to Hell, then on the third day he rises from the dead and ascends to heaven in glory.

    This refers to the sign of Jona, so it has it's root in Judaism, not in a mystery cult.
    There are also similiarities between the Osiris cult and the story of the Japanese sun goddess Amaterasu. Does this mean they influenced each other?
    I think, many of the ideas developed out of observation of nature, changing seasons and so on.

    But once again: Mystery cults were a trend among rich Roman people. They met somewhere in a closed area (a little bit like the free masons), drank a lot of wine and ate a lot of good food and sometimes had some dancers or prostitutes to accompany them. With the exceptance of the Isis cult, most cults were reserved for men and women were forbidden to take part. Noone really knows exactly what they did and what they believed in, because it was a mystery cult, things were meant to be kept secret. There's a lot of pseudo-science around this. Really, we only know what is passed down through literal sources and archaeological sources.

    I want the ancient texts, not some quotes from modern books, please. I found about the three kettles of wine in Pausanias, but who wrote about the marriage at Sidon? Does Barbara Walker name a source?
    My intention for posting from that website was only in response to you saying,
    As far as I can tell the New Testament is pretty much incorrupted, there are no Pagan ideas inside it, except the use of a Greek word like "Hades" as translation of the Hebrew "Sheol".
    I have no desire to change anyone's mind at all. I have explored most major religions and probably forgotten more, about Christianity, than most followers will ever learn about their own religion. I don't say this out of arrogance. I say it out of personal experience. I was a Christian, Greek Orthodox and "Born Again". I had people along the way, my step dad, teach me to investigate and think for myself. He taught me that blind faith is not the wisest thing for me. I was a member of cult like groups, when I was younger, and his guidance helped me to question the distortions I saw, instead of just believing someone else's view. I am questioning by nature but not all people are.

    I have read many books (100s) about religion/mythology. I have made the connections on my own. I am on a different path now, but Christianity was an important part of it. I could suggest books if you are interested but honestly anything I could suggest would not be helpful to most Christians, if their interest isn't "truth seeking". I had to be objective, and go against what was pounded into my head since childhood. I can't muster any enthusiasm to spoon-feed information (that took me years to integrate into my philosophy) to others. It was hard work and sometimes there are no shortcuts. Since your path in life is different from mine I don't really know what I could offer in the form of ancient texts that could not be easily dismissed. There are a lot of sources out there, like the site I quoted. I take EVERYTHING I read with a grain of salt and that works for me.

    I am curious to ask you though... Do you believe the earth is only 6000 years old? I had Christians tell me that and it isn't logical no matter how they frame it.
    Last edited by Aylen; 02-13-2014 at 05:01 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Good advice, Maritsa.

    But why is rat1 all in a tizzy about what he imagines are my opinions and practices which he has no idea of since I have never discussed them here? Its kind of surreal. Its like one of those surreal paintings.

    ...Actually I have this picture in my mind right now of a melting clock in the desert.
    If you read his posts objectively, he states over and over why he is in a "tizzy" (as you call it). I notice support for you even from people who do not agree with your beliefs. I do not see as much support for @rat1 and his position. Did you even try to understand what he is saying? I don't think he wants to change your mind, he wants to change the world and what he sees as abuse perpetrated on children in the name of religion.

    I respect your beliefs but I do not feel you are a victim of @rat1 or his opinions on your religion. You seem like an intelligent woman to me. I would not expect anyone of your faith to defend it with any less passion than you do. I also do not expect anyone, with his knowledge, to express his truth any less passionately.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iris View Post
    I am not a Catholic, but I am sorry to see Eliza's faith taking a beating. First, because it is obviously a very meaningful part of her life. Second, because I see so much good being done in my community by an organization called Catholic Charities. Some of the programs they provide include refugee resettlement, AIDS services, infant formula distribution, disaster relief, among others. Nationally, Catholic Charities helped over 9 million people last year. I hope this conversation about human corruption will not overshadow the help that so many receive from just this one faith-based institution..

    When I see corruption in institutions, it makes me mad, and I can't condone it. But I can't ignore my own corruption. I become more aware of my own selfish actions with each day that passes. So I am grateful for mercy, and for faith that transforms lives and lifts people to greater things.
    I dont think the way this thread has turnd out is focused specifically on Eliza, nor her personal faith. She just happens to be a person who is posting for the "Christian" side. Specifically for the Catholic, bible, etc sides. There are many groups of christians, many different religious texts, many groups of religions not even associated with catholicism, the bible, jesus, etc.

    I too have seen Catholic Community Service organizations helping people. I've also seen non-religious focused organizations helping people. I've seen athiests help people, and pagans help people, and jews, and a small muslim group, etc.

    Personally, I don't have a problem with people's personal faiths tansforming their lives and lifting them up.

    The problem I have is when
    a) they push it onto others (for example as is sometimes done in government law votings);
    b) witness all over the place (calling it their right to free speech while at the same time trying to shut down other people's discussions and questions over the topic);
    c) and say things like "I'll pray for you" when the intended receiver had never asked for the prayer, or if the intended receiver has already expressed that they don't believe/practice the "givers" faith/beliefs. (Imagine a 'satanist' telling a 'christian' that the satanist will pray for the christian. I'm pretty sure the christian would find that insulting and disgusting. This might be an extreme example, but the insult and disgust is still there regardless of who is pushing their religion onto the other. Or another way to look at it is its stepping between the receiver and the receiver's faith/beliefs and/or attempting to step between the receiver and the receiver's god(s).)

    I believe one's faith and/or spiritual beliefs is a private, personal thing.
    And when one takes it public, there's too many other beliefs and practices and varied experiences in the world to not expect there to be some kind of clash. (As this thread demonstrates.)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post
    I refuse to be categorized an IEI.

    Maybe I should go run around the block for a bit and be SLE in the meantime.

    I confess I actually had to look up duals, SLE and everything else I rambled...Sometimes these thoughts pop into my head and I have to blurt them out, then I will investigate after the fact. You have many SLE traits and I know this from our calls. I still won't put you in a category and I know you won't put me in one either.
    Common social roles

    1. The alpha male (or female) who is constantly preoccupied with his territory and social status, threats to that territory, and making sure everyone recognizes his leadership and status.
    2. The challenger or revolutionary who rejects existing authority and organizational structures and tries to overturn them and establish his own system, or simply overturn them for fun without putting anything else in their place.
    3. The rogue artist who revels in his or her own naughtiness, likes to shock and appall audiences, and doesn't take his own work too seriously.
    IEI does not describe you at all in my opinion. Sorry, to those who typed you, IEI, but I disagree.

    Common social roles

    1. The poet who becomes enamored of expressing his idiosyncratic vision of life, taking no interest in the quotidian affairs of man.
    2. The survivor who, by maintaining good relations with all factions simultaneously, always survives political or corporate upheavals.
    3. The good-natured tag-along who likes to be attached to groups and provides constant comic relief.
    I hope I won't have to take a beating, from you for, this!

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Have to disagree as well. SLE for crazie rat...

  8. #88
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    Yes, this thread about hell is unravelling in many directions! I agree that by posting about your faith, or any other views on a forum, you are opening yourself up to questioning, opposition, ridicule, you name it.
    You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek.
    But first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril.
    You shall see things, wonderful to tell. You shall see a... cow... on the roof of a cotton house. And, oh, so many startlements.
    I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the ob-stacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward.
    Though the road may wind, yea, your hearts grow weary, still shall ye follow them, even unto your salvation

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iris View Post
    Yes, this thread about hell is unravelling in many directions! I agree that by posting about your faith, or any other views on a forum, you are opening yourself up to questioning, opposition, ridicule, you name it.
    It's our own little pocket of hell... Created and maintained by its posters...
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  10. #90
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iris View Post
    Yes, this thread about hell is unravelling in many directions! I agree that by posting about your faith, or any other views on a forum, you are opening yourself up to questioning, opposition, ridicule, you name it.

    You haven't seen anything yet! Just wait until I start my thread titled, "I am from another planet". Then you will get to see ridicule.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I'm looking forward to that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    Have to disagree as well. SLE for crazie rat...
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Don't judge the book by its cover (I read you teach logiks) and sit tight until the film is over. You're going to love my ending.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kadda1212 View Post
    Shame on Hitta. xP It was emperor Theodosius who declared Christianity as a state religion and it was one of the biggest mistakes that ever happened in Christian history. Before, converting to Christianity was a matter of belief, after that it turned into a political thing. People got baptized because they wanted to have power in the state and couldn't receive that if they still clung to the religion of there forefathers. And the mixture of political power and religion always turned into a big mess.
    Let's recognize the difference between inner spirituality and dogmatic religion. Dogmatic religion focuses on regulating behavior. As a social function it controls behavior of masses. Emperor Theodosius didn't declare Christianity the state religion on a random impulse. When Emperors change a states dominant religion this is a decision made intelligently, considering the masses political status, aggressive impulses, philosophical vulnerabilities, and organizational requirements, etc.
    Personal religion doesn't emphasis literal interpretation, or dogmatic ritual; it focuses on wisdom, meaning, metaphor, and enlightenment. The inner spiritual experience. Though it's permeated with many enlightening concepts, Christianity is, by and large, a dogmatic religion focusing on behavior; and especially the concept of 'sin'. As such it innately lends itself to regulating mass behavior. So Christianity, with Theodosius, fulfilled that fate embedded into it; its very purpose - the mass regulation of behavior.
    And given its excellent performance as such a regulating force, its association with high society mystery cults is not easily dismissed.

    Quote Originally Posted by kadda1212 View Post
    I'm not so sure what you mean by merging. As far as I can tell the New Testament is pretty much incorrupted, there are no Pagan ideas inside it, except the use of a Greek word like "Hades" as translation of the Hebrew "Sheol". I mean, whatever word is there to use in Greek. They don't have another word for that. The Old Testament, though, is debatable, there are many Babylonian influences, as far as I can tell, because some of the writers are believed to have lived in Babylon. So, it's very easy to compare those mythological stories of the Genesis to things like the Enuma Elish or Gilgamesh. And you'll find similarities.
    But if you mean by merging of Christianity and Paganism, forcefully converting Pagans to Christianity, christianizing Pagan festivals and traditions. Yes, that happened. I believe, the worship of saints is a mere replacement for polytheism. It may be a little bit more complicated, but it clearly is a thing messianic Jews don't care at all about. Only Christians with pagan roots. Also, the intensified worship of Mary, the way she is depicted in pictures - clearly a replacement for Isis, who was a very, very, very popular goddess with a big cult in the 2nd/3rd century. I live quite near to the ruins of one of her many temples that existed throughout the Roman provinces, so I'm sure about it. But I guess the need for a mother goddess is an idea that couldn't be simply washed away. Christmas falls of course on the date of the festival of Sol Invictus, so some ideas of that survived in Christmas (eternity, winter doesn't last forever and so on), Easter though is completely Christian and the date simply depends on the Jewish Pessach festival. There are no pagan roots behind it, that's something that the Brothers Grimm invented when they wrote the first German dictionary, the invented a Germanic/Celtic fertility goddess called Ostera who has a rabbit as her companion. This goddess never existed though. The idea is still quite popular in Germany, because the Nazis spread it further - they wanted to reinvent old Germanic religions, because believing that a Jew is the saviour of the world didn't fit into their world image.
    Whether mistranslation is intentional or unavoidable is not important. What matters is that we recognize the essential meaning of the original word.
    If I am reading you right, you are saying that Paganism, while it influenced many aspects of the Christian faith, didn't seem to influence the messianic Jews, Jesus, or the New Testament. Is this correct?
    IF so, you couldn't be more wrong here. The new testament is nothing but a collection of astrotheological themes combined with hermetic philosophy and other savior myths.

    The most ancient religions all evolved from astrology. Gods were deifications of the planets and other astrological points / phenomenon (like eclipse). These deities were metaphorically describing planetary attributes.
    El, Al, Ol all mean the God / the Sun. Lord, Jesus, Christ, Amen are all words for King / God / the Sun. Jesus root is IHS or Yes. Yes means the sun. Christ is King. Jesus Christ means Sun King. Amen or Om... that is the sun.

    Now you're going to learn about occult aspects of the New Testament.
    The zodiac is divided into 12 signs. Back 2000 years ago, the beginning of spring was marked by the Sun rising in the sign of Aries. Thus Aries was considered the first sign of the zodiac. Precessional slippage has since changed that, but nonetheless...
    Aries is considered the first sign, it marks spring and the 'return of the sun'. It's symbolized by the ram, and the lamb.

    So Jesus is the Sun King, and the Sun travels through the zodiac. Aries is the beginning, spring, and ALL the stories in the Gospels parallel the Suns journey through the signs, starting at spring / Aries.
    Almost every story in the Gospels chronologically parallel a corresponding sign.
    The Gospels without a nativity start in Aries. Those Gospels with a nativity have correspondences starting in Sagittarius, and when Jesus reaches adulthood his walk begins in Aries.

    -At the very beginning of the Gospel John the baptist talks about the baptism of Fire. Well that's the fire of Aries, it's known as the most fiery sign. He says "I have baptized you with water, but he who comes will baptize you with holy spirit". THe preceding sign, pisces, is a water sign. Spirit is equated with fire. Matthew and Luke actually use the word Fire here.
    -John says 'look, the lamb of god'. Aries is the lamb, and Aries is considered by astrologers the exaltation point of the Sun. Sun in his greatest glory - the lamb or ram.
    -Then Jesus is baptized in the Jordanus river. This is a reference to the constellation Eridanus. It is represented as a river, and it extends through aries into the next sign Taurus.
    -There are two fishermen. Some translations replace fishermen with 'hired men'. Well this again is referring to two stars in the sign of aries that are often called 'the hired men'. Forgot their names.
    -The mythical combat between perseus and cetus (stars in aries) mirrors the challenge to the powers of evil which jesus makes in the early chapters of mark. He is tempted by satan in the wilderness. He casts out an unclean spirit. He declares that the kingdom of Satan has come to an end. He declares that Satan has been bound. Clearly reflecting two stars in the constellation Cetus (a constellation in aries); menkar, the chained enemy; and diphda, the overthrown.
    -There's also a star in percius (a constellation in aries) called Algol. And this is called by the hebrew as 'rash ha satan'. It's known as the demon star; the blinking demon. The hebrews call Algol 'Satans Head'. They considered it the most unfortunate and dangerous star in the heavens. So here the Sun confronts Satan.

    All the above are events in the beginning chapters of the gospels (1-3), and all are direct references to stars in the constellation aries (the first sign). Now let's look at the next sign, Taurus.

    The sign Taurus is associated with all kinds of agriculture & Growth. It's also associated with light, and enlightenment. Taurus contains the Pleiades, a star cluster in Taurus known as 'the lights'. Astrologers consider the planetary ruler of Taurus to be Venus, which is the most luminous body in the sky besides the sun and moon. Vens was known as 'the light bearer', lucifer', and 'the morning star' for its luminosity. As a side note, the word lucifer actually means "shining one, morning star, the planet venus".

    -Here Jesus says in Mark chapter 4:
    "This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground night and day; whether he sleeps or gets up. All by itself the soil produces grain... etc. What shall we say the kingdom of God is like? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seeds, but when planted becomes the largest of plants."
    -The principle star in pleides was called 'lampalias', the root word is lamp. Now Jesus says in Mark chapter 5: You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. Let your light so shine before men...

    Growth, agriculture, lamps, light.

    I could go on with this, all through the 12 signs to very end of the Gospel, in Pisces, covering every major event in the Gospels. The parables continue to correspond perfectly with the zodiac, in chronological order, Jesus being the Sun, passing through them, up until the very end.

    So.... New Testament not influenced by Pagan beliefs? Perhaps even more than Pagan. Astrology came out of Egypt and India, spread to Greece from there.

    Much of the wisdom teachings in the New Testament are also inspired by other sources, like the Corpus Hermeticum. "Egyptologist, Sir William Flinders Petrie, states that some texts in the Hermetic corpus date back to the 6th century BC. during the Persian period."
    Here's a link for you to read it:

    Considering this document is Egyptian, and that the original Christians mummified themselves, the New Testament seems descended from Egypt with Mithraism and Paganism mixed in..

    Quote Originally Posted by kadda1212 View Post
    Illogical. Sorry.
    First, is it a mistranslation? One of my teachers once told me, that it is impossible to translate any language into another. Well, I say it's possible as long as you talk about concrete things, the things you can see, hear, smell, touch, taste, though it already turns complicated here because everything is a subjective perception. And when the word "red" or "blue" was invented, noone made sure, everybody understands the same when they hear those words. Language is a complicated thing and it turns more complicated when you invent words for abstract things, like emotions, virtues, the metaphysical...
    But it happens so, that all the cultures somehow developed an idea of the afterlife and they were all very similar in Ancient Europe. So, I can tell the Germanic "Hel" was not so much different from the Greek "Hades". And it doesn't differ much from "Sheol" in fact. Sheol is also a place with different stages, the deepest being reserved for the evil people, the highest being the Bosom of Abraham, a place for good people. But what the Bible somehow teaches is that this place is only a periodic one, and there's something else that happens in the last days, when the people are finally judged and separated into two groups. One will receive everlasting life and the other death. It's more interesting to find out what the scripture teaches on death. It certainly is something else than non-existence. You will always exist. But as death is the consequence of sin, the being apart from God, the ultimate life source, it is bound to pain and suffering. And this very abstract feeling of pain is something Jesus tries to explain by using an example (as he so often does), that of place Gehenna.
    What happens when both places are translated into "hell" is confusion of course, people cannot differentiate anymore. But luckily we have commentaries and stuff like that and we can figure it out now. It's really not a big problem after all.
    Again... whether mistranslation is intentional or unavoidable is not important. What matters is that we recognize the essential meaning of the original word.
    Throughout the worlds many religions the most recurring idea of an afterlife is through reincarnation. That I personally subscribe to, given some boundaries. I find it the most logical conclusion on the subject.
    Beliefs otherwise begin departing into obscure territory. Let's see again what the early Christians had to say on the subject:
    "The Hebrew sect that wrote the New Testament, starting in ~70AD, began mummifying themselves, believing that when they died their mummified corpses would be resurrected by a shortly return Christ. They removed their intestines and hung them on hooks behind their bodies symbolizing liberation from the sins of the body (sin was seen originating in the intestines and genitals)."
    Beliefs about the afterlife do become more obscure than this.
    There are some afterlife beliefs which are meant to be interpreted metaphorically. They're attempting to describe ones return to the cosmic source from a subjective standpoint.
    But for a dogmatic belief in an afterlife, to me these are mystical, fear based, sexual fantasies & guilt complexes; accepted mostly for traditions sake; and having no logical justification for them.

    Let's talk about SHeol some more:
    From the Wiki article it's clear the word evolved over the years. First it was neutral darkness, with death encompassing, and no concept of righteousness of judgment attached to it.
    Later some Jewish Priests decided they to separate it into compartments for the righteous and unrighteous, to reconcile the rest of their teachings.
    These Jewish priests made this stuff up as they went along. Revising this idea of Sheol... added a bunch of compartments to it. So were they wrong to begin with?
    Now it's debated amongst Jews which Sheol they believe in.... the original or the modified version with multiple compartments.
    The original concept of Sheol is very intuitive. Try to think back before you were born. You can't remember anything... all there is is blackness. Blackness encompassing. There's no judgment, no condemnation... just pure blackness. Neutrality. That's SHeol.
    A child understands this concept.
    As an atheist who puts little faith in neurotic reconciliations of random Jewish Priests I can still embrace the concept of the original SHeol, because it makes sense.
    Decide for yourself which version is the correct one.

    Quote Originally Posted by kadda1212 View Post
    Ughh... Here's why I value Christianity over the other religions: It's the only religion that worships a God who turned himself into a human to die and save the whole world.
    Looking around at the world, I'd say we're on our way to destruction, not salvation. Have you seen the extinction rates of plants & animals these days? Nothing's gona save the world, Kadda.
    We're like bacteria in a petri dish. We have a limited amount of resources, consume them all up, pollute the environment, and then have a massive die off. The environment is left toxic. It's a natural process of death. You can watch it in a petri dish. And we're experiencing it on earth, right now. We're the bacteria. Accept it...
    And go reread that link aylen posted earlier in this thread. There have been 16 other dying Gods throughout history, many of them died to save the world. None of them succeeded.

    Quote Originally Posted by kadda1212 View Post
    That's a short, simplified answer to your question. I have my reasons.
    Other religions have it worse than Christianity though, when I look at the things you wrote down here.
    Not vedism. Not hinduism. Those are far more open and compassionate than Christianity. Judaism isn't as condemning as Christianity. Islam may be worse. I don't know a ton about Islam. The Egyptian religion is all about connection with nature. That religion is very cool. I wish I knew more about it. I'm not sure about the indian or south american religions. The Mayans seem very cool. The Aztecs were insane.. Some indians were cannibalistic and insane. Most Indians lived in harmony with nature and were very peaceful. Infact it was the Christians who slaughtered them all.... Christianity supports very violent political regimes... even to this day.
    Quote Originally Posted by kadda1212 View Post
    The Old Testament is a complicated thing. I suppose with "sadistic" you are referring the wrathful, vengeful God. But how can you judge God for killing people? ... An omniscient being who lives beyond time who already knows every decision a person will do in his life, a being who's intention it is to save every person in the world, but is unable to do so because people have to make the decision. Maybe it's cruel to say, but if you try to look at things from this perspective, you'll see it doesn't matter if some people live 80 years and die in their bed at home, or die with 50 because of some sickness, or die with 20 in the war or don't live a day. Death, as I said before, is the consequence of sin. Surely God didn't want it to happen. But it did. And he provided a way out. He could also have said: "Yes, well, if you don't want to be with me, human beings, I'm going to ignore you for the rest of eternity." But he got involved with us and our history. Also something unique among the religions.
    I don't think God's a sadist who wants us to suffer, but the only way he could stop the pain immediately would be taking free will away from us.
    I also know, there's still a lot of things that need to be explained, I haven't figured everything out yet, but I figure out more and more, step by step.

    Hope that helps, and I really recommend to watch the video.
    I can use the same rational to kill the drug dealer who lived a couple blocks away from me, pimping out 10 or so meth hooked prostitutes, selling his meth and keeping the rest of the town hooked. Not even bothering to take care of the women slutting for him. Where is God to put a bullet in his head for me? I'd do it myself if I was a sun-god. But I fall short... Maybe cyanide is what I really need.
    I don't want to hear your Gods excuses. Everyone has them. I have them, you have them, the meth head even has them. Fuck excuses, I'm sick of them.

    Whew! Long post.
    Last edited by rat1; 02-13-2014 at 08:11 PM.

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    Covers are interesting to look at, for a moment. If the inside of the book is uninteresting, I never make it to the ending.

    Edit: Look ma, I am practicing socionics!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Out of consideration, for people with your particular eye affliction, I put the text that I copied, (as is) from that website, into spoiler tags. Red is a lovely color but I do not want to see it coming out of anyone's eyes.
    Danke, I feel both saner and happier now c:

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    If you aren't interested in this topic then just go do your own thing. Kadda wrote me a nice response and I gave her a nice one in return.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    If you read his posts objectively, he states over and over why he is in a "tizzy" (as you call it). I notice support for you even from people who do not agree with your beliefs. I do not see as much support for @rat1 and his position. Did you even try to understand what he is saying? I don't think he wants to change your mind, he wants to change the world ...
    Aylen, I appreciate your kind and charitable motives here. Also it is charitable for you to imagine he has such fine motives. Its right and good to project good motive on others when you can't be sure, so you are doing well here. Especially since we can never know what is in people's hearts. Unfortunately what you see as passion I see as passionate ill will, which I want nothing to do with.

    I am actually being charitable, too. Maybe not as nice as you, but I will explain. I think its often charitable to allow persons natural consequences. In real life, when persons are rude, disrespectful, argumentative and ignore reasonable requests, no one wants to talk to them. Why deprive someone of possible motivation to self-monitor, someday in the future, when said person needs that far more desperately than any conversation with me in the present?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    Have to disagree as well. SLE for crazie rat...

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    I wonder who is going to read that gibberish crazie rat posted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I've seen few people I know and had a drink or two. It was fine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    My intention for posting from that website was only in response to you saying,

    I have no desire to change anyone's mind at all. I have explored most major religions and probably forgotten more, about Christianity, than most followers will ever learn about their own religion. I don't say this out of arrogance. I say it out of personal experience. I was a Christian, Greek Orthodox and "Born Again". I had people along the way, my step dad, teach me to investigate and think for myself. He taught me that blind faith is not the wisest thing for me. I was a member of cult like groups, when I was younger, and his guidance helped me to question the distortions I saw, instead of just believing someone else's view. I am questioning by nature but not all people are.

    I have read many books (100s) about religion/mythology. I have made the connections on my own. I am on a different path now, but Christianity was an important part of it. I could suggest books if you are interested but honestly anything I could suggest would not be helpful to most Christians, if their interest isn't "truth seeking". I had to be objective, and go against what was pounded into my head since childhood. I can't muster any enthusiasm to spoon-feed information (that took me years to integrate into my philosophy) to others. It was hard work and sometimes there are no shortcuts. Since your path in life is different from mine I don't really know what I could offer in the form of ancient texts that could not be easily dismissed. There are a lot of sources out there, like the site I quoted. I take EVERYTHING I read with a grain of salt and that works for me.

    I am curious to ask you though... Do you believe the earth is only 6000 years old? I had Christians tell me that and it isn't logical no matter how they frame it.
    I just can't believe anything from an internet source or modern book if they don't refer to primary sources. I know that some things concerning mythology and ancient religions was invented by modern philosophers and the whole Wicca stream for example. And I say that as a philologist, not only as a "narrow-minded" Christian.

    I don't believe the world is only 6000 years old. Bullshit. I even accept evolution, though that would probably mean that not only the fall of men was responsible for bad things happening on the planet. But the world is full of mysteries anyway. I only say pyramids.
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    @rat1, please if you have time watch that video...
    I have heard many of the things you wrote before, but I'm just tinking similiarities between things happen. I believe there's something like the collective subconscious. And I can interpret a text in so many ways. People will always see what they want to see. Beside this whole astrological stuff the scripture can also be interpreted in many different ways. Would you say that this is all wrong even if it also makes perfect sense?
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    I don't understand what you're thinking. The evidence is unequivocal.
    Did I not give you enough? Do you need the entire new testament broken down into astrological parallels? Would that help?
    If I showed you Christs own words spoken by other saviors in other cultures, would that convince you?
    You know there are other religions, right?
    The Hindus consider Christ and other saviors avatars of Shiva.
    I watched about two minutes of your video. But I get bored hearing things I already understand repeated back to me over the course of an hour.
    Maybe there's some parts of the video you can summarize for me that will compel me to invest that amount of time.
    I already spent a good 90 minutes writing that response to you up there.
    I don't need to come to God for salvation. ANd I don't need God to choose me.
    God is a part of me, and everyone.

    I know the bible makes perfect subliminal sense, but it's myths.
    If that deeper meaning beyond the myth is what interests you, study hinduism and study the egyptian religions. Study the occult. That's what you're really looking for. Not the dogma you keep holding onto.

    .... I'm done. Case is made. Keep dreaming or wake up. THe real world does miss you. The same @eliza
    Last edited by rat1; 02-13-2014 at 10:31 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Telling someone you will pray for them in an argument becomes part of that argument and comes across as condescending and self-righteous (even if it was not intended as such). If you truly want to pray for someone because you believe it is a good thing for THEM, then you can do it quietly (I am not trying to bash you Eliza, but you are inviting unnecessary resentment when saying that you pray for someone because you think they need to be fixed or improved).
    Yes, this stood out:
    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    But do you, like my son, have someone praying constantly for the state of your soul? I 'll pray for yours, rat1. Probably will require fasting too...
    It doesn't sound too Jesus-like but more like: "Oh, these stains need some more than hand gestures and muttering. Self-inflicted hunger should do it."
    “I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life. - Osama bin Laden

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    @rat1, I'm not trying to force my faith on you or trying to convert you or anything. This was supposed to be a discussion on hell as the scripture refers to it. For that sake I posted that video, because it shows quite well that hell could be a state of mind, a way in which an unbeliever perceives God's presence.

    Yet, all you want to do is disprove my faith. By using things like astrology, Hinduism, occultism or Egyptian religions? Do tose things count more? It's still the same belief in the supernatural.
    Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot. I don't need that from a guy who keeps referring to Wikipedia sources and didn't know in which century to place emperor Constantine. Sorry.

    Make references to original, ancient sources and not just to anything you read on the internet. Christianity is a highly debated topic and there are lots of people who try to disprove it and would even invent false facts for that. I don't say everything you said is wrong, but I demand proof if you come up with this weird stuff. Primary sources, please.

    By the way, the "real world" doesn't give a fuck about me or you.
    Last edited by kadda1212; 02-14-2014 at 05:58 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by kadda1212 View Post
    @rat1, I'm not trying to force my faith on you or trying to convert you or anything. This was supposed to be a discussion on hell as the scripture refers to it. For that sake I posted that video, because it shows quite well that hell could be a state of mind, a way in which an unbeliever perceives God's presence.

    Yet, all you want to do is disprove my faith. By using things like astrology, Hinduism, occultism or Egyptian religions? Do tose things count more? It's still the same belief in the supernatural.
    Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot. I don't need that from a guy who keeps referring to Wikipedia sources and didn't know in which century to place emperor Constantine. Sorry.

    Make references to original, ancient sources and not just to anything you read on the internet. Christianity is a highly debated topic and there are lots of people who try to disprove it and would even invent false facts for that. I don't say everything you said is wrong, but I demand proof if you come up with this weird stuff. Primary sources, please.
    On that topic...there is no specific place mentioned in the old testament accordingly to the Jewish tradition; the references to hell came in the new testament only as interpretation by the christians of the roman empire as they related it to their previous faiths that of Hades and the underworld, but even then it's a reference in metaphor
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    On that topic...there is no specific place mentioned in the old testament accordingly to the Jewish tradition; the references to hell came in the new testament only as interpretation by the christians of the roman empire as they related it to their previous faiths that of Hades and the underworld, but even then it's a reference in metaphor
    Yeah, Maritsa, I actually meant he has to make references for his theories on astrology and stuff like that. He can't just take scripture passages and show me that they are modeled after astrological phenomenons without giving references to literature from the antiquity that makes that clear.
    Because I know there are a lot of pages on the internet with a clear esoteric background that provide such theories, but without actually quoting any ancient text. People with an esoteric background like to invent traditions and facts or they just write down anything they have heard from other people. But is that believable?
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    Quote Originally Posted by kadda1212 View Post
    The Old Testament is a complicated thing. I suppose with "sadistic" you are referring the wrathful, vengeful God. But how can you judge God for killing people? ... An omniscient being who lives beyond time who already knows every decision a person will do in his life, a being who's intention it is to save every person in the world, but is unable to do so because people have to make the decision. Maybe it's cruel to say, but if you try to look at things from this perspective, you'll see it doesn't matter if some people live 80 years and die in their bed at home, or die with 50 because of some sickness, or die with 20 in the war or don't live a day. Death, as I said before, is the consequence of sin. Surely God didn't want it to happen. But it did. And he provided a way out. He could also have said: "Yes, well, if you don't want to be with me, human beings, I'm going to ignore you for the rest of eternity." But he got involved with us and our history. Also something unique among the religions.
    I don't think God's a sadist who wants us to suffer, but the only way he could stop the pain immediately would be taking free will away from us.
    I also know, there's still a lot of things that need to be explained, I haven't figured everything out yet, but I figure out more and more, step by step.

    Hope that helps, and I really recommend to watch the video.
    I am responding only to what I have made bold above.

    You say god is omniscient, knows every decision we will make. Then you say we have free will and god wants us to choose him, then he will stop the pain. I see this as circular reasoning, there is no answer that sounds logical to me. That is why I ultimately left Christianity. There were no solid answers for me.

    Why would an "all knowing" being decide to create a race of human creatures, give them feelings, thoughts emotions, then condemn most of them to hell? That is the only way I can interpret what you say, because he already knows how it will all turn out. That sounds sadistic to me. He puts us here naked, scared and screaming (right from the womb) to face every possible struggle just to survive. Then he casts the "angel of light" out of heaven and tells the angel you have dominion over these frail little creatures, so have it!

    Heaven seems like a private club that you have to be chosen for, in advance. Hell's doors are open to the masses. If you are honest with yourself... how do you KNOW you were even chosen, by the all knowing? Could it be a case of "the cake is a lie"? I see that everywhere lately but never thought I would use it in a sentence. hahah

    I view the stories of creation, Satan, heaven, hell, metaphors. WE are the "angels of light "and WE cast ourselves down into darkness (forgetfulness). In order to experience duality in all it's facets. In order to appreciate the lack of separation, within consciousness, we chose to experience ourselves as individuals, separate and vulnerable. It's a game that allows for the infinite to be in a continuous state of creativity.

    I believe there was a historical Jesus and that he was a rebellious hippie, who hung out with the lowlifes, of his time. He not only proclaimed his own divinity but the divinity in ALL. The books of the bible were written by men and what is in it was also chosen by men. I can agree they were inspired to write by, call it "holy spirit" if you like, but I am also inspired to write by "spirit". For all I know, in the cycles of reincarnation, you or I could have written some of those stories. Like any good writer, you can look back on your own work and think, "damn did I really write that?" With experience writers can grow... with experience, human souls can grow too. What I believed 50,000 years ago is different than what I believe now. I gained experience in all my lifetimes (and there are many). I have many of my memories and more come to me each day.

    I do NOT want to change anyone's beliefs! Just expressing mine.

    That is my take on it...


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    Matthew 18:20
    New International Version (NIV)
    "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

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    Revelation 22:20
    New International Version (NIV)
    20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”

    Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.



    Edit: since I know I am not one of the special "chosen" ones, I can be irreverent as I want to be... I really don't mean any disrespect though. I just go with what is placed in front of me.
    Last edited by Aylen; 02-14-2014 at 07:17 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    I find it touching when people pray for me because they genuinely wish for good things for me.
    Some pray so that others can die hit by a truck, for example.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    Some pray so that others can die hit by a truck, for example.
    That is profound. I mean it.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    That is profound. I mean it.
    Thanks, it is also a splendid typing ground. Eliza gets all the honours and I can do what I do without any one noticing. Shouldn't say this out loud, but hey, no one is going to notice anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    You say god is omniscient, knows every decision we will make. Then you say we have free will and god wants us to choose him, then he will stop the pain. I see this as circular reasoning, there is no answer that sounds logical to me. That is why I ultimately left Christianity. There were no solid answers for me.

    Why would an "all knowing" being decide to create a race of human creatures, give them feelings, thoughts emotions, then condemn most of them to hell? That is the only way I can interpret what you say, because he already knows how it will all turn out. That sounds sadistic to me. He puts us here naked, scared and screaming (right from the womb) to face every possible struggle just to survive. Then he casts the "angel of light" out of heaven and tells the angel you have dominion over these frail little creatures, so have it!
    Argh, This is the kind of thing that drove me nuts as a kid.

    This supposed all-knowing, all-powerful being knows that what he is about to create is going to destroy what he created, but he does it anyways.

    He knows that if he creates and places the "tree of knowledge" with these two people, that they will eat of it, but he does it anyways and then curses not just the two people, but the animals and earth for it as well. And, um, WHY did he need a tree of knowledge to begin with??

    He knows 'lucifer in the form of a snake' will tempt eve to take the fruit...but sets the scenario up anyways.

    In LDS (mormons), something like god wanted ideas for how to get his creations (humans) to return to him, lucifer says to force them to do the right thing, while jesus says let them choose. So there was already an option to do "wrong", but then lucifer gets accused for being the one to create wrong-doings. (The details might be off..this IS a childhood memory of how i felt during these particular lessons.)

    I did prefer the ideas that what we do when we're alive, our habits, behaviors, actions, desires, etc, will carry on with us after we die. And that that will be what we experience for the rest of eternity. And that we will be on similar planes (or levels) as those who led similar lives. So murderers would be with murderers, smokers with smokers, pervs with pervs, etc. and that those who strive to be closer to god will be separate from those who don't have that intent. Not too bad an afterlife. Talk about Karma.

    BUT another version I was told as a kid was that these desires would never be satisfied. I wondered if since those who desired to murder would be in a place where they couldnt murder, those who desired to smoke couldnt smoke, etc...then surely that meant that those who desire to be close to god wouldnt actually make it, but they would spend eternity desiring what they cant have. Now THAT sounds like hell.

    Where in all this is the All-Benevolent god??

    Of course, then there was the LDS teachings that if we were so good that we made it into god's inner circle, then we too could create our own planet and become gods ourselves.

    And so, that gets me thinking...
    What kind of planet would i create? What rules would i set? Why would i set such rules? What would my expectations and hopes be for my creations?

    No matter how i look at it, this god guy cant be all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-benevolent if he sets his creations up for failure, curses them for failing, commands his followers to wipe out entire nations of his other creations, etc etc.

    And frankly, if this god-guy cant understand why I question such things and why I wont just fall in line, then he's not really the kind of god I would want to worship.

    And so many people really need a book to tell them how to behave? *shivers*

    Disclaimer Note: i'm obviously not a scholar, the above are memories of thoughts i had as a child about church teachings, as such, they do not represent actual details of what my teachers tried teaching me. No i am not interested in studying the bible with the intent of becoming a follower. But i do like hearing about various spiritual beliefs, and why people believe them. But i stop listening as soon as it feels like someone is trying to convert me. And yes, i still sometimes wonder about what kind of set-up i would create.
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    I believe one's faith and/or spiritual beliefs is a private, personal thing.
    And when one takes it public, there's too many other beliefs and practices and varied experiences in the world to not expect there to be some kind of clash. (As this thread demonstrates.)
    Yes and no. Depending on the constitution of each country of course. In a confessional state clashes won't really exist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    Yes and no. Depending on the constitution of each country of course.
    Lol, true...very true.

    Edited to add: i shouldnt have laughed. Those that don't allow questioning, discussion, etc...not funny.
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    Lol, true...very true.

    Edited to add: i shouldnt have laughed. Those that don't allow questioning, discussion, etc...not funny.
    Well, I was serious. It's illegal to mock, blaspheme, etc. anything that relates to Church law/God. One can face prosecution. Don't know what is constitution, I only know those so called "rules" are broken by God himself. In a secular one, one can face prosecution as well, depending on which one it is, although all of them have the same status.

    Where I come from, three lines of text regulate it, the offence I mean.

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    Important question/poll thread derail

    Balls to the wall your favourite god:

    Solar/Sun/Ra - Cosmic Mind God
    Gaia/Mother - Creation/Life
    Saturn/Satan - Death/Endings/Order
    Yaweh/Moon God/Allah/'God' (Conflated with Solar usually)
    Zeus/Jupiter/Odin - Leader God
    Thor/Mars/Ares - War God
    Lucifer/Venus/Aphrodite - Change/Desire/Passion god
    Mercury/Turms/Hermes - Communication God

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    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleJim View Post
    Important question/poll thread derail

    Balls to the wall your favourite god:

    Solar/Sun/Ra - Cosmic Mind God
    Gaia/Mother - Creation/Life
    Saturn/Satan - Death/Endings/Order
    Yaweh/Moon God/Allah/'God' (Conflated with Solar usually)
    Zeus/Jupiter/Odin - Leader God
    Thor/Mars/Ares - War God
    Lucifer/Venus/Aphrodite - Change/Desire/Passion god
    Mercury/Turms/Hermes - Communication God
    Ooh, make this into an actual thread.
    Else, Gaia
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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