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Thread: School System and Type

  1. #1

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    Default School System and Type

    Did anyone here have any specific issues with any teachers/professors because of type related interaction/misunderstanding. Did your grades every suffer because of teaching style vs your learning style? Did you ever feel like school was doing more harm than good?

    What a great replacement for a nany

  2. #2


    No. But I always disliked administration and scheduling rules in public school.

  3. #3
    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    I'm a typical ENFp: my grades reflected whether or not I liked the teacher in question.
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

  4. #4
    snegledmaca's Avatar
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    Only my ESFj croatian teach. Her response to me was "WTF???". She was baffled by me. Trying to accomplish anything was futile. So I didn't. Every other teacher (Where there was at least 2 other ESFJ-s) I had no problem with.

  5. #5

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    i believe my most helpful teachers were an intj (math), infj (physics), entj (general grade school), istj (history), and esfj (math).

    least helpful were infp (some bs cultural awareness type class), intj (physics), istj (biology), and i dunno what type but probably ef something (english)

  6. #6

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    IEI subtype

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    I think making people think is awesome for some people and crappy for others, memorization is crappy for everyone, but it meets everyone halfway. I wish there was an asigned type teacher.

    What a great replacement for a nany

  8. #8

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  9. #9
    Dioklecian's Avatar
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    Default Re: School System and Type

    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Quote Originally Posted by Slava
    Did anyone here have any specific issues with any teachers/professors because of type related interaction/misunderstanding. Did your grades every suffer because of teaching style vs your learning style? Did you ever feel like school was doing more harm than good?
    Not really, although I had one prof. for Biometry and since I took off days from class/tests for religious holidays that usually fell on the same days as Jewish holy days, he assumed I was Jewish. When I then had him for Entomology the next semester I noticed that he had scheduled every single test to fall on a Jewish holiday. I loved the expression on his face when I showed up for a test. (It just happened that that year they didn't exactly match up). Quite through him for a loop. I in turn decided to keep some key specimens that I had found that he really really wanted for the school's collection They were mine after all.

    What is your religion Diana?
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

  10. #10
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    The teachers I've had the most problems with have probably been ISTj/ESTj/ISFj because they were very strict about format. I would write an essay and get back comments like, "the content is perfect, but you wrote your name on the left side of the paper instead of the right and did not put the date in the correct format so I had to deduct points". Those type of teachers always drove me nuts.
    Yeah, I agree. Though in the end I'd argue to death with them, and get my points.

    The teacher I had the most problems with was ESFp. She wanted me to submit to her Se, whereas I always reacted to all of her sarcastic, cutting comments, making the situation escalate into a full-blown rage on both sides :S

    (FDG lazing with the the head on the desk)
    Prof: FDG, your head shouldn't weight that much from what I know about you, so sit right.
    FDG: Yeah it doesn't, cuz I don't use cheap heavy earrings as you do.

    Fortunately, she was objective in giving grades. Therefore, I still got good ones.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  11. #11

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    My problem was always asking too many specific questions in class which sometimes pissed off the teacher because they didn't have an answer. I have trouble in classes where I have to memorize facts that don't have to do with physics, electronics, psych, ... basically things that i feel aren't usefull to me, or things I cannot apply/see. I always got annoyed with physics labs because they didn't allow us to try our own experiments in order to confirm the principals. They always had their own setups that were meant to prove the matterial, but to me this wasnt proof, and I always ended up having to try them on my own at home. I love ENTp professors, INTp professors make me nervous, I respect them, but im always afraid of what will be on the exams. I cannot think like they do and have a very difficult time solving the problems that they give. They always tell me not to worry than their exam will be easy if i study, but this is not the case! With ENTj professors they give me a bunch of terms usually and don;t show examples. They skip over the parts I think are important and go into great detail about things I consider to be common sense. They expect me to see the big logical picture after defining separate parts of the system. I can only do this in a Ti manner. In Opperating systems class the professor taught us pieces of the system and expected us to piece it together from the top down, which meant i had to memorize things that didn;t have a purpose, until i got all the way to the bottom of the system and then was like aha! at last! In classes taught by intj and entp, however, they teach me the smallest components which have functionality from the start, which allows me to experiment with them and see results right away, then they put those components together and show me a larger system made from smaller elements so I always have something to link it to and can visualize it as a whole.

    ENTp classes I had: Linear algebra, discrete math, computer architecture, physics lab
    Commonality: Abstract Ti Mechanics, structures
    Comfort in lecture: (1-10), 10
    Comfort on exam: (1-10), 10
    Grade: Great

    INTj classes I had: data structures, Astronomy, Mechanical Eng
    Commonality: Heavy Ti structure, mechanics
    Comfort in lecture: (1-10), 7
    Comfort on exam: (1-10), 9
    Grade: Great

    INTp classes I had: Stat Engineering Design, Calc II
    Commonality: Abstract symbolic manipulation, identities, transformations
    Comfort in lecture: (1-10), 6
    Comfort on exam: (1-10), 1
    Grade: Ok/Bad

    ENTj-T classes I had: US History, Database management
    Commonality: Lots of terms to memorize, tests were fact based
    Comfort in lecture: (1-10), 8
    Comfort on exam: (1-10), 2
    Grade: Ok/Bad

    ENTj-N classes I had: Operating systems, Telecom
    Commonality: Less terms lots of temporal state change visualization
    Comfort in lecture: (1-10), 8
    Comfort on exam: (1-10), 6
    Grade: Ok/Good

    ENFp classes I had: Writing, Communications
    Commonality: Lots of talking, not much substance
    Comfort in lecture 1-10), 8
    Comfort on exam: (1-10), 8
    Grade: Good (if they are having a good day)

    ISTj classes I had: Philosophy, Programming
    Commonality: Professors wrote on the board a lot, useful facts and examples
    Comfort in lecture: (1-10), 10
    Comfort on exam: (1-10), 6
    Grade: Great/Ok

    INFj classes I had: Writing
    Commonality: Lots of touchy feely poems and stories mostly about INFj's
    Comfort in lecture: (1-10), 10
    Comfort on exam: (1-10), 10
    Grade: Ok

    These are some i remember off the top of my head

    What a great replacement for a nany

  12. #12
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    Default Re: School System and Type

    Quote Originally Posted by Slava
    Did anyone here have any specific issues with any teachers/professors because of type related interaction/misunderstanding. Did your grades every suffer because of teaching style vs your learning style? Did you ever feel like school was doing more harm than good?
    I had more problems with the school setting as whole than with particular teachers. As in I would have liked to work out my own schedules of learning. But following a plan and schedule made by other people was hard. Perhaps my issues were with the people who decide how school should work.

    Ok. Perhaps teachers who required us to write down zillions of memos and memorize them inside and out were difficult. Teachers who were overly abstract were bad too. I was more into learning by doing and learning with flexible self designed schedule than learning by memorizing concrete or abstract stuff in a strict schedule.

    My college grades have constantly been better than pre-college grades because of the added freedom. I can't say traditional school setting was doing more harm than good but it could have done more good than it did. Only thing I'm critical about college is the slightly too theory heavy approach which doesn't always translate well to world outside of college. I like theory and practice in a balanced package learned with an approach and schedule most suitable to myself.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    The teachers I've had the most problems with have probably been ISTj/ESTj/ISFj because they were very strict about format. I would write an essay and get back comments like, "the content is perfect, but you wrote your name on the left side of the paper instead of the right and did not put the date in the correct format so I had to deduct points". Those type of teachers always drove me nuts.
    Agreed. I also had a chemistry teacher that actually said that, when describing chemical reactions generally, he would only accept this:

    A + B ---> C

    But not this:

    X + Y ----> Z

    Even if it was a purely theoretical, generalistic discussion where any symbol whatsoever would have served. No, it had to be A, B, C.

    He was ISFp I think.

    As for getting grades back - - I had an ESTp as lecturer of inorganic chemistry. He would just give a general grade for the whole paper without breaking the points down. He used to say, "if you want to discuss your grades, fine, but be warned that I never revise them up, only down".
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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