Quote Originally Posted by Slava
Quote Originally Posted by xiuxiu
i think democracy is currently the best system for humanity, as far as quality of life is concerned. where it has failed, obviously, is in higher levels of government, though i don't really see a way around this problem, or a solution, as it is simply human nature to brazenly disregard logical forms and systems with a reckless intensity. as far as ideologies go, i would put my stock in libertarianism, but that is usually a slippery slope towards communism. again, human qualities will always get in the way of sound ideas and it will be thousands upon thousands of years before we begin to move away from this propensity for fallibility, evolutionarily speaking. that is, if we evolve much at all, as we are not consciously control of such forces. science could help towards remedying this, though, if science was permitted to advance and was not restricted and villified by the common philistine.
I agree, but I suggest we look at the human body as a microcosm of what government in the future may be, how do all the cells in our body vote? how do they all live in such harmony and accept their place. how do they divy up their resources? It was a long battle but it solidified more or less into a body that has purpose and is optimized. I believe human societies will also go through a similar process, we already see a global economy forming, and specialization of nations, this is like organs forming. Nuclear weapons helped to create a strong Fi between entities also. With such interdependance the suicide of one nation could whipe out every other nation.
so how do you see Programmed Cell Death fitting in?