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Thread: Type and desired government

  1. #41
    XoX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevENTj
    Quote Originally Posted by soggy-flakes
    On political ideology tests, I either score moderate or slightly left. I am definitely on the left side on personal issues. On economic issues, I'm moderate, but I tend more to the left side I think.

    I wouldn't like or want communism but I would like to see some of the gross inequalities on the US economy minimized. I would like to see an upper limit as to the salary people can make. Why do celebrities and sports figures need to make multi-millions a year? I think the upper limit should be one million. Have the rest of the money go towards building a universal health care system or something like that or increase the amount of pay that the working class receives. Just because some one is poor, doesn't mean that they should have to physically suffer because they don't have the insurance or can't afford some sort of treatment. Just because you're rich doesn't mean you deserve to life a healthier or longer life IMO.
    You are not moderate or slightly left on economic issues then. Being in favor of income caps, and wealth redistribution is faaaaaar to the left in American politics. That sounds like a cross between socialism and communism to me.
    I agree. That would be far far left in Finnish politics too. And Finnish politics are more leftist than Democrats would implement in US (even if a rightist party is in power here ) I mean the most leftist idea I have heard here is paying somekind of "national salary" to everyone which could be as high as 500-1000 dollars a month. Every citizen would get this
    just by being citizens. Then everyone can earn what ever they want on top of that. I have never heard anyone talking about caps or top limits to income. Usually leftist here means supporting the poor not making it impossible to get rich. Although the progressive income tax which we have in practice works as a soft income cap. You can still get rich because investments are taxed lower than salary and investment tax is not progressive. So whatever you earn in e.g. the stock market or real estate market is taxed similarly for rich and poor and the tax is relatively low. Just put your salary back to market and you get rich. Getting rich only by working is harder because after certain salaries the tax progression raises rapidly.

  2. #42
    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    That would be far far left in Finnish politics too.
    You're Finnish?? That explains even more!
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

  3. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    I hope I will never live to see a mental internet.
    I don't think it will be as bad as you think it to be. Imagine being able to do something simple like watch a movie with your friends while driving to work and answering your emails.

    here is an article which describes a technology which when combined with increased processing power (or devices which allow for better filtering of information) may make such things as the above a reality

  4. #44

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    That sounds like a cross between socialism and communism to me.

    It's basically just a form of capitalism dressed up to look a little nicer, when in reality it ignores the fundamental problems with capitalism. It may be far to the left of American politics, but when considering the entire spectrum of views, it's pretty close to the middle and is definitely to the right of both socialism and communism.

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