Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
@Poptart @MissDucki

I am immensely disappointed in you for considering yourselves peanut butter connoisseurs, yet eating the processed kind. Especially you, MissDucki. And here I had been expecting to learn from you!
Do what I say and not as I do

Is the natural stuff better for you, yes. Will I recommend it, yes cause it is better for you. Do I think it taste like Satan's spawn? also, yes. There can be two truths. I will eat my crap processed stuff cause it makes me happy and I like the sugar. It is still fairly healthy dammit! Low sugar, low-ish fat, and decent protein. I have taste buds you know! That natural stuff may be good for you but it kills my soul~ I'm not going to knock ya for the processed stuff. Just saying I have my preferences

Edit: When I lived in Germany, I went peanut butter hunting. All the North Americans were on the look out for what peanut butter was the best and tasted the most sugary LOL. They don't really do peanut butter over there and the jars were small. I tried a bunch until I found my fave. Still had my mom and friends ship me peanut butter though.