Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post

raised by an abusive mother, mostly absent father who prefered to fuck around than raise a family
tate thinks the world's trying to kill him (fair until he becomes an asshole), always bored/nothing interests him, struggles to connect to people or art, obviously depressed, needs constant stress and achievement bc that show he's wired to function
thinks depression doesnt exist, is grateful for being brough into this world < he became what his parents wanted him to be, for other ppl to suffer his consequences (absent from children's lives, pimped out hoes who were prolly u know what)
i could guess he was raised by narcissists as soon as i saw him. but he is weak, instead of fighting the difficult enemy (his parents), he let them get to his head and prolly justifies beating his own children.
jeez i wonder why black ppl commit more crimes and give in to vices if thats how they are raised.

Black people aren’t the only people who are raised that way.