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Thread: Funny Ne video

  1. #41
    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by superunknown View Post
    *buzzer sounds*

    I award you no points.
    Then explain yourself instead of contributing nothing to the thread.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Because she's the queen of being oblivious.
    Toward what is she being oblivious?

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Then why did you bring up the analogy with computers ?
    Again, I am talking about "biological neural networks", which we model with "artificial neural networks".

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I think you need to read up more. Augusta broke up the eight functions into smaller parts:

    Extroverted Sensing is external statics of objects. Introverted Sensing is external dynamics of fields. The two sensing functions share the external dichotomy. Ditto with logic.
    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Aushra Augusta was wrong. For more information, allow me to quote myself:
    Quote Originally Posted by Johannes Bloem View Post
    Throw out your old ideas about "Ne", because "the essence of an object" is Aushra Augusta's skewed conception of it. Even though she self-typed as ILE, I think she was secretly an Fi-valuer. "Fi" means "Implicit Object Statics", and you can think of it as the warm, mushy notion of "personal feelings" in a sort of fundamental way. Delta NFs are strong in "plus-Fi", which can be thought of as "the implied completeness of an object". If I say, "William seems to be a talented liar", I am essentially switching out "William" with "talented liar" and saying, "this is him!" The "essence of an object" is its "implied completeness".

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    "Static traits" .. I think you mean facial characteristics.. run in families. They're inherited. Then again, to be fair, this is one area of Socionics where it's possible to conduct real scientific experiments.
    A "static physical trait" is basically just an "explicit fixed property of the body". This can include everything from "facial characteristics" to "body shape" to "shoulder width" to "ass roundness". They run in families because they are inherited, but that doesn't mean they can't be type related.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I think you need to read up more. Augusta broke up the eight functions into smaller parts: Extroverted Sensing is external statics of objects. Introverted Sensing is external dynamics of fields. The two sensing functions share the external dichotomy. Ditto with logic.
    I redefined the functions in a way that explains extroversion/introversion and intertype relations.

    To begin, let's discuss "objects" and "fields", which for our purposes are the two "basic sets" of "things".

    "Objects" are perceived as "whole units" or "particles". They may be "particulate" in construction but nevertheless they are seen as "whole units". Here is the definition for "particle":
    In the physical sciences, a particle is a small localized object to which can be ascribed several physical or chemical properties such as volume or mass. The term macroscopic particle usually refers to particles much larger than atoms and molecules. These are usually abstracted as point-like particles, even though they have volumes, shapes, structures, etc. Examples of macroscopic particles would include dust, sand, pieces of debris during a car accident, or even objects as big as the stars of a galaxy.
    "Fields" are perceived as "conditions" or "systems". I think "condition" is the best synonym for "field". Here is the definition for "field":
    A field is a physical quantity that has a value for each point in space and time. Defining the field as "numbers in space" shouldn't detract from the idea that it has physical reality. “It occupies space. It contains energy. Its presence eliminates a true vacuum.” The field creates a "condition in space" such that when we put a particle in it, the particle "feels" a force.
    Now, here are my definitions of the cognitive functions/information elements, along with some phrases that I think characterize them:
    "Se" = "Explicit Object Statics"
    "physical properties of object (color, shape, texture), spatial location of object, distance between objects"

    "Ne" = "Explicit Field Statics"
    "state of temperature, 'things together', 'full scene', 'whole impression', 'obvious structure', 'these go together'"

    "Si" = "Implicit Field Dynamics"
    "change in temperature, 'effect on conditions', 'how conditions will change', 'what developments will occur'"

    "Ni" = "Implicit Object Dynamics"
    "'you're thinking this way', 'you will do this in the future', what an unseen thing does, 'you're doing this because of that'"

    "Te" = "Explicit Object Dynamics"
    "what this does, what that does, 'I am doing this', 'I will do this', 'why don't you do this', 'it won't do this', 'because this does that'"

    "Fe" = "Explicit Field Dynamics"
    "'these things are happening', 'we are making these changes', 'these developments are occurring', 'these changes have occurred', 'the conditions are changing in this way'"

    "Ti" = "Implicit Field Statics"
    "'because it's against the rules', 'this state will result', 'because of an unseen truth', 'underlying structure', 'unseen property of these conditions'"

    "Fi" = "Implicit Object Statics"
    "this unit is like this, this unit isn't like this, this unseen property is true of this unit, this unseen property isn't true of this unit"
    These definitions also explain intertype relations. Example:
    "Ti" = "Implicit Field Statics" and "Fi" = "Implicit Object Statics". Therefore a Ti-ego and an Fi-ego will both be noticing "implicit static" properties of "things", but the one will be attuned to "fields" while the other will be attuned to "objects", and hence there will be some miscommunication.
    I hope you find this information helpful
    Last edited by Olduvai; 01-27-2014 at 05:37 AM.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johannes Bloem View Post
    Toward what is she being oblivious?
    Did you even watch the video?

    Again, I am talking about "biological neural networks", which we model with "artificial neural networks".
    What about them, then?

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Aushra Augusta was wrong.
    Then we don't have anything to talk about, because we're using two different systems.

    I don't want to waste time arguing over unresolvable differences. Best of luck to you sir.

    A "static physical trait" is basically just an "explicit fixed property of the body". This can include everything from "facial characteristics" to "body shape" to "shoulder width" to "ass roundness". They run in families because they are inherited, but that doesn't mean they can't be type related.
    That is virtually identical to physiognomy, which is a pseudoscience.
    Last edited by xerx; 01-27-2014 at 06:00 AM.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Then explain yourself instead of contributing nothing to the thread.
    An Se type's concern is that of the explicit impressions an object releases within the psyche, in this sense, yes, they are utterly dependent on an objective orientation to reality.

    That in no way precludes any form of obliviosity from an Se type.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by superunknown View Post
    An Se type's concern is that of the explicit impressions an object releases within the psyche, in this sense, yes, they are utterly dependent on an objective orientation to reality.

    That in no way precludes any form of obliviosity from an Se type.
    not on the scale in the video. unless they have real adhd.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Did you even watch the video?
    You didn't answer my question, but it doesn't matter. Superunknown put it best:
    Quote Originally Posted by superunknown View Post
    An Se type's concern is that of the explicit impressions an object releases within the psyche, in this sense, yes, they are utterly dependent on an objective orientation to reality.

    That in no way precludes any form of obliviosity from an Se type.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    What about them, then?
    I mentioned them in an earlier post to which you replied with the claim that doing so made me look stupid, so I proceeded to make you look stupid by showing you how little you know about the brain

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Then we don't have anything to talk about, because we're using two different systems.
    The "conditions" are the same but the "objects" differ. See what I did there?

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I don't want to waste time arguing over unresolvable differences. Best of luck to you sir.
    Take a minute and consider my posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    That's an interesting proposition, but it's edging into pseudo-scientific territory. It's virtually identical to physiognomy.
    Psh, "pseudo-scientific" is pretty much all of psychology.

    lmao, I just realized that I quoted superunknown when I should've quoted xerx. Damn formatting.

  8. #48
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    Psh, "pseudo-scientific" is pretty much all of psychology.
    nah, there's a ton of experimental psychology.

    Quote Originally Posted by Johannes Bloem View Post
    I mentioned them in an earlier post to which you replied with the claim that doing so made me look stupid, so I proceeded to make you look stupid by showing how little you know about the brain

    The "conditions" are the same but the "objects" differ. See what I did there?
    Take a minute and consider my posts.
    I don't waste my time on trash. Bai.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    nah, there's a ton of experimental psychology.
    yeah but that stuff is boring

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I don't waste my time on trash. Bai.
    aww c'mon, quasi-identibro
    Last edited by Olduvai; 01-27-2014 at 07:55 AM.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    That is virtually identical to physiognomy, which is a pseudoscience.
    Just take a gander at this:
    False Analogy: Asserting that X is like Z, and that since Z has property Y, then X also has property Y.

    Fairly ubiquitous practice in Socionics when discussing the theory and what different concepts mean. Aushra herself often employed false analogies when discussing information metabolism and functions (though it's not certain how literal these were meant to be taken).

    Example: "Se is like Kinetic Energy. Kinetic Energy pertains to movement. Therefore Se pertains to movement."

    Example: "'Your idea' is like physiognomy. Physiognomy is a pseudoscience. Therefore 'your idea' is a pseudoscience."

    Regardless, if you actually think about it, my idea isn't much like physiognomy, anyway. It really isn't even my idea, either; it is Filatova's:
    On Filatova's portraits - from Wikisocion:
    Originally Posted by :
    It should be noted that Ekaterina Filatova did not herself use visual identification ("V.I.") to diagnose the types of the people in her books. She simply began to notice similarities between people of the same type and tried to capture them through photos.
    Who are the people in the pictures? from
    Originally Posted by :
    Visitors of our site often ask us whether the people whose pictures are placed together with type descriptions have been “typed” correctly. OK, we answer.

    These portraits have been photographed by Yekaterina S. Filatova, a socionist from St. Petersburg, since 1991. She gave us her permission to place some of her pictures at our site. She did not use any “visual identification” methods – she is rather much critical towards such methods, and never wants to “type” pictures which some people send to her. On the contrary, she first determined the type of the person (by interviewing, in course of long contacts, etc.) and only then, when this person expressed his/her agreement with the type description and his/her permission for being photographed, she made his/her pictures in several standard perspectives (which allowed comparing pictures of different people with each other). In addition, she often received feedback from these people and kept contacts with them, since many of them were her former students, colleague professors or even practicing socionists. If anybody later expressed his doubts about the correctness of his/her type identification, then his/her pictures were removed from the collection to a separate folder marked “dubious” for future verification. The total number of portraits made by her exceeds several thousands, and the most reliable of them have been published in her books.

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