Quote Originally Posted by SophiaDeep View Post
The thing is I still have a problem with is, that ENFPs both in socionics and MBTI are described are that happy, positive, well liked and socially skilled people with many friends and hobbies... But I am more on that darker side of the spectrum, the things I like are not usually only unusual, but twisted into this dark death related topics. I adore people like Jim Morrison with his lyrics and poems about death and drugs, or Edgar Allan Poe who could wirte about the most unpleasant topics and scandalize them among people. I've never liked any other types or art, even the movies I watched are usually horrors, or thrillers because there's just something about the darker topics that deeply attracts me. And I am no extremly happy person also my emotional world is much more in that darker sides, I have problems with negativism, lots of melancholy and I am prone to depressions. Also I've never had many friends, during the school I was an outsider, I've never really fitted in any bigger groups, only when I am older I learned how to behave more "correctly" so people accept me, but I still have much better relationships with people that by others are considered strange, or have been rejected for some reason. So I am really not that very happy smiling person, though I usually stay positive when I interact with people. Maybe that's just me being 4?
IEEs are not all that social and happy I would say. I They are often described as the most shy of the extroverts. I listened to a lot of Doors growing up, never had a large social circle, am only exuberant and happy when I feel very comfortable with people, and can be very withdrawn and a loner at times. I very much think you are an IEE based on what you write here.

Oh, and abandon MBTI - it is terrible! Welcome!