Did you guys seriously have respect for your teachers? How about for the mundane futile general education?
Honestly, I thought of high school as a free daycare center created to keep kids off the streets during business hours or from competing in the job market.

The only teachers I respected were ones that respected my apathy. The rest didn't bother to realize that I was there because I was forced to show against my will and that I found their teachings useless to me (or more specifically, to my master plan )

And I'd just like to say that quite to the contrary of school allegations about marijuana... well, if I had smoked pot back then, I would've endured and stayed in school (and guess what? They'd still be making $$ off of my attendance too[which is what they truly care about, not my brain]).

Haha, I remember when I quit 9th grade.. one girl asked me "Don't you get lonely?"
I figured she asked a weird question and replied with a simple "no".
Now I understand that it was my answer which was weird, not her question.
To me, school is only important up to 8th grade. To everyone else... whatever.