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Thread: I'd appreciate your input...

  1. #1
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Default I'd appreciate your input...


    I like the questionnaire on this site but it doesn't tell me enough to (stereo)type anyone so I decided to make my own questionnaire. I not only want to know how deep, intelligent, talented or original you are. I want to know superficial things since I think they say a lot about us too. I NEED DETAIL PEOPLE! Ahem, yes a few details but only as much as you can comfortably share.

    If you think you are too good for this foolishness, go on back to sleep, grandma. We'll try to keep it down…wake ya when it's over.

    By the time we are finished laughing and pointing at each other We may "know" each other a little better.

    *This was created while I listened to the Bloodhound Gang, "The Bad Touch" on a half hour loop. I kept stopping to dance.

    **I have given some examples

    *** Tried to put video in spoiler tags but did't work so if someone can fix it for me that would be peachy.

    1. What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    2. What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    3. Ethnicity?
    4. Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    5. Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    6. Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    7. Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    8. What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)
    9. What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    10. What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    11. Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.
    12. Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)
    13. Any deep, dark secrets?
    14. If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)

    If you answer all these questions, truthfully, then I will use my amazing powers of intuition and observation to tell you what kinda person you are, in ten words or less, or at the very least laugh at you. Coz, I got skillz like dat!

    Last edited by Aylen; 01-23-2014 at 08:56 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  2. #2


    *** Tried to put video in spoiler tags but did't work so if someone can fix it for me that would be peachy.

    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    none. I bus when i need to get somewhere. the last car I owned/drove was probably 15 years ago or so, a big grey chevy caprice classic that was a family hand-me-down from my dead grandfather. I'm not a car guy, and what I've described is about all I know about cars. If you asked me what a certain car on the road is the only sure reply I could give is "it's a blue car" lol

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?

    eye color: light grey/blue
    skin tone: white guy/arizona tan
    hair color: brown, with some greys
    hair style: lol, I don't really do hair style, I just have them cut it "so I don't have to worry about it for another four months". I don't think I've touched it with a comb or brush in years, just run my fingers through it when i feel like I'm looking too hobo/wildman. oh. and balding.

    Ethnicity? white/US immigrant Euromut. specifically: German, Hungarian, French, Romanian

    Sexual preference? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)

    Lone Ranger I guess? I'm celebate pretty much. Sex and me haven't gotten along together in life. attracted to women though, just don't feel a drive stong enough to act on it beyond some bouts of years long crushes when friendzoned. probably a pretty repressed streak of bisexual in there too.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?

    Catholic church as a kid, but I dropped out of that before confirmation as organized mass was nothing but something I felt forced to be at (might feel differently now, idk, haven't gone back besides funerals or to be there for somebody else every 5 years or so).

    No woodstock, but I was a Deadhead in my late teens/early 20s, so plenty of the closest thing the late 80s/90s had to offer of that scene.

    A few raves in the 90s, not into dancing though, too self conscious, i just like the atmosphere/techno feel/media show.

    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)

    books I guess? idk if that counts as collecting. I'm kinda compulsive sometimes about picking up shiney things when I'm taking walks, like I'm supposed to have this cool looking piece of metal/an old hinge laying in the dirt.

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    I used to paint, draw, write. I think I was always more of a sculpture/carving/building sort of artist though, I felt the flow when working with my hands that way.

    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)

    heh... none? at the moment I'm in the daytime, but I kinda rotate over the course of a few weeks from day to night. I guess I feel most comfortable at night though.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?

    the most recurring theme to my dreams is that I'm going from here to there, and take a wrong step/get off at the wrong stop, and in a 4th dimensional kinda way, suddenly I'm halfway across town, and spend the rest of the dream trying to get back to where I should have been.

    another common dream is apocalptic stuff. The sun goes wonky and starts turning people it touches retarded, the mothership/invasion suddenly is dropping down way up in the sky, illuminati have taken over and I'm trying to avoid the minions of the elite, or being fucked with by them using movie special effects to create specticles.

    School, still. I'm a 40 year old senior in those dreams still not able to make it to the history final to pass the fucking class already!

    meth. trying to smoke/load my pipe, or find a place to get high, but it never quite works out, and the bag keeps getting smaller and I drop it when interrupted.

    there's other stuff, but that's enough. oh, i guess another interesting thing here is that I have a toolbox as it were of dream "superpowers" that have developed over my life. different forms of flight, willing myself to wake up out of impending bad situations, slowing down time, telekenisis attacks, slamming people into walls with waves of my hand/finger, etc, etc...

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)

    timid and freaked out. wanting it but not able to overcome the dissociation and lack of confidence I get smothered with when in intimate situations. it's rarely ended well, with anyone satisfied, so I just stopped trying years ago. I do think/have hope that I can get over this stuff, it just take being with some-one very very patient and understanding.

    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.

    idk. can't think of anything to put here. I had a dream once that Ozzy was my dad though, lol.

    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)

    none, maybe looking up soon. have something possible coming up, just hasn't happened yet (waiting on someone to quit at a job that a friend can get me into). been unemployed for about 10 years though now.

    my "situation", I live with my elderly mother, and don't spend on anything really. just make due with having what I already have, find ways to keep myself entertained for free.

    Any deep, dark secrets?

    none that most people here don't already know or that I'm not pretty open about. I was molested as a kid for some years, and spent over half my life (I'll be 41 soon) using/addicted to drugs (weed and meth) and pretty well fucked my life up with all that, at least financially/life situation wise, I did manage to stay a good person through it all. (but I'm clean now (three years from meth, a few months from weed) and trying to work my way out of being fucked up again).

    umm... real secret stuff? idk... just worries that I might have dark things repressed/lurking inside that will come out someday, schizophrenia, serial killer, rapist, shit like that. but I'm pretty sure I don't, just a pervasive worry I've had.

    blah. these are the ones I'm somewhat/pretty open about. I guess there's some stuff I'm not going to say. answer to question is "yes".

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)

    boring answer: food, water, trees and shit to keep me occupied/give me something to build out of

    stuff I'd want: weed, cigarretes, some sci-fi books to read
    Last edited by bg; 01-07-2014 at 07:57 PM.

  3. #3
    Reficulris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    I like the questionnaire on this site but it doesn't tell me enough to (stereo)type anyone so I decided to make my own questionnaire. I not only want to know how deep, intelligent, talented or original you are. I want to know superficial things since I think they say a lot about us too. I NEED DETAIL PEOPLE! Ahem, yes a few details but only as much as you can comfortably share.

    If you think you are too good for this foolishness, go on back to sleep, grandma. We'll try to keep it down…wake ya when it's over.

    By the time we are finished laughing and pointing at each other We may "know" each other a little better.

    *This was created while I listened to the Bloodhound Gang, "The Bad Touch" on a half hour loop. I kept stopping to dance.

    **I have given some examples

    *** Tried to put video in spoiler tags but did't work so if someone can fix it for me that would be peachy.

    1. What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    My car is pink, just like my chat-text. The problem is that I don't have a drivers license AND that the waiting list for a car parking spot in my neighborhood is 7 years AND a parking spot costs about as much as my house. So... my pink car exists solely in my head.

    No.. if I would own a car it'd be a mini, or maybe one of those cryslers with the round curves and the cute eye-like headlights.
    Aside from those fantasies i'm not interested in cars besides the effects they have (getting me from a to b)

    1. What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?

    There's pictures of me, err, so blond, straight hair, either spikes or kind of a beatle-crown... Blue-eyes, kinda white skinned.
    As one of the forumnites said: I look like what ****** had in mind.

    1. Ethnicity?


    1. Sexual preference? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)

    Yes is prefer sex. no, actually, i prefer hugs. IF they are mutually exclusive that is... If possible I'd like the combination. I like a wide range of sexual "styles" from slow passionate sex with long foreplay, scented candles, ritual baths, to sex wrestling to being dominated/dominate to funny sex.

    1. Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?

    I was raised religious. I can say for certain that i've never went to a religious event VOLUNTAIRY. Otherwise...yeah...oh, and sporting events are as bad as church is. I like festivals though...

    1. Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)

    Books, digital and otherwise.

    1. Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    No, no, no(i used to but my first girlfriend broke up with me right after I gave her a picture of her for her birthday. Possibly unrelated but I don't take risks) no, I played......Trombone and Accordeon (yeah..those are my dark secrets!). no, Yes, argentinian tango.

    1. What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)

    I don't fall asleep easily and I sleep on avarage 11h a day. not good...

    1. What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?

    Never remember my, never ever.

    1. What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)

    How is this different from sexual preference?

    1. Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.

    Celebrities wouldn't adopt me...

    1. Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)

    I'm fine financially, I own a house and some captial.

    1. Any deep, dark secrets?

    other than me playing the trombone and accordion? well, err i'm kinda insecure and lazy, but those arent really secrets. No, I guess i don't do secrets.

    1. If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)

    Eh... give me some food, some medication and a weapon of some sorts, i'll be fine (no... actually i'd die, but still).

    If you answer all these questions, truthfully, then I will use my amazing powers of intuition and observation to tell you what kinda person you are, in ten words or less, or at the very least laugh at you. Coz, I got skillz like dat!

  4. #4
    Neural wonderchild Aivonaima's Avatar
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    1. What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
      I don't have a car, nor a license. If I could have my dream car though I'd take something ridiculously futuristic so I could pretend it was a spaceship.
    2. What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
      My natural hair colour's somewhere between warm medium brown and deep reddish auburn depending on the light. I'm growing it back along with the whole of my hair, which is currently armpit lenght, with a few inches of my natural colour and the rest is light-ish copper. Skin pale as fuck and neutral in tone, eyes deep green with golden-brown rings around the pupils.
    3. Ethnicity?
      Caucasian. Scandinavian/Fennic to be specific.
    4. Sexual preference? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
      What do these even mean? I'm hot for hot people regardless of their gender. Hot Fe-valuing Sx people to be exact. Sexual attraction to me is either everything right now or nothing, never, ever. I can totally tell whether you'll ever have a chance with me on the first glance, oh yes. Even if it's actually going to take some time, I'll know.
    5. Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
      Church, yes (I used to sing in a church choir as a kid), black mass, no. A sporting activity, yes. A rave, not a proper one, although I might be willing to try. Woodstock, no. Head start class, what's that?
    6. Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
      Well, not really. Not seriously.
    7. Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
      I do all of these, but I'm only serious with music these days.
    8. What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)
      Utterly random.
    9. What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
      You don't really want to know. My dreams are sort of disturbed and vivid and. Uh. Hmm. Yeah.
    10. What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
      Hmm what? Uhh, I just hypnotize and magnetize people and drag them beneath the surface with me. Then I destroy them and let them destroy me. In the end, we surface, raw and terrified, and purified, in the center of the cyclone.
    11. Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.
      Jo Calderone + Divine. Equals me.
    12. Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)
      I'm poor... But I live as though I was rich.
    13. Any deep, dark secrets?
      Probably, but I can't think of any.
    14. If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)
      A helicopter I could use to get away from there? Or a boat? And some fuel?
    Last edited by Aivonaima; 01-08-2014 at 11:25 AM.
    "Use every ounce of potential you have, raise revolution against what people expect of you, and tell the world this is not a rehearsal. This is the real me. And listen up, ‘cause it could be the most honest incarnation yet."

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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    I don't have a car, but I often use my mother's (silver Opel Astra) or my grandmother's (bordeaux red Opel Corsa).

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?

    Hair color - somewhere between red and light brown
    Hair style - long and straight
    Eye color - blue
    Skin tone - white, yellowish... :/



    Sexual preference? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)

    I'm straight. Maybe a little bi, like everyone probably has some kind of attraction to the same sex sometimes. But I could never fall in love with another woman. So, romantic preference is 100% straight. And as I cannot really imagine sex without the end I'm straight after all.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?

    I regularly go to church, I've been to a soccer match Eintracht Frankfurt vs. Bayern Munich once, as for the rest: nope.

    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)

    I used to collect stickers and stamps, but not anymore. I'm starting to collect LPs.

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    I paint, I write (a fantasy novel), I draw, I also write my own music and lyrics, I play the guitar and try to learn to play the synthesizer, I also sing and I love dancing (but nor professionally).

    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)

    That differs and depends on when I have to get up for uni.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?

    My dreams are often quite lively. I often find myself in a shopping mall searching for someone or something, or riding the train trying to find my destination. Sometimes I dream about the apocalypse.
    Nightmares can be about secret rooms in the house where something or someone is lurking and watching me.

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)

    Nothing like that. More romantic.

    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.

    Kate Winslet + Leonardo DiCaprio
    Ingrid Bergman + Sean Connery
    Dont know... Lol.

    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)

    I'm a poor student.

    Any deep, dark secrets?

    Not really. I guess, we all have one or two things we don't want everyone to know.

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)

    If I had a partner right now, yes.
    I guess, food and fresh water can be found on the island.
    I'd say I need a weapon, something to make a fire and antibiotics.
    Last edited by kadda1212; 01-08-2014 at 05:05 PM.

  6. #6
    expired Lotus's Avatar
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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    no car right now but i'm getting my grandma's in a couple days because she just moved into her fancy new retirement home, plus she had a stroke a few months back so she shouldn't be driving anyway. it's a barely used, little silver Honda. i like it a lot

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    long, usually straight but sometimes wavy, brown hair — parted on my left side. blue eyes. olive-y skin but relatively pale to how i normally look. i definitely have a yellow undertone

    25% Mongolian, 25% Russian, 12.5% Irish, and 37.5% German.

    Sexual preference? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    men. what exactly are you asking? positions?

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    yes, no, yes, yes, no, no.

    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    crystals, glass, art.

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    yes. i oil paint and draw people, i write stream of consciousness style prose, poetry, and dance.

    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    i don't usually remember my dreams.

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    i can be aggressive and very passionate. also a little freaky


    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose
    as many as you like.

    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid
    row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)

    Any deep, dark secrets?

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)
    maybe a saint is just a dead prick with a good publicist
    maybe tommorow's statues are insecure without their foes
    go ask the frog what the scorpion knows

  7. #7
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    1.What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    i don't drive.

    2.What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    dark blond/light brown hair. dyed sort of red but its fading now.
    shoulder length and plain. i'm growing it out.
    light blue/grey eyes.

    western european. i've been told a lot of different and conflicting things from my relatives but the constants are norwegian and german.

    4.Sexual preference? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    men/straight. i've experimented but i just can't get into it 100% with a female like i can with a male.

    5.Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    yes, no, yes, no, no, no.
    i don't go to church regularly but i go for certain events or if somebody really wants me to come with them.
    i've watched baseball, football, hockey..i like watching hockey best.

    6.Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    not exactly, but its kind of out there that unicorns are my "thing" when people don't know what else to gift me for xmas/birthdays so i have a small collection.

    7.Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    i write sometimes but i'm ambivalent about it. keeping it to myself isn't really satisfying but knowing that others will see it makes me self conscious and pretentious. i don't as much as i used to and i probably just need to get back in the swing of it. mostly poetry and a little prose.

    8.What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)
    i stay up too late most nights and nap too much on weekends to catch up. if i didn't have a 9-5 i would probably be completely sporadic in my sleep patterns. i'm a late night & early morning person.

    9.What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    i don't dream as much as i used to. the main pattern in my dreams has been searching or trying to achieve something and having it always evade me. lately the dreams that i do remember are really short, just moments, chapters instead of whole novels.

    10.What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    pretty straightforward, i just like hard fucking without it being some sort of performance, so maybe boring. but freaky shit is fine as long as it feels natural and organic in the moment. i'm open about what i want and not squeamish.

    11.Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.
    lol, i don't know how to answer.
    david lynch + kathleen hanna. lolz.

    12.Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)
    getting by. its not always easy but i manage to take care of my family by myself.

    13.Any deep, dark secrets?
    of course.

    14.If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)
    my family, a house, a boat (:

  8. #8


    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo? i dont drive car but yes i'd love me a kick ass stereo
    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..? brown skin tone off white
    Sexual preference? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above) all the above
    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class? what is a head start class. i have been to church and concert
    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew) no
    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance? i used to draw
    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise) when i have school/work i am early to rise and i prefer getting up early but if left on my own devices things can go out of hand a bitzs
    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares? sometimes i have vivid dreams that i try not to forget so that i can google the meaning but if it's a bad one i always forget to flush it down the toiklet
    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky) ya
    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like. stoya+james deen
    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.) parent allowance =<
    Any deep, dark secrets? i talk to myself, i miss a toenail
    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator) nuthing

    editmgomgomgomggm i jsut found it is growing back *opens champagne*
    Last edited by Kalinoche buenanoche; 01-09-2014 at 09:27 PM.

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    Sexual preference? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    I am asking if you're straight, gay, bi or even a little asexual.

    Thanks to everyone who filled this out. Now I have a human being to visualize when I am interacting with you all, instead of an avatar. You are now all very real people to me and not just a persona on the internet. I get a sense of what you guys are dealing with on a personal level and I know that I said I would tell you about yourself in ten words or less, but that would be impossible, wouldn't it? You are all complex beings and to label you one or two things wouldn't be fair.

    That being said, I do get strong impressions about some of you so I will message those I pick up "sensitive" info about privately.

    You all appear to be pretty accepting and open individuals. I imagine if I had a small gathering, at my home, all of you would be invited.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    I am asking if you're straight, gay, bi or even a little asexual.

    Thanks to everyone who filled this out. Now I have a human being to visualize when I am interacting with you all, instead of an avatar. You are now all very real people to me and not just a persona on the internet. I get a sense of what you guys are dealing with on a personal level and I know that I said I would tell you about yourself in ten words or less, but that would be impossible, wouldn't it? You are all complex beings and to label you one or two things wouldn't be fair.

    That being said, I do get strong impressions about some of you so I will message those I pick up "sensitive" info about privately.

    You all appear to be pretty accepting and open individuals. I imagine if I had a small gathering, at my home, all of you would be invited.

    You're wrong! I'm still very much an avatar instead of a real person... ;-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    You're wrong! I'm still very much an avatar instead of a real person... ;-)
    you make me laugh.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aivonaima View Post
    Head start class, what's that?
    "The CLASS is an observational instrument that assesses interactions between children and teachers in three broad domains of classroom quality:
    ·Emotional Support
    ·Classroom Organization
    ·Instructional Support"

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    I am asking if you're straight, gay, bi or even a little asexual.
    Thanks. I sometimes fail to understand American metaphors for certain things. I often have to use the Urban Dictionary. xD

    Now to answer the question: I'm straight. Maybe a little bi, like everyone probably has some kind of attraction to the same sex sometimes. But I could never fall in love with another woman. So, romantic preference is 100% straight. And as I cannot really imagine sex without the end I'm straight after all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    That being said, I do get strong impressions about some of you so I will message those I pick up "sensitive" info about privately.
    I'm looking forward to that.

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    Well, I just saw this, and wouldn't mind another excuse to talk about myself.

    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, model, year… kick ass stereo?
    I don't own a car, don't even know how to drive. If I need to get somewhere I can't go by foot in time, I just take the bus. At times I wonder if it might be a good idea to learn to drive, since it would give more freedom not having to rely on others for freedom, but then I cringe from the thought. I'm convinced that if I ever get behind the wheel, an accident will happen.

    Perhaps I would have given more consideration to learning to drive before getting hit by a car, but even though I was not badly (physically) hurt by the accident, there's still a bit of residue trauma there.

    I suppose if I could drive, though, I would like a nice stereo so I could enjoy loud music while driving.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    Dark brown, long with bangs, but I'm growing them out because I've gotten tired of them, and I've decided that maybe I would look a little better without them. Still got it layered, though. And thinned out due to my hair being thick and heavy. It's on the wavy side, especially after layering it. Eyes are similarly dark brown, but with some green in them I guess. My skin is pale from avoiding the sun for years.

    Caucassian. Dunno 100% where all my genes come from.

    Sexual preference? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    No experience here, and I'm not sure what most of these means (I guess I have some idea, but...). All of these phrases sound off-putting to me, however. Hmm, I'm mostly straight I would say.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    I've been to a church. Used to go with my class and it was kind of boring, but I don't dislike these memories as I have some positive associations about them as well. Like spending time with my childhood friends.

    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    Well! I used to save pictures I had found on 4chan, usually gay anime porn. I still have the folder with the images as well, though I don't really go on 4chan much anymore. Now I wouldn't say I collect anything.

    When I was a kid I liked to collect various stuff, like Pokemon cards and such, but now I figure it's a waste of money/space, mostly... though I'm still tempted to buy Pokemon cards when I see them.

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    I draw. Tried painting a few times, but it isn't as interesting to me. I prefer the control I get with drawing, and I like creating shapes with a few lines. Sometimes I write, but I usually lose motivation before getting far, as most of the stuff I write is shit and I get overcome with repulsion.

    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)
    I'm a night owl, but once I do fall asleep I'm a heavy sleeper. The night is so addictive for some reason, and sleeping usually do not seem very interesting. I try to daydream, but as I've gotten older it's been hard getting into my daydreams in the same way.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    My dream recall have been bad lately, but I've often dreamt about avoiding someone/something. Then I have a lot of video game-related dreams, usually inspired by Zelda or Pokemon. Lately I've been dreaming about this "writing-group" I'm in. Almost makes me wonder if I'm an so-dom. =P

    I also dream about my grandmother's farm a lot. One time I dreamt that there was an alien there, and he looked like Ramiel from Neon Genesis Evangelion, but small enough that it fit into the house, and it was pretty creepy.

    Then I used to dream about Slenderman a lot because I was watching Marble Hornets. And it made me paranoid, especially since I was already feeling anxious after being hit by a car.

    Sometimes I dream about sex. Then I wake up feeling like a slut, even though I'm pretty sex-positive.

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    I don't think I have anything to say here that hasn't already been said. I imagine I would be shy, though.

    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.
    I don't know. I don't care about most celebrities, and even when those I do I wouldn't want to be my parents. Even though my mom can annoy the hell out of me, I've never felt like imagining life without her. If you're asking which celebrities I resembles, I have no idea.

    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)
    Meh, could be worse.

    Any deep, dark secrets?
    Wouldn't you like to know

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)
    This scenario sounds like hell, so I don't think about it much. I imagine if I was stranded on an island, it would be because of some kind of accident and I might be badly hurt. So maybe a first-aid kit or something.

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    I'm only doing this because I have insomnia and I find myself really boring, so maybe answering these questions will help me sleep.

    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    I drive my feet. I currently own three pairs of shoes, but I only wear one pair. I'll wear my one pair until I've worn through the soles and then I'll pick another. I wear plain flats in black or brown. I refuse to pay more than $25 for them.

    I'm a bit of a audiophile. I have a pair of shure 440s and a rockin' pair of superlux hd688ds, which I actually prefer despite the cheesy name and ambiguous origin.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    I guess I have a "pixe cut" now. Cpig would call it "horrible Jew hair." It's growing out from when I shaved it because it was thin and ugly. It's kind of redish brown. I say I have brown eyes, but some people insist they're hazel. I think hazel is a made up color. People say they have hazel eyes to make them seem more interesting. I have "dead olive" skin. I've never actually seen anyone else with my skin color. I look like a Greek corpse.


    Sexual preference? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    I like to be on top. Sex is the only time I seem energetic.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    I went to Bible school for one day. My mother was using it as free child care. It was horrible.

    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    Not anymore. However I used to collect old death related.... stuff as a kid. Momento mori shots and the like. Keepsake boxes people put together for dead loved ones with letters/dried flowers/bits of the shroud. It sounds too gothic and ridiculous to be true, but it is. I went to a lot of auctions as a kid and I hated the idea of this stuff that held so much meaning to someone being thrown away so I bought it. When my mother burned our house down when I was 13 I felt like I had failed all those people. Yep. I was an odd kid.

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    I write, but I'm dispassionate about it.

    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    Anything I want. If I'm in the middle of writing a paper I sometimes continue to do that while I sleep.

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    Quit asking. Weirdo.

    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.
    Ada Lovelace and Mark Twain.

    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)

    Any deep, dark secrets?
    I never posted nudes on this forum.

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)
    A source of fresh water. What the fuck is a desert island anyway? There is no such thing as an island with a climate that airid. I'm pretty sure that "desert island" is a vulgar form of "deserted." Is that extra ed really so hard to manage. Shit like this makes me crazy. It's like saying "I could care less." Ugh. Now I'm not sleepy I'm just pissed at what people do to language.
    "[Scapegrace,] I don't know how anyone can stand such a sinister and mean individual as you." - Maritsa Darmandzhyan

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scapegrace View Post
    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)
    A source of fresh water. What the fuck is a desert island anyway? There is no such thing as an island with a climate that airid. I'm pretty sure that "desert island" is a vulgar form of "deserted." Is that extra ed really so hard to manage. Shit like this makes me crazy. It's like saying "I could care less." Ugh. Now I'm not sleepy I'm just pissed at what people do to language.

    I made it up for my own amusement.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Yaay, I want to participate too

    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    I don't have a driver's license. Lame I know, but it's for other people's sake. I'd be the worst driver, running over innocent babies left and right with my scattered and absend-minded brain. It's very important for me to be independent even without a car though, I honestly don't need it where I live.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?

    Golden blonde straight long hair, no bangs. I wave it with a curling iron on special occassions. I have big green eyes and fair complexion. I wear contact lenses in public and big hipster glasses at home. My clothes are bright and very girly.


    Caucasian, Slavic.

    Sexual preference?

    Strictly dickly.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?

    I'm an atheist, but I've attended the mass before out of curiosity. I'd never go to a sporting event if it was up to me, but I sometimes make an exception for a guy. I've been to many many raves, music festivals and concerts - I adore music and dancing.

    Do you collect anything? Like what?

    I used to collect napkins when I was young and nerdy, but then I got cool. I should collect something edgy now, but I'm too lazy.

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    I write short stories, but only for my private collection. I play guitar and I used to dance in a dance group. My secret dream in my teens was to become a go go dancer.

    What are your sleep patterns?

    Major night owl, semi-vampire almost. My sleeping patterns are completely random. I love taking naps and sleeping-in.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?

    My nightmares are often about tsunamis and plane crashes. I also suffer from sleep paralisys on a regular basis, which is scary as fuck. I lucid dream a lot too and I always turn those into crazy orgies, where I'm always bisexual, but I alternate between being a woman and a man

    What is your sexual style?

    Rough and dirty. You and I baby ain't nothing but mammals I hide it well though, so I need someone kinky enough to unlock my inner crazy. I fly my freak flag high with the right person <3.

    Who would your celebrity parents be?
    I'd be an adopted child of a hot lesbian couple of Marilyn Monroe + Kate Moss
    . I'm a mixture of both.

    Financial status?
    Although I don't have a shortage of money, I do my best to end up penniless at the end of each and every month. yolo...every irresponsible loser's best excuse But I own an appartment, so at least there's that.

    Any deep, dark secrets?
    More than few, they're buried in the darkest corner of my soul.

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive?
    Mascara to keep me purrrty, my cat to keep wild animals at bay and a hot guy to catch fish and keep me entartained.
    Last edited by darya; 01-23-2014 at 05:56 PM.

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    1. What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo? a blue ford which is my partner's

    1. What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..? blonde, modern cut, green catty eyes, light skin
    2. Ethnicity? I'm a direct descendant of the last tsar, count vlad III dracula, zeus, genghis khan, and wilhelm II.
    3. Sexual preference / orientation ? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above) all of the above and much more (no necro and zoo though)
    4. Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class? i contemplated becoming a nun. after reading diderot. for a couple of minutes.
    5. Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew) jewelry, books, clothes, perfumes ....
    6. Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance? i only painted flowers when i was 8 cause my parents wondered if i had potential and enrolled me in a class
    7. What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise) under mundane circumstances - neatly organized. I wake up earlishly
    8. What do you usually dream about? Nightmares? recurrent motifs: walking through opulent houses with many rooms, elaborate furniture, people inside ..the rest is silence.
    9. What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky) aggressive, raw
    10. Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like. lou andreas salome and malcolm x
    11. Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.) i'll post data from my bank account in a minute
    12. Any deep, dark secrets? yes.
    13. If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator) lightning speed

    Last edited by Amber; 12-05-2014 at 02:37 AM.

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    Please make sure you include routing number! Thank you.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    1.What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    honda civic hybrid, silver.

    2.What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    blonde/brownish. stuff. green. medium tan to slightly pale.
    Caucasian. French/Native American/White Trash/ and Not White Trash
    4.Sexual preference? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)

    I like being on top. and sure, all of above. I go through different preferences based on my moods- super affectionate one time, super rough/not as affectionate another...etc etc.(Lone ranger is...masterbation?)
    5.Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    yes, is that within catholicism? yes, no, no, no
    6.Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    I like black and white photography. I'm picky about what I keep.
    7.Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    Not too well, used to, not too well, kind of/sometimes/not anything I wouldn't be embarrased of, yes (piano-- I'd love to learn a string instrument..), to myself in the shower, when I'm alone
    8.What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)
    sporadic. neither early to bed nor early to rise. But try to be...never really works out.
    9.What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    sci-fi things. Usually things I'm stressed or worried about but in a mish-mash sci-fi backhanded way. The dreams never make me feel better about circumstances-- usually they have a morbid/realistic quality about them no matter how freaky/fucked up they get.
    10.What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    [B] See Sexual Preference. B]
    11.Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like. The two uncles from Secondhand Lions-- Robert Duvall + Michael Caine + Kathy Bates
    12.Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.) fulltime student who works fulltime
    13.Any deep, dark secrets?
    14.If stranded on a desertedisland what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator) knives, random ups carepackages that washup on the beach, and a food market (that has a pretty decent never-ending cheese platter)

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    Default Update

    Changed the word "preference" to "orientation", for clarity, on question 4.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    Please make sure you include routing number! Thank you.
    that´s pure American privilege

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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo? Nothing yet, but if I ever get money...I like fast, very fast sexy cars.
    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..? Dunno how you'll be able to tell what type of person I am from some of these questions such as this one, but.. hair color black, hair style pretty dreadlocks, eye color dark brown, skin tone chocolate
    Ethnicity? African American - Nigerian
    Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above) Women Women and more Women
    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class? Er yes?
    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew) I collect...nope nothing
    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance? Ive done all of this, but I like to dance
    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise) Sleep pattern all over the place, im a night owl though well early into the morning
    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares? I havent dreamt alot in i dont remember them, so i dunno
    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky) Never made love, but I sure know how to well, no I make love too, passionate, lustful, from the window to the wall.. balls deep, fu^%$&#, su$#@%^, ^#%@&^**$%^*#, i'll make sure you remember me
    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like. Favorite celebrity parents? er...
    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.) Broke
    Any deep, dark secrets? Im horny
    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator) My hand, some lube, and a pack of cigarrettes or no, just some weed, alot of weed

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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    I'm not allowed to drive. The dream is to go a year without a seizure, get a licence then start banger racing.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    eye color: very blue
    skin tone: very pale
    hair color: copper
    hair style: longish, messy

    Ethnicity? white british

    Sexual preference? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)
    all of them

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?

    yes, no, yes, yes, no, what

    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)

    religious icons, books, I seem to end up with a lot of tools of various kinds

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    all of above

    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)


    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?

    Usually it's a mishmash. Mostly nightmares are about intruders. In the last dream I remember, I was living in a house on this swampy island surrounded by wire fences and a woman turned up to tell me she is an assassin who will impersonate me in order to destroy my life and relationships with all I hold dear. I then show her around my garden which is full various wild animals, during which time I wonder how I have been nonchalantly sharing my home with lions, crocodiles, etc. and remained unscathed. I think maybe my plan was for something to eat her. I don't remember the ending but the atmosphere was very oppressive.

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)

    angry viking/happy viking

    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.

    I can't think of enough celebrities to be able to do this.

    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)

    Pretty comfortable. I guess I don't have many outgoings.

    Any deep, dark secrets?

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)

    fire steel, water source, knife


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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leader View Post
    Dunno how you'll be able to tell what type of person I am from some of these questions such as this one, but.. hair color black, hair style pretty dreadlocks, eye color dark brown, skin tone chocolate
    That question was for truly selfish purposes... I like to picture you all naked and I need something to fuel my imagination.

    I like dreadlocks, two of my exes had long dreads. I started crying when one guy cut his off. I grabbed the scissors and ran. I was real young tho.

    Thanks for playing..

    Edit: seriously, I only asked to get a sense of personal style and physical features. People with wild or crazy hair (like mine can be) seem to be free spirited.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    @Aylen just dropping in to say that i adore you and your life / jealous/

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    @Aylen just dropping in to say that i adore you and your life / jealous/
    You were part of the inspiration for my "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" blog post. You were the one I mentioned at the end.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    this is like a job interview

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    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post
    this is like a job interview

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    woa who's that

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    Quote Originally Posted by rat1 View Post
    woa who's that
    She's the pied piper, of course.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    wow thats clever

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    Q: What kind of car do you drive, color, make,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    A: The one that doesn't fall off the curve like my motorbike seven times with me. Usually Pioneer and Blaupunkt is fine when it comes to quality.

    Q: What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    A: I don't know - dark blonde? I'm practically bald at least 16 years so far. Grey. Only blue in Sunlight.

    Q: Ethnicity?
    A: Antediluvian.

    Q: Sexual orientation?
    A: Straight.

    Q: Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    A: Yup. Nah, Yup, Nah, Nah, Lul?

    Q: Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    A: Nope.

    Q: Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    A: I did scribble when younger.

    Q:What are your sleep patterns?
    A: Normal.

    Q: What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    A: Flying, fighting, wasps, death (my own).

    Q: What is your sexual style?
    A: Killer.

    Q: Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.
    A: I don't know many celebrities...

    Q: Financial status?
    A: Bank robber.

    Q: Any deep, dark secrets?
    A: LUL?

    Q: If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive?
    A: A hammer and some nails. I would turn it into a theme park and charge monies for fried crabs and ants to people who fell into the ocean in a plane.

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    Yeah why not?
    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    none, my mom paid for driving school, but I was too lazy to go there and I don't really feel the need for having the car.
    What's your hair color, hairstyle, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    Well I colored my hair bloody red, but it washed out over the time so now it's like pink/ginger something. I have hair to my shoulders, but I'd like longer. My mistake is, that I color them too often. My eyes brown (so unoriginal ) , and my skin is really pale, like I am often asked if I don't feel sick, when I don't. . And what else? I am really short, 1.57 m (5.2 or 5.1 ft), skinny, or just thin, something like that. I have just tiny figure, at least I am told I do.
    white, Slovak, Slavic ethnic group
    Sexual orientation?
    Probably straight, but I wouldn't mind trying out new things.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    I dislike churches, but they are cultural heritage, right? So yeah I've been there. I dislike sporting events, so I don't know, I think I've never been at any. OOOOOOh no fucking Woodstock. There is no place on this planet I'd like to go more! It's like freaking heaven on earth, but better, with music and hippie and all of that. So well basicly I spend a lot of time at pubs, and music clubs. I'll be probably the one in the mosh pit, or the one in the corner with beer and my best friends.
    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)
    I used to collect CDs of my favorite interprets, but I kind of stopped. Now I collect anything that has to do something with my fav music, like posters, stamps, T-shirts etc...I'll think about the porn mags, though why would I need them when I imagine how many porn I can find on the internet. It would be really a wierd waste of money, and it would be for nothing unless the naked model is Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam, which I think isn't so I'll stay at the T-shirts
    .Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?I write poetry, I would write a story, but I am too lazy for that. I write lyrics, but they are more like poetry... I know a few guitar chords, I'd learn more, but I am too lazy. I sing, I just have the gift and I don't have to do anything special, so my laziness is okay with it. I don't paint because it looks like from 5 years old kid and I don't dance because I have a terrible body coordination.
    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)
    You know it's 2 a.m what do you think my patterns of sleep are like? I wake at 1 p.m and go to sleep at 3 a.m.
    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    Yeah...I often dream about world apocalypse, like huge one, when you can't do anything just die. And then I dream about me being 5 and playing with my toys with my mom.
    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)
    Like oh yeah harder...
    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.
    I like this one! Most likely Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, then Jim Morrison and Pamela, Dave Grohl and Pat Smear, Jerry Cantrell and Layne Stalye, or Avril Lavigne and Deryck from Sum41, and oh yeah! Johnny Depp and me , Eddie Vedder and...oh I can't put these guys, because it would be a terrible incest

    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)
    College students... momma got it all well mamaged.
    Any deep, dark secrets?
    Yeah I am sooo dark person you can't even imagine. But no a few, they are pretty dark and unhealthy, I sometimes just like to feel hurt, or something like this. I think I can be put as a psycho, but nevermind.
    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)
    my music, if I could listen to it wel.. nothing else matters

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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    I don't own a car and driver's license costs several thousand euros while the public transport works well.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?

    Everyone has seen me already. Except you.


    Caucasian; Finn, traces of Finn-Swede and Genghis Khan

    Sexual preference?

    Mostly females, casual, intensive, power play, status.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?


    Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)

    Not really. I barely have property.

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    Used to do that a bit.

    What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)

    Varies. Can sometimes wake up at 6 am, sometimes at 6pm. Usually between those.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?

    Lately I've been conversing with a dead friend. It's consoling and since I know him really fucking well, I feel like he is still with me. I love him very much.

    What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)

    I don't have a point of reference, besides irrealistic fiction that is often referred to as "porn". My guess would be curious, open, entranced (hopefully) and sensual.

    Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.

    I don't know.

    Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)

    I don't own official long-term assets.

    Any deep, dark secrets?

    Of course not.

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)

    PC, Wi and Fi.
    “I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life. - Osama bin Laden

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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie View Post
    25% Mongolian, 25% Russian, 12.5% Irish, and 37.5% German.

    Sorry, but I think this just sounds like a real awesome combo. I'm gonna use something similar when I devise the DNA of the ultimate world conquering race that will rule as our overlords but will still have drink with us.
    “I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life. - Osama bin Laden

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    gonna fill this in again, this month I made more cash.

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    What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?
    A dark grey VW Polo 2011. Music always on, usually electro radio.

    What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?
    Long wild light brown hair. No style is a style itself..
    Clear eyes (changing blue-grey-green)
    Light golden undertone skin

    Yes please.
    Caucasian, obviously.

    Sexual preference?
    Sapiosexual. Accessorily straight.

    Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?
    I am not religious. But when I travel, I like to visit churches though as their reflect the cultural background of the country.
    I went to Paleo Festival once, during my stay in Geneva. Massive gatherings are not my cup of tea.

    Do you collect anything? Like what?
    Never collected anything. Maybe hearts at one period of my life.

    Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?
    I took drawing/painting classes. I terribly miss the inspiration.
    I am into charcoal drawing... or just a nice pen when I get bored during meetings.
    If I paint, I use acrylic painting and raw material as I like to add volume to my creations.
    Can use cereals or pepper, anything I can grab upon some inexplained desire.
    Used to write poetry in my early years.
    I like to sing when I walk alone, deep lost in the nature. By chance nobody can hear me.
    I was a regular classic dancer for years, since I was 4. Side effects, I have an inner rhythm for music and am a very good dancer when I go out.
    But I do not go out much.

    What are your sleep patterns?
    Either I sleep too much or can't get to sleep.
    I have my insomnia period when I am zombing as hell.
    I do not want to take pills though, so I struggle with it on my own.
    I love naps or spending my morning in silky sheets. Sleep is luxury.

    What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    My dream patterns are so random.
    I tend to have a lot of nightmares which are quite creative in their pain.
    I may lose teeth or hair. Or have needles in my stomach. Or insects/snakes under my skin.
    When I lost my granny, I used to communicate with her through my dreams.
    I often dream that I wake up inside my dreams.
    I like to dream when I fly...
    The best dreams are when I get up with butterflies in my stomach.

    What is your sexual style?

    Big talk. Depends on people and situations.

    Who would your celebrity parents be?
    Never been into celebrities, difficult to say.
    I like Vera Farmiga's vibes though. And why not Anthony Hopkins.

    Financial status?
    Full time worker. Despite this, my bank account is a black hole. I am an eternal Cosette.

    Any deep, dark secrets?
    More than I would like.

    If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive?
    Internet. Nothing else comes to mind.
    With Internet almost everything is possible.

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    i have a huge girl crush on LID ;______;

    (I type thee beta st @Persephone)

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    1. What kind of car do you drive, color, make, ,model, year… kick ass stereo?

    Nope. It's for everybody's benefit...

    2. What's your hair color, hair style, eye color, skin tone etc..?

    See Unofficial Members' Pictures

    3. Ethnicity?


    4. Sexual orientation? (e.g. Lone Ranger, Giddy up cowboy, wham bam, thank you ma'am, all the above)

    Strong preference for men over women, however I like women too

    5. Have you ever, been to church, black mass, a sporting event, a rave, Woodstock, head start class?


    6. Do you collect anything? Like what? (e.g. dolls, stamps, baseball cards, hand me down porn mags…eeeew)

    Postcards from art museums. I go to them a lot.

    7. Do you paint, write, draw, write your own music/lyrics, play an instrument, sing, dance?

    Writing is my lifelong primary. Painting, drawing, singing, instrument, etc all secondary or former mistresses.

    8. What are your sleep patterns (e.g. insomniac, dead to the world, early to bed, early to rise)

    bad, bad patterns

    9. What do you usually dream about? Nightmares?
    -flying over post-apocalyptic landscapes
    -saving the world or someone I love
    -once I had a dream in which I was a red-haired spirit dancing in a circle with other red-haired spirits to create the world, and the world was this spinning beautiful mess of a thing between us. that one was nice.

    10. What is your sexual style? (e.g. I put it on ya, give it to me baby, I'm super freaky)

    11. Who would your celebrity parents be? (e.g. Mother Teresa + James Dean =, Madonna + Lil Wayne =… choose as many as you like.

    um.... Joan Baez and Dylan had they stayed together

    12. Financial status? (e.g. my paper stacks so high when I look down on ya, all I see is the top of your head, skid row baby, now pass me that bottle, or anywhere in between.)


    13. Any deep, dark secrets?
    I am your open oyster

    14. If stranded on a desert island what three things would you need to survive? (e.g. my partner, my dog, my bible, my straightening iron, my vibrator)
    Anything to get me off that island ASAP

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