Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post
What I mean is, perhaps if your girlfriend commits to a different diet and actually feels physical happier perhaps over time she'll commit to that on her own, sacrificing short-term pleasure or habits for more consistent comfort? I don't know. Or maybe encouragement will help... I know a lot of times if I don't act on something it's partially b/c I don't believe my actions will be of any use.
Thanks for the input. This is indeed how I see it myself, she's indeed still 'stuck' in a phase revolving around immediate gratification. I myself started cutting back on meat about 8 years ago, when one day I realized that although meat tastes good, it also makes me sort of passive when I eat too much of it. Imagine a lion having just eaten a zebra, and now lying inactive on its back having his tummy warmed by the sum, tongue hanging out of his mouth. That sort of thing. But according to my GF, cutting back on meat (meaning just one port chop at dinner instead of 2 or even 3) makes her feel depressed. I can imagine that, it's a phase you have to go through. But she refuses to do that.

Now I don't want to create the impression here of my GF being hugely overweight or eating incredible amounts of food, that is not the case. She only stubbornly sticks to her ideas about what's true or not. Recently she found a book that claims the obesity epidemic of the last 30 years in the Western world is caused by new types of genetically modified wheat. Now since she already has a wheat allergy (not so much gluten), this plays right down her alley: she only has to give up on what she doesn't like in the first place.