LOL...socionics is pretty screwed up when it comes to intertype relations. The idea is right but the theories are wrong.

Socionics dosesn't take into consideration subtype differences. And the J/P argument made by socionics is both wrong and right. Is right because the MBTI test are biased towards one subtype of a type. Socionics recognized something was wrong but ended up with the same bias but with the other subtype.

And like I mentioned earlier each subtype is different and have different needs in a mate.

For instance:

DUAL RELATIONS - Intuitive subtype:
dominant "N" = ENFP
less dominant "N" = ESFP

DUAL RELATIONS - logical subtype
dominant "T" = ESTP
less dominant "T" = ESFP

- there must be balance for a relation to work. If you are an intuitive subtype and you have a strong "N" function (N ~ 90 %) you won't be compatible with someone with a strong "S" function. A good example of this is Madonna (INTJ) and her husband (ENFP).